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[Backlog Battle] Oblivion

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Day 0: This is now a 30GB game

Unbelievable, playing this game more than 7(!) years after its release it can now be a completely different game. I spend two days on Oblivion Nexus getting mods and getting them to work.

It's no Skyrim but mods make it age more gracefully
It's no Skyrim but mods make it age more gracefully

The main advantage is that I can now play the game with higher quality textures and both HDR and AA. More importantly perhaps, hundreds of bugs have been squashed in unofficial patches. Increasing the overall game quality.

But lets not kid ourselves, the most crucial thing is that I now play my character with the cup-size I can most identify with. Seriously, I like that my character's face is made out of more than a handful of pixels but I wish I could do that without also having to decide what kind of pubic hair I want.

Funnily enough I found out where the main focus of the modding community lies when I tried to give the gentlemen better bodies as that caused all the characters in the game to have transparent eyes. No matter what I tried it just didn't work.

Also, I assume, mods are mainly made by 14 year old boys. I say that because 1: You can have boob and ass physics but no penis physics. 2: In the world of Oblivion mods boobs sub-D cup do not move. Luckily of course there is a mod for the mod for the mod that does take care of this.

I installed a lot of mods but in short I can now have a pretty lady running around in a pretty world where it rains and the rain makes you wet. When she runs her B cup sized boobs move but only when she is naked because every other female 'armor' has a gigantic push-up effect. Also I can have magic undies. Because there was a mod and I downloaded it and I installed it and then I needed to download another mod that made the boob physics work in the magic undies and then I wanted to delete the whole game again but at that point I thought it would probably be funnier if I kept it all and just write about it. So here we are. Please don't judge me.

Day 1: In Prison!

So will spoiler this because of incoming screenshots

I clearly have no idea of what I am doing
I clearly have no idea of what I am doing

Hello! This is me, I am a cute elf. I also made custom class that will probably make any pro-Oblivion player cringe. But I am getting ahead of myself. Because of all the mods I had a range of races to choose from. I picked this one because it apparently also has some racial ability that increases over time. I didn't actually read anything about it so that could end up a nice surprise!

One of the mods makes me able to make screen shots like these
One of the mods makes me able to make screen shots like these

The tutorial story of Oblivion is pretty straight forward, you learn to walk, jump and fight while Patrick Stewart tells you he dreams about you. There was also some talk of being the chosen one and some amulet but that seemed not that important.

I am really bad with the Giant Bomb editor, it looks great in the editor but becomes a mess when I post..

I am using mods, can you tell?
I am using mods, can you tell?

What did I tell you? A downside of having mods is that I started with 180/185 encumbrance. So I couldn't pick up any other armor unless I dropped something, I didn't want to drop something. So I play with this overpowered armor, I tell myself it is just for the tutorial and that I will switch over to regular armor to not be overpowered for the rest of the game but well.. You will see in the next few screenshots.

Screenshots! (Adding paragraphs seems to help)

Yes I'll just carry the torch..
Yes I'll just carry the torch..
Yes game I am sure, can't you tell from the choices I made that I am lost?
Yes game I am sure, can't you tell from the choices I made that I am lost?


Once outside I can enjoy some of the other mods. I am still running around in my half-naked JRPG super armor so I decide it is time to hit the shops! I don't have a lot of gold but then again I don't actually need new armor or weapons, now do I?

Better Cities indeed! So it seems that the layout becomes messed up if one image has more lines to it than the other.
Better Cities indeed! So it seems that the layout becomes messed up if one image has more lines to it than the other.
So that's better. I also got a cloak! I really like this cloak mod, it fits with some clothes/armors better than others.
So that's better. I also got a cloak! I really like this cloak mod, it fits with some clothes/armors better than others.
I got this horse, for free! Also the legendary horse armor! Remember when this kind of DLC caused an outrage?.. Hi DOTA2!
I got this horse, for free! Also the legendary horse armor! Remember when this kind of DLC caused an outrage?.. Hi DOTA2!
I install a weather mod and all I get is clear blue skies.
I install a weather mod and all I get is clear blue skies.
Ah rain! Yes now I can feel the weather mod in full effect!
Ah rain! Yes now I can feel the weather mod in full effect!

Main story

So I am following the main story line for now, which involves me getting to some monk who knows where the last heir of the throne is. Also bad things may happen if the amulet does not get to this heir person.

When I get to this monk he tells me the heir is a priest living in a city which is nowhere near where I am now and that I need to go there right away. When I look at the map I see a mod is nearby so of course, first things first: Time to visit one of the mods.

