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Video Gaming Critique on the Internet

In an effort to research whether I would be popular making quick looks on the internet, I just took a look at the most popular gaming videos on YouTube. What I saw was... unfortunately unsurprising.

The YouTube gaming page consisted of Minecraft, Garry's Mod, Five Nights, League, and Destiny. The most popular videos used these games, and the other videos seemed like clickbait. Don't get me wrong: those five games are fine in their own rights, and clickbait is what it is, but this helps paint a wide-brush stereotype that the gaming portion of the internet is only about just that: playing those five games, and committing both to a sense of outrageousness and ultra-fine focus that surpasses any other mainstream media.It's clear to me that I can confide in Giant Bomb, Idle Thumbs, IGN, Gamespot and the likes; but I'm beginning to think that this is a dying segment of the medium. I began to feel this way in 2011, when the 1UP Network no longer existed as it was. Those were some good podcasts, and loosing them has made me feel as if I am making my last stand at the bastion that is video gaming critique.

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