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Game of the year 2015 Edition

My list if the best games of the year. A strange list this year.

List items

  • Fallout 4 has many flaws. Many. But it is a new fallout game, almost a decade after fallout 3. Biased as I am by my love of fallout I cannot get away from this game. My game of the year, Fallout 4.

  • Ark is a game that isn't even really out and yet since day one it has been a major part of my life. This year I made my own community based around this game which continues grow even 6 months later. I adore it and owe a lot to ark.

  • Such a lust for revenge. Ignoring the missing plot, the broken promises, the horrid mess of konami... This is the best playing mgs has ever been, to a point where I would enjoy it even without the metal gear story. Hell, I even enjoyed the story. I'll never forget metal gear, and I think this was a fine last game.

  • I've always admired the souls games but it wasn't until bloodborne that I found myself really pulled into one. The combination of more actiony gameplay and that high difficulty pulled me in like never before. Plus the lore and art was incredible.

  • It's difficult to explain why I love this game without spoiling it. But it is the only game to ever make me feel bad and somewhat... Wrong for playing it. Everyone should play this game. Everyone.

  • Who would of thought a game from square and dontnod would be so incredible? There are some moments of oddness but man... The storytelling is impeccable. A fantastic game and great use of episodic gaming.

  • Continuing the theme of big publishers making weird awesome games is grow home. Made by Ubisoft and the driver team this is the most unique and fun 3D play former I have played in a long time. The climbing is rewarding and falling actually gives you real fear.

  • I debated having this on here since I don't actually own it or a wii u (yet). But watching streams and levels has provided endless joy the way only Nintendo can when at its best. A fantastic game.

  • EDF! EDF! EDF!

    Best EDF yet, and it actually runs well amazingly

  • I suck at rocket league.

    But man is it fun! The best plus game this year, so good I bought it on pc so the devs got my money.

  • (Honorary mention)

    The best graphics I have ever seen in a game and captures that Star Wars look and feel incredibly well. I just wish there was more to it.

  • (Honorary mention)

    I haven't played cod since MW2 and this one pulled me back in. Plays as good as ever and the movement changes are great.

  • (Honorary mention)

    The game we all wanted from sim city. Great game, great devs, great mods. My go to city sim.

  • (Honorary mention)

    The only game where I had fun using voice commands to play. Plus what a voice cast for such a small game! One not many have heard of but more should play.