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First Post, First Impressions

 So I just signed up for GiantBomb and I am mighty impressed. After a quick and painless registratio process, probably the most striking thing about the site is that it seems like users, as individuals, are made to feel significant and are given some great, accessible tools to begin making contributions to the site. At the very top of the page, taking the place of where most gaming sites would have either their own logo or advertisements for a sponsor, is the user control panel and emphasises the fact  that this is a site for gamers first and foremost.  The choices of color and font are fantastic, everything is accessible and well laid out.
  This is clearly a site for gamers and while the elements that make up the site are individually nothing new, it's all put together in an innovative and interesting way. Jeff and co. leaving Gamespot seems to be turning out to be one of the best things to happen to the internet gaming media in a long time. Keep up the good work guys.




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Edited By Nimax

 So I just signed up for GiantBomb and I am mighty impressed. After a quick and painless registratio process, probably the most striking thing about the site is that it seems like users, as individuals, are made to feel significant and are given some great, accessible tools to begin making contributions to the site. At the very top of the page, taking the place of where most gaming sites would have either their own logo or advertisements for a sponsor, is the user control panel and emphasises the fact  that this is a site for gamers first and foremost.  The choices of color and font are fantastic, everything is accessible and well laid out.
  This is clearly a site for gamers and while the elements that make up the site are individually nothing new, it's all put together in an innovative and interesting way. Jeff and co. leaving Gamespot seems to be turning out to be one of the best things to happen to the internet gaming media in a long time. Keep up the good work guys.
