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Mr Awful English

Hi There!

Ok, dammit. Never edit some stuff in a foreign language (which english is for me) from work. It sucks - ok, it's still a lot of fun, but the results mostly suck (as it is documented in my Feed section). I really have to read more carefully befor hitting the submit button. The thing is, beeing used to heavily abuse the "edit" function on my own stuff, I was caught by surprise that the feed shows all my stuff unedited. With all the misspelling and errors on my side.

So, damn the Feed! And I'll try to be more carful about my spelling ...



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Edited By SatanasOz

Hi There!

Ok, dammit. Never edit some stuff in a foreign language (which english is for me) from work. It sucks - ok, it's still a lot of fun, but the results mostly suck (as it is documented in my Feed section). I really have to read more carefully befor hitting the submit button. The thing is, beeing used to heavily abuse the "edit" function on my own stuff, I was caught by surprise that the feed shows all my stuff unedited. With all the misspelling and errors on my side.

So, damn the Feed! And I'll try to be more carful about my spelling ...