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Average score of 5 user reviews

Dragon Age Origins Golems of Amgarrak Review: Yawn 0

Golems of Amgarrak is another sub par dlc for Origins. The focus of the dlc is that a dwarven expedition to a lost thaig had failed to return, and a dwarf named  Jerrik Dace needs your help to find his brother who was on the expedition. There is a big mystery surrounding what happened to the expedition, but its clearly not good. You spend the entire dlc in the thaig, and its the exact same as any part of the deep roads in the main game except for a few easy puzzles.  I need to find my brother.....

5 out of 5 found this review helpful.

Dragon Age Origins Darkspawn Chronicles Review: Broken mess 0

The Darkspawn chronicles was a great concept: replay the ending of Origins but in a changed history where the hero of Fereldan died during the joining and Alistair had lead the defense of Denerim. You play not as the noble heroes, but as the darkspawn themselves. This great concept has been utterly wasted in this miserable add on for Origins.  You will be seeing this map a lot The action starts out in the city as you take control of a Hurlock Vanguard fighter, a Darkspawn with a fancy helmet and...

3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

Dragon Age Origins Warden's Keep Review: A short mission pack 0

Wardens Keep is a short dlc add on for Dragon Age Origins. A merchant named Levi Dryden shows up in your camp before you buy the pack; accept his invitation to adventure, and you'll be taken straight to the marketplace to buy it for 560 microsoft points. So begins a short dungeon romp with a twist. Its a neat package but there is very little content in this dlc, especially considering its the same price as a dvd rental. The premise of the dlc is that you are going to an abandoned grey warden for...

4 out of 4 found this review helpful.

Mass Effect 2 Arrival DLC Review: Ends with a whimper 2

Arrival deals with, yes the arrival of the reapers into the galaxy. Shepard infiltrates a Batarian prison in an effort to rescue a human agent who has evidence of the incoming reaper threat. You play alone without your squad from the game in what amounts to a corridor crawl. No new characters of interest are introduced and there are no significant decisions or revelations made in this dlc. Unlike lair of the shadowbroker, you do not have a love interest with you this time. This greatly disappoin...

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

Dead Space 2 Severed DLC Review: Short but fun ride 0

Severed is comprised of 2 chapters for a single player add on of Dead Space 2. You play as Gabe Weller of Dead Space Extraction fame, as you try to get to your wife on the sprawl. The dlc happens at the same time as Isacc's journey in the main game, and you will visit familiar areas. The level design and detail are as good as the main game, as you make your way from the mines to the medical ward. You start with a security suit, and you can buy any of the weapons in the game so you will be able t...

6 out of 7 found this review helpful.