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Best of 2010

SleepingLesson: Best of 2010

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  • One of the best games of all time, ME2 redefined what story could mean to a game while retaining fantastic gameplay mechanics and introducing a seamless savegame-transfer system. Truly unique and will be cited as a turning point for games for years to come.

  • I really feel this game will be overlooked this year. To me, this game stands out to me as my absolute favorite game this year. Stunning lighting effects really helped bring the world of Bright Falls to life, and the characters and atmosphere really gave me a sense of place in the world. This game has so many memorable moments, I will forever cherish it as an all-time favorite. Repetitive gameplay and some clunky mechanics unfortunately keep it out of the number 1 spot.

  • First Rockstar game I really "got." Amazing world, fantastic characters, and a great storyline.

  • A worthy followup to AC2, and a truly unique and fun multiplayer. This game really surprised me, and it deserves a place in the top 10 for refining the gameplay of Assassin's Creed 2 and telling a unique story.

  • This game was heavily criticized for its departure from the series' previous games and for its short length. I still found it to be a fantastic game, and enjoyed it more than any other Splinter Cell game. Different, yes, but more streamlined than "dumbed down." Conviction is best described as Badass: The Game.

  • As a relative newcomer to the Civ franchise, I was taken by surprise at just how easily upwards of 5 hours could disappear in this game. Really fantastic, surprisingly accessible.

  • It's a testament to a great series when even an underwhelming entry in a series is still better than most games that come out in a given year. There's definitely a lot to be had in Reach, and it's certainly the most feature-rich game in the series.

  • In describing why someone should play Heavy Rain, the word "fun" would not be included in my reasoning. That being said, this game successfully introduces the idea of "no fail-state" gameplay, wherein the game continues regardless of player death. Heavy Rain, while not executing on all of its ideas, deserves note for its ambition and dynamic storyline.

  • Dark, mysterious atmosphere, child-beheadings... and a great puzzle game to boot! The ambiguity of this game is what made it stand out to me.