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MGS4 Coming To 360? Here We Go Again...

It seems like MGS4 was always on the fence whether or not it would go multi-platform and now almost 6 months after the release another hint that it may be coming to Microsoft's console. But now with a little bit of hard evidence to back it up.


So what does this mean? The " i " could just be the letter I or, I've been told, could mean safety while the classic " ! " is meant as alert or danger. 
So Safety + Alert/Danger = 360 power button? I don't know. Maybe this isn't about MGS4. Underneath the mathematical equation reads " A Next Metal Gear Is..." besides not making any sense it could mean a completely new multi-platform Metal Gear title. Seeing as though MGS4 concluded Snakes story and possibly the whole line of "Solid" games could this be a new start on a new console? One person gave the possibility of a Metal Gear AC!D coming to the consoles, this seems to fall in line with how the AC!D games were marketed, with the over use of symbols. Well as a great man once said "Only time will tell."