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Average score of 5 user reviews

Condemned 2 is immersive, but issues punch you in the face. 0

 Condemned 2 is an immersive game with some really great qualities, and I honestly had a fun time with it. The Visuals are at times stunningly gritty, bloody and fairly impresive, but some levels are too static or lack intersting textures and there are plenty of shotty moments, but overall visuals are good. Sound is amazing, however, ambience and sound effects are connected in one bar that you can edit, and ambience is far louder than the sound of effects themselves, so you will go in and try to...

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Resistance: retribution lives up to it's console counterparts. 0

  Resistance: retribution has everything that you could expect from a handheld resistance and maneges to meld a pretty good story tie-in as well. The visuals are quite good and it runs well, most impressive is that the game maintains these great visuals with lots of explosions and enemies on-screen, it gets pretty impressive in the vehicle moments. The visuals do look a bit grainy at times, but come on, it's a psp. The sound is resounding and it resonates really well, you should play with headph...

1 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Flower is a fantastic game but is as long as most movies. 0

  Flower really is an experience, and is proof that life is the journey not the destination and really you have to play flower to understand what it really is. Flower is about how the drudgery of city life has killed true beauty and you are out to bring back beauty to the gray and bogged down everyday city life. You control a flower petal and you help flowers bloom that result in gray grass turn green, wind-turbines turn, lamp-posts turn on and other such things. The visuals, music, sound, contr...

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Resistance 2 is the perfect mix of single-player and multi-player 0

   Resistance 2 is Resistance: Fall of man but improved in every aspect, and not only slightly but by large margins. Resistance 2 has almost as long of a single-player but is of a higher quality over all than fall of man. Multi-player now has co-op through the single-player and co-op online with 8 players and a completely new set of a few dozen missions not seen in the single-player itself. Competitive has been ratcheted up from 40 player online to 60. Most impressive of the games additions is t...

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An exciting thrill ride but not a perfect one. 0

Killzone 2 follows what seems to be an ongoing trend these days of an FPS having a fantastic but short rollercoaster like experience where it is fun and exilerating while it lasts but when it's done your not satisfied and even more so in Killzone 2 than most games and it makes up for it with amazingly addictive multi-player. Killzone 2 has one of the most disappointing endings I have experienced since halo 2, that dosen't make the experince itself any worse but is is disappointing. However the q...

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