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It’s gonna be hard to beat Devil May Cry 5 as my Game of the Year.

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Top 10 Games of 2019 (in the making!)

The year has just started and so many new games for me to play! Among them are remakes, but said remake is quite something indeed too. So, anyway, I'll be adding this list at my own convenience.

List items

  • Resident Evil 2 is a really good game, it needs to be said if it hasn't already. Much like Silent Hill 2, its status as a classic is heralded by many-a-gamer who's played and love horror games. And the remake manages to capture the same old magic the old games had, with some occasional hiccups in form of lacking some of the old enemy types like (zombie crows, spiders etc) and a few other design changes I wasn't hot on. The new and improved version of the Tyrant is phenomenally scary, and intimidating, as well as reinterpreted story of Claire & Leon--I like how they are written in this game, how Claire reprimands Annette for not taking better care of her own daughter, and I even like Leon even if he is a bit serious compared to his dorkyness of the original game.

    The Resident Evil 2 Remake doesn't quite reach the same heights as the remake of the original game did, but it's high up as one of the best games in the series. And that alone is a feat.

  • Life is Strange has been a bit of an odd duck kind of series to me. On one hand, I enjoyed the idea behind a game centered high school teenage drama, something that was generally exclusive to Japanese RPGs or animes. A western take on the dramatic high school years, with a specific focus on young women. Everything from revenge porn, to unexpected pregnancies, rape and victim blaming among many other things plays neatly into the premise of what is actually a time travel story, murder mystery mixed with the supernatural. It plays its card with its feet planted firmly on the ground, the powers of rewinding time while absurd to the characters at first becomes an accepted part of their lives. The mundanity of the setting, where the supernatural powers serve only to underline the thematic issues of being insecure and afraid of making hard decisions in form of Max Caulfield.

    To make a long story short, I've played through those games again and come to appreciate them more than I did before. I like Max and Chloe a lot, partially because Ashly Burch is a pretty great voice actress, but also because their relationship is unique. So it's hard to let them go for a sequel, because the central focus on young women, and high school was part of the appeal. But there is something interesting about the two Diaz Brothers in LiS2. So far it's been pretty engaging with the first episodes, if it elevates from there it might be something really special like its predecessors.

  • The best action game I’ve played, quite simple as that. The combat is exhilirating as expected of Devil May Cry, Dante is as charming as ever, it is easily the top contender for GOTY this year for me

  • Possibly the best entry in the series so far.