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Gameplay Videos #2

I'm only going to do two videos this time around since I had such a hard time getting them up. Please feel free to request games. Remember, you can download all of these (in higher quality) by going to the original page and clicking on the download link at the bottom of the video.

The first video is going to be another Capcom game. Resident Evil 4 for the PC. I hadn't  played this in a while so I take a bit in the beginning to get reacquainted with the controls which I still fumble with throughout the video. I think I need to reprogram my controller. This video is downloadable at an amazing 300 MB.


The next video and the last one for this entry is some Earthbound, my most favorite game ever. I figured I'd keep it simple by just showing about 10 minutes of the beginning gameplay.



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Edited By PureRok

I'm only going to do two videos this time around since I had such a hard time getting them up. Please feel free to request games. Remember, you can download all of these (in higher quality) by going to the original page and clicking on the download link at the bottom of the video.

The first video is going to be another Capcom game. Resident Evil 4 for the PC. I hadn't  played this in a while so I take a bit in the beginning to get reacquainted with the controls which I still fumble with throughout the video. I think I need to reprogram my controller. This video is downloadable at an amazing 300 MB.


The next video and the last one for this entry is some Earthbound, my most favorite game ever. I figured I'd keep it simple by just showing about 10 minutes of the beginning gameplay.