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Games that I want to See on the 3DS

Let's face it, when we first heard the concept of the 3DS, we wanted a ton of revivals and remakes, not that much fresh. Well here are some of my dreams for the awesome portable.

List items

  • What the hell! This was the ultimate game making idea. Fans of the Mega Man series could create what they see as the ultimate Mega Man Legends game. Far into the process, the project was dropped leaving many Capcom fans changing their loyalty.

  • Personally, I like Majora's Mask better than Ocarina of Time. Every Nintendo fan wants this remake and Operation Moonfall is the right start. Nintendo, the pressure is on.

  • Without a doubt, this game will be remade, I just hope for the 3DS, not the original DS. With the Pokemon franchise, Nintendo seems to be catering towards origial DS owners because it will make them more money. I want a good Pokemon version for the 3DS and im not alone.

  • Cutsie shell shadedness in awesome 3D! Plus, Wind Waker is my favorite game of all time, so it would be amazing to play on the go.

  • The 3DS is lacking in the first person adventure genre. The 3DS needs a good Metriod Prime game, just like the Wii and Gamecube needed. Imagine Samus's blasts in stunning 3D. Also, the exploration will be taken to a whole new level with the gyroscope.

  • I am without a doubt that this game will be released. Mario Party Advance, Mario Party DS, what goes next? The 3DS will be perfect for online Mario Party, in the fashion of Mario Kart 7's online system.

  • I don't care if this is graphically updated in 3D, heck, Ill even take it as an eshop game, just give fans a deserved Mother 3 North American release.