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3DS making games better.

 So, I know most of the stuff they've thus far shown in 3D on the PS3 have been FPSs, or racing games, But I was just thinking that one of the genres most in need of 3D would be platformers. 
Just think about it, the most frustrating part of any 3D Mario is judging jumps precisely, and many a 3rd person action game has failed miserably when they tried to do platforming. I mean Tomb Raider is a heavy offender. I even think that perhaps it would make platforming in an FPS viable. I mean the platforming mostly worked in Metroid Prime, but that was an exception, as a rule first person platforming is bad (case in point: mirrors edge)

So I will make it clear that I don't think that 3D will go anywhere on consoles, current solutions are too expensive and too unwieldy. If the virtual boy taught us anything it's that a bad solution is worse than no solution. I mean people's chief complaint about 3D with glasses is their eyes feel tired. Now they may not solve the problem with the 3DS, but I think that it's the perfect space to try it. The great thing with portables is that most people don't play them for hours without stop,so even if there is eye-strain it won't be a big problem.

I also think that a portable is a great place to start for trying out ideas of how to use 3D. I mean you're not going to get very crazy with your multi-million dollar game on the consoles, but if you've got a small team working on a 3DS game, or downloadable game then they can take all kinds of crazy risks. 

I've got to say I'm really hyped for the 3DS, we still haven't found out much about it, but I'm quite interested in what we have heard thus far.

One has to wonder what kind of reaction they would have gotten had they been able to keep this under their hats until E3. I mean it would have been a huge megaton! But on the other hand they've given people a while to fantasize about what this system could be, what it will do and what games they might put on it. I think that kind of mystery can really help the hype for a system. I guess both Apple and Nintendo believe in keeping things under wraps... and certainly they've both been doing something right these last few years, so who am I to say that keeping things wrapped up tight isn't always the best way to do things.

As long as there aren't any clear design flaws that necessitate a DSlite kind of revision, I will be getting a 3DS as soon as I humanly can.