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Best of 2009

ondskapenslord: Best of 2009. You have to excuse all my spelling and grammar mistakes, but english is not my mother-tounge.
Games that I haven't played (as much) as I wish I had: Boarderlands, Torchlight, Risen, ArmA 2, Braid.

List items

  • Do i need to explain?

  • I normaly don't enjoy racing games, since cars are unintresting to me. But Forza is just fantastic. Tons of cars, tracks and online content. It has all what the great Forza 2 has, and imrpoves it even more.

  • I had high expectations for this game, and it didn't disapoint at all. Bioware are masters at epic stories and extremly good dialouge. The most enjoable part of the game was IMO the dialouges and what effect it had on the games. If you love action and huge fights, don't look here. But if you love a fantastic story where you actually play a part, here is the game!

  • I was sceptic. VERY sceptic. How often are movie-games good, or at least playable? This is one of the exceptions. I think the main reason why this game did not turn out to be shitty was that they didn't adopt the Dark Knight script, made made one and filled it with puzzles and pure entertaintment.

  • A huge improvement from the first AC, wich was , lets be honest, a bit boring. This sequel removed all the bad parts and repetition, and improved the good combat and exploration. I didn't quite follow the story, so i can't say if it was good, but the game was at least enjoyable.

  • This game made me watch all of Sergio Leone's western masterpieces. Packed with action and fun shooting, this game deserves to be on this list. Two big minuses with this game is the "free world"gameplay wich lacks content, and it began to get a *bit* repitive in the end. But still highly recomended.

  • This years most disapointing game? Yes, the graphics are AMAZING, but unfortunaly for this game, graphics don't beat gameplay. I can honestly don't understand why this game has got all these overwhelming good reviews.... No, it's not a bad game but it wasn't as good as my expectations said it would be. A mixture of adventrue, puzzle, action and snea-action. It was a good game, but WAYYYY WAYYYYY overrated.

  • Battlefield 1942 remake with the BF:Bad Company engine. Awesome multiplayer game, and is definitivly worth the 10£ i spended on it.