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Get me my shovel!

I am one of those guys, that while being action-game-players and certain in their sexuality, didn't buy GoW 2 years ago but VIVA PINATA! I loved playing every minute of it ...and I played it quite a lot ;)

While appreciating, that Rare decided to make more games of that franchise, I never even thought about buying VP: Trouble in Paradise. Until I just watched the Review-Video. If you haven't seen it yet, please, do yourself the favor and go watch it!

Seeing Brads face in the end of the video, just reminded me of the fun and glee and all the happy faces I made, when playing Viva Pinata. I remembered, when I visited a friend of mine, and he played Viva Pinata. There we were, 2 grown up dudes watching the pinatas and laughing and giggling. How we watched the introduction of the newtgat again and again, because it was so cute.

Now I know what my next purchase is going to be. Screw you Starkiller and your forcemanipulation, I got a garden to tend!


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Reviews: 4

User Lists: 6

Edited By Mexalen

I am one of those guys, that while being action-game-players and certain in their sexuality, didn't buy GoW 2 years ago but VIVA PINATA! I loved playing every minute of it ...and I played it quite a lot ;)

While appreciating, that Rare decided to make more games of that franchise, I never even thought about buying VP: Trouble in Paradise. Until I just watched the Review-Video. If you haven't seen it yet, please, do yourself the favor and go watch it!

Seeing Brads face in the end of the video, just reminded me of the fun and glee and all the happy faces I made, when playing Viva Pinata. I remembered, when I visited a friend of mine, and he played Viva Pinata. There we were, 2 grown up dudes watching the pinatas and laughing and giggling. How we watched the introduction of the newtgat again and again, because it was so cute.

Now I know what my next purchase is going to be. Screw you Starkiller and your forcemanipulation, I got a garden to tend!