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thephatbunny: Favorites

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  • This is my favourite DS game of all time, bar none. I'd love to play another DS game that matches this one in innovation and addictiveness.

  • This is hands-down the best game of all time. There can be no debate.

  • I've always felt more comfortable with and more challenged by Guitar Hero. Rock Band is all well and good, but Guitar Hero: World Tour does it better. Better instruments, better noteboards, better music... Ok, so I admit that's just a matter of taste, but I still prefer GH over RB.

  • This may be the best Wii game released thus far. Huge replayability, tons of variety, super slick controls, beautiful art direction, and more. This is a game that stands on its head--literally--to bring you some of the most innovative 3D platforming you've ever seen.

  • I love the Smash Bros. games; they're one of the ultimate competitive party games. The only reason Brawl didn't get more playtime from me was that I ended up short of people to play it with and moved on. I still bust it out when people come over, though. A fantastic game.

  • Arguably the best and most balanced installment in the series. One of the best games ever released on the underrated GameCube.