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Steam store comes to phones, empties wallets

I used to be able to avoid Steam by just standing up and walking away. Forget about the offers, forget about the games I will never have time to play. Valve obviously didn’t like it this way. Their Steam app for smartphones is out of beta and everyone can download it for free. Bloody Steam.

Steam! I don’t want to own everything or spend my life ignoring my girlfriend for a new game I should play. Why did you make your app so easy to use? I can see which of my friends are online and then chat to them straight away. What if I need to buy a game ready to download when I get home? One tap on the menu and I’m there.

Borrowing from the Facebook app format of information on the right, menu on the left (did Twitter used to use this to? I’m sure I’ve seen it somewhere else), everything is easily reachable and straightforward. It’s a bloody good app, but don’t download it. It’s too dangerous.



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Edited By returnofjake

I used to be able to avoid Steam by just standing up and walking away. Forget about the offers, forget about the games I will never have time to play. Valve obviously didn’t like it this way. Their Steam app for smartphones is out of beta and everyone can download it for free. Bloody Steam.

Steam! I don’t want to own everything or spend my life ignoring my girlfriend for a new game I should play. Why did you make your app so easy to use? I can see which of my friends are online and then chat to them straight away. What if I need to buy a game ready to download when I get home? One tap on the menu and I’m there.

Borrowing from the Facebook app format of information on the right, menu on the left (did Twitter used to use this to? I’m sure I’ve seen it somewhere else), everything is easily reachable and straightforward. It’s a bloody good app, but don’t download it. It’s too dangerous.