A home away from home, yes I know technically at this point I do not have a home.
A home away from home, yes I know technically at this point I do not have a home.

This is a shop and a house next to it. It comes with a stable where I can put my horse so that is nice too. I can't afford anything in the store but it does come with a nice feature: A dressing room where you can try clothes on. How you ask? Simple: It all has an encumbrance of 50 (instead of the normal 0/1) so stealing it would be rather inconvenient. After trying some of the clothes on I go visit the house that comes with it.


Rather lonely..
Rather lonely..
It does come with this nice bath though.
It does come with this nice bath though.
Yes the blankets do not match. I can't help it either.
Yes the blankets do not match. I can't help it either.

Pondering in the morning sun. If I add a line does it help?
Pondering in the morning sun. If I add a line does it help?

I know, I know, but it goes so nice with the cloak..
I know, I know, but it goes so nice with the cloak..
Off again into the main story quest!
Off again into the main story quest!

Travels continue!

So at this point I am travelling to find the heir because the emperor told me to do so. I have no idea where I came from or why I was in prison in the first place. I mean perhaps I do not even like the emperor. Anyway there was some rambling about 'Oblivion' and some dude who is the ruler of said 'Oblivion' but even the monk couldn't really tell me anything. On my way to the heir I get attacked by Trolls and my horse runs off.. So I have to walk the rest of the way. Where is that Ocarina when you need it?! When I approach the city I see that the trees surrounding the city are burned (strange) but then I come to a small camp with people (apparently from the city) that tell me that this isn't the best time and that they will be ok. BUT NOBODY ACTUALLY TELLS ME WHAT IS GOING ON... I decide to continue because this ain't helping and I find some armored dudes that tell me that if I want to go see the heir in the church I need to close the Oblivion gate (ok..) so I do. After that I kill some more enemies inside the city and then finally some NPC starts to tell me that the city got attacked and that this gate came out of nowhere. So this monk that supposedly knows it all can't tell me about Oblivion but these common folk aren't in the least surprised when a giant flaming portal to doom opens? Oh well. So I talk to the heir and apparently tell me that these evil creatures just destroyed a city for him. Really? That is my conclusion. And what they couldn't just open the church doors and kill the heir because? Why exactly? This story ain't starting off strong, that's for sure. So I go back to the monk to find the place under attack (of course). The evil people steal the amulet from the super duper secret room (of course) and now we need to go to another hidden secret place to hide the heir. Uhmm hello! The evil doers seem to know everything about the secret heir and the secret room where the secret amulet was hidden. Can someone please spell M-O-L-E? I swear I am going to kill everyone one of them when later one there is actually a mole and everyone is surprised of the existence of this traitor. I suspect this monk dude. Or maybe it is me. I played KOTOR and Heavy Rain. You never know what you are or what you do between cutscenes.

The story now in images

The aforementioned, now deceased, trolls.
The aforementioned, now deceased, trolls.

Meeting at midnight behind the Chapel? Who do you think you are, Geralt of Rivia?
Meeting at midnight behind the Chapel? Who do you think you are, Geralt of Rivia?
Much help you are.
Much help you are.

Are all Oblivion gates this 'exciting'?
Are all Oblivion gates this 'exciting'?
This guy gives me his armor because he is done fighting. It is good but not that good. Also isn't desertion like treason in this world?
This guy gives me his armor because he is done fighting. It is good but not that good. Also isn't desertion like treason in this world?

My horse suddenly decides to show up again.
My horse suddenly decides to show up again.
We go by horse!
We go by horse!

The end for now..

On the way to the secret hideout we get attacked! We manage to kill the bandits but not before they put an arrow into my poor old horse..

No Caption Provided

To be continued!

(Can someone explain me how the editor works? Cause it will look great in the editor but than be completely messed up when I post. It seems that the width plays a big part of it because sometimes it will look good in the forums but not on the blog page..)



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Some day we'll have penis physics.

Some day......

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Edited By Bollard

I found your opening spiel amusing. Good job. Plus you reminded me how much I love Oblivion. Gosh it was so good. Skyrim is pretty and all, but can't hold a candle to that Dark Brotherhood quest where you are effectively part of Big Brother where you murder all the other house mates. Or persuade them to murder each other. Or the culmination of the Thieves Guild where you steal a fucking Elder Scroll.

Plus that Expansion. Such a let down Skyrim never got a proper Expansion like Shivering Isles. Sheogorath was a boss.

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I found your opening spiel amusing. Good job. Plus you reminded me how much I love Oblivion. Gosh it was so good. Skyrim is pretty and all, but can't hold a candle to that Dark Brotherhood quest where you are effectively part of Big Brother where you murder all the other house mates. Or persuade them to murder each other. Or the culmination of the Thieves Guild where you steal a fucking Elder Scroll.

Plus that Expansion. Such a let down Skyrim never got a proper Expansion like Shivering Isles. Sheogorath was a boss.

Completely agree with you. I think Skyrim was overrated compared to Oblivion. The Oblivion expansion was like a brand new main quest. Oblivion was my first 360 game and the reason I got a 360.

I think people expected so much from the next Elder Scrolls game that the creativity got knocked a bit in Skyrim so all the expected features from the fans went into the game.

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Edited By vaiz

I found your opening spiel amusing. Good job. Plus you reminded me how much I love Oblivion. Gosh it was so good. Skyrim is pretty and all, but can't hold a candle to that Dark Brotherhood quest where you are effectively part of Big Brother where you murder all the other house mates. Or persuade them to murder each other. Or the culmination of the Thieves Guild where you steal a fucking Elder Scroll.

Plus that Expansion. Such a let down Skyrim never got a proper Expansion like Shivering Isles. Sheogorath was a boss.

I considered Dragonborn to sort of be that. It's not as good as Shivering Isles, but I guess it's the closest we're gonna get.

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Edited By Bollard

@chavtheworld said:

I found your opening spiel amusing. Good job. Plus you reminded me how much I love Oblivion. Gosh it was so good. Skyrim is pretty and all, but can't hold a candle to that Dark Brotherhood quest where you are effectively part of Big Brother where you murder all the other house mates. Or persuade them to murder each other. Or the culmination of the Thieves Guild where you steal a fucking Elder Scroll.

Plus that Expansion. Such a let down Skyrim never got a proper Expansion like Shivering Isles. Sheogorath was a boss.

I considered Dragonborn to sort of be that. It's not as good as Shivering Isles, but I guess it's the closest we're gonna get.

Is it worth going back to that? It was on sale pretty cheap in the Autumn Sale, so I presume it will be at Christmas too. You think I should give it a go, or will I just be disappointed that it's not as good as Shivering Isles was? I just was really hoping for that ~20 hour big new place to explore with a new smaller main questline that Shivering Isles delivered so well.

@chavtheworld said:

I found your opening spiel amusing. Good job. Plus you reminded me how much I love Oblivion. Gosh it was so good. Skyrim is pretty and all, but can't hold a candle to that Dark Brotherhood quest where you are effectively part of Big Brother where you murder all the other house mates. Or persuade them to murder each other. Or the culmination of the Thieves Guild where you steal a fucking Elder Scroll.

Plus that Expansion. Such a let down Skyrim never got a proper Expansion like Shivering Isles. Sheogorath was a boss.

Completely agree with you. I think Skyrim was overrated compared to Oblivion. The Oblivion expansion was like a brand new main quest. Oblivion was my first 360 game and the reason I got a 360.

I think people expected so much from the next Elder Scrolls game that the creativity got knocked a bit in Skyrim so all the expected features from the fans went into the game.

Mmm, agreed. I bought Oblivion knowing nothing about it other than the box looked cool when I walked into GAME. Blew me away. Your second point is what makes me concerned when they keep going on about how next time they'll add coop... Hopefully they get all the multiplayer shit out in the crappy MMO they are making.

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@chavtheworld: That's pretty much what Dragonborn is. A whole new island to run around. Dunno if you played Morrowind, but it's straight up Solstheim. Which is cool, because it brings some of that Morrowind atmosphere. It's worth playing if you want a reason to go back to Skyrim. The main reason I like Shivering Isles more is just personal preference on the location; I loved how god damn insane shivering isles was.

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@chavtheworld: That's pretty much what Dragonborn is. A whole new island to run around. Dunno if you played Morrowind, but it's straight up Solstheim. Which is cool, because it brings some of that Morrowind atmosphere. It's worth playing if you want a reason to go back to Skyrim. The main reason I like Shivering Isles more is just personal preference on the location; I loved how god damn insane shivering isles was.

Alright, that sounds pretty decent actually.

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Edited By Justin258

The story in Oblivion kinda sucks. It takes you to a pretty weird, cool place there toward the end, and the last thing that happens is pretty cool, but the actual story isn't all that great. The Oblivion gates are all pretty exciting, though! (The Oblivion gates are not at all exciting, they're all completely red-colored and bland).

Do sidequests. I don't know if you've ever played a Bethesda game before but sidequests are what you should be keeping your eyes and ears out for.