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My Plunge into the World of Warhammer 40,000 Part One

 My plunge into the World of Warhammer 40,000 is a series of blogs telling the tale of how I, a complete Warhammer 40,000 newb try and get deeper into the fiction by reading the books, playing the games and doing what ever else I can to try and make sense of these deep and rich fiction.
My plunge into the World of Warhammer 40,000 is a series of blogs telling the tale of how I, a complete Warhammer 40,000 newb try and get deeper into the fiction by reading the books, playing the games and doing what ever else I can to try and make sense of these deep and rich fiction.

Day One

Victories of the Space Marines 
Victories of the Space Marines 
So there's been a lot of talking about WH:40K recently, especially around Giant Bomb what with the Space Marine coming out soon, Kill Team was released just a few weeks ago and Vinny talking about how he's been reading the 40K books. Now I've been fairly interested in the 40K fiction for quite a while, space marines and space aliens doing battle against each other in the year 40,000? sounds pretty fun in my books, but now I've decided I really want to invest in this franchise and see if I can't become a Warhammer 40,000 expert. 
Technically today isn't day one, this all started last week when I bought my first WH:40K book, Victories of the Space Marines, I heard this was a good book to start with as it's a series of smaller stores. So far I'm three chapters into it and think it's pretty good so far. There's a total of 9 chapters which will probably take me a while to finish, I don't read much, in fact I think this is the first book I've bought/read in about 4 or 5 years? 
But now to get to the main focus of this blog, the game I started playing that made be make this, Dawn of War II
Over the weekend Steam had a Warhammer 40,000 50% off sale, I thought this was great timing, the Warhammer games get a discount just as Im getting in the fiction,  so I bought Dawn of War II and the Chaos Rising expansion for £10, I started installing them over the weekend but only got around to playing them today. 
I started off with the single player campaign and so far I'm about 7 days into the story, and I've been playing for roughly 3 hours. So far I like it, I don't have the best computer so am running the game on the lowest settings but it plays and looks fine, I really like the RPG elements, the leveling up, stats and the loot, or wargear as it is called in this game. 
 Chaos Rising
 Chaos Rising
After playing the single player I thought I'd jump right into multiplayer, first of all I wanted to play the Last Stand mode, the three player co-op wave based survival mode, unfortunately I couldn't find any joinable games so I had to give up on that, for now. So then I went into competitive multiplayer, I wasn't feeling too confident about this, I've played Starcraft online before and get destroyed every time. 
So for starters I joined a 3v3 game, figured I'd be able to ease myself into the multiplayer and understand how it works if I have a team to fall back, oh how wrong I was. 
It didn't take me that long to figure out what was happening, there are nodes around the map which when captured give your team points and take points away from the enemy team, making a sort of tug of war scenario. 
Also there's not much base building from what I've gathered, seems like you only have a base, you can upgrade and build units from it and that is it. Which too me sounds perfect, it gets rid of the pressure of having to know a complicated build order and worrying about placement of buildings. 
So anyway, during this first match we got destroyed, I was playing as a Space Marine medic, or whatever the proper term for it is but I had no idea what I was doing with him, I didn't much healing, or much attacking, I died a lot though. A lot. 
After playing one match of the multiplayer I'm definitely intrigued, it seems like a less complicated RTS which I feel I could get into, I'm gonna keep playing over the next few weeks and see if I can't get a better understand of it and keep you updated.  
Hopefully i'll be able to keep this going on a daily(?) basis to see how I cope with the world of Warhammer 40,000. This blog series may be more about me playing Dawn of War II multiplayer more than anything else, but I thought it would be more interesting if mentioned more about the 40K fiction which I am trying to get into. 
Thanks for reading, also, I probably sound really arrogant in the blog, getting bits of information wrong and what not, but that is what the blogs about, me trying to understand Warhammer 40,000 better.