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Dead Rising 2 Impressions

Like Starcraft II, I didn't get the collector's edition and just got the regular one due to financial issues but nevertheless I'm somewhat loving the game so far.. 

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Dead Rising 2 a fun game that pertains the same qualities from the first Dead Rising despite being frustrating in some spots. The item combination is the highlight of this game, utilizing almost every in Fortune City into something magnificent or just plain weird. Though the only weapon that rivals the chainsaw in DR is the knives' glove which could easily kill most of the psychopaths in the game. Fortune City is quite a good-looking city albeit the design looks vaguely similar to Willamette Mall especially when the outside of these strip malls/casinos is in the center of the map. 
Unlike Willamette Mall, there are mini games within each casino - from slot machines, ox riding, wheel of fortune to various other games that could rack up money which you can spend the money in the pawn shops over Fortune City. Oh yeah.. Prestige Points, unlike taking pictures in the first one - in this one, you have to either kill hordes of zombies with your created weapon, rescue survivors, defeat psychopaths or play various minigames. Other than that, the psychopaths are quite tough if you don't have the knives' gloves, it plays like a hack-and-slash game where you have to avoid the boss' attacks and then get the opportunity to hit back, making it quite tedious if you don't get their patterns of attack. The survivors on the other hand had improved since the original making it less tedious to make them follow you or obey your orders and also some of them require to carry them back to the safehouse. 
Overall this game is in fact like the original but with improvements and a sick-ass combination system, the storyline with Chuck being framed as a terrorists is intriguing and the psychopaths/survivors ranged from crazy, dickheads, normal people to assholes makes you want to kill them even more, plus the fact that the acting feels Canadian not American. 
So far it deserves a 4 out of 5 but sometimes the gameplay gets so annoying that it's a 3.5 to me

 Take me down to Fortune City where Zombies Zombies......... Something Something!
 Take me down to Fortune City where Zombies Zombies......... Something Something!