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Hi, My Name is Torb, and I'm an Achievaholic.

I was trying really hard to get 1000/1000 for Mercs 2 (Yes, I'm aware that many of you would simply tell me that the game sucks and it isn't worth it, but I'm having fun with it). But simply put, at least one of the achievements is glitched. Luckily for me, it's not like this is the last one on the list, so I'm just calling it quits early. I swear, I've sniped something like 75+ enemy drivers from their driver's seat (the achievement requires 50 such kills) and it simply won't unlock. I wasted like two hours trying to get it to unlock, but no dice. Oh well. At least now I don't need to waste time going for the others. What's worse, most of the achievements are available during co-op. But then there are a few that aren't that you can only get by playing through a buttload of the game. What sucks is I've been playing on my friend's save file. Why not just make all the achievements available through coop? Wouldn't that make more sense?

Mmmm...floaty driving controls. My favorite.
Mmmm...floaty driving controls. My favorite.

But seriously, glitched achievements? Makes completionists such as myself weep bitter tears at night.
I sit at home in my beanbag chair, eatin' cheetos, crying my eyes out, watching the Women's Entertainment network...

I wish I knew why they were so addictive, but I don't.
Just one more fix. That's all it seems I ever need. Always.
Oh well. At least it's fun. And undetrimental to my health.
Well, mostly.

So anyways, I should be renting another videogame tomorrow, seeing as how Mercs 2 is due back (I'll turn it in if I manage to finish the game, by which I mean finish the campaign/"story.") What should I get? Here's my choices:
Dead Space - Wasn't looking forward to this but some people hyped me up for it. Then I decided to rent it. Then I read a bunch of stuff cooling off the hype. So now I'm not sure what to do. Not a huge survival/horror fan but I'd be willing to try this game out.
Fracture - Yea, I know, lots of people say it sucks, but I had a blast with the demo. Plus, this would just be a rental. The criticisms I have read that could not be apparent from the demo have me concerned though. Stupid cover system of hills and lots of frustrating deaths mainly are what have me concerned.
Star Wars: TFU - Didn't like the demo much at all but I'd still be willing to give the game a chance.
Pure - This game was a blast on the demo but not sure I have the right attention span for a racing game...I can only do laps so many times...
Alternatively, I could wait a few more days until FarCry 2 comes out, which I'm dyin to play. However, not sure when that will actually hit rental shelves...
Also, Saints Row 2 is out of the question for now because I'm waiting until a friend can play it with me. I'm anxious to hit on that too.

On a sepate note, the local Movie Gallery (rental place a la Blockbuster) had an awesome buy 2 used get 2 free deal going down, so I picked up The Bank Job, The Darjeeling Limited, Death at a Funeral, and Savages for the low low price of $30. That's like $7.50/movie which isn't very bad at all.


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Edited By Torb

I was trying really hard to get 1000/1000 for Mercs 2 (Yes, I'm aware that many of you would simply tell me that the game sucks and it isn't worth it, but I'm having fun with it). But simply put, at least one of the achievements is glitched. Luckily for me, it's not like this is the last one on the list, so I'm just calling it quits early. I swear, I've sniped something like 75+ enemy drivers from their driver's seat (the achievement requires 50 such kills) and it simply won't unlock. I wasted like two hours trying to get it to unlock, but no dice. Oh well. At least now I don't need to waste time going for the others. What's worse, most of the achievements are available during co-op. But then there are a few that aren't that you can only get by playing through a buttload of the game. What sucks is I've been playing on my friend's save file. Why not just make all the achievements available through coop? Wouldn't that make more sense?

Mmmm...floaty driving controls. My favorite.
Mmmm...floaty driving controls. My favorite.

But seriously, glitched achievements? Makes completionists such as myself weep bitter tears at night.
I sit at home in my beanbag chair, eatin' cheetos, crying my eyes out, watching the Women's Entertainment network...

I wish I knew why they were so addictive, but I don't.
Just one more fix. That's all it seems I ever need. Always.
Oh well. At least it's fun. And undetrimental to my health.
Well, mostly.

So anyways, I should be renting another videogame tomorrow, seeing as how Mercs 2 is due back (I'll turn it in if I manage to finish the game, by which I mean finish the campaign/"story.") What should I get? Here's my choices:
Dead Space - Wasn't looking forward to this but some people hyped me up for it. Then I decided to rent it. Then I read a bunch of stuff cooling off the hype. So now I'm not sure what to do. Not a huge survival/horror fan but I'd be willing to try this game out.
Fracture - Yea, I know, lots of people say it sucks, but I had a blast with the demo. Plus, this would just be a rental. The criticisms I have read that could not be apparent from the demo have me concerned though. Stupid cover system of hills and lots of frustrating deaths mainly are what have me concerned.
Star Wars: TFU - Didn't like the demo much at all but I'd still be willing to give the game a chance.
Pure - This game was a blast on the demo but not sure I have the right attention span for a racing game...I can only do laps so many times...
Alternatively, I could wait a few more days until FarCry 2 comes out, which I'm dyin to play. However, not sure when that will actually hit rental shelves...
Also, Saints Row 2 is out of the question for now because I'm waiting until a friend can play it with me. I'm anxious to hit on that too.

On a sepate note, the local Movie Gallery (rental place a la Blockbuster) had an awesome buy 2 used get 2 free deal going down, so I picked up The Bank Job, The Darjeeling Limited, Death at a Funeral, and Savages for the low low price of $30. That's like $7.50/movie which isn't very bad at all.
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Edited By DBoy

I think we've started to see a rise in glitchy achievements lately.  There were some in Rainbow Six Vegas 2, and the list goes on and on.  I wonder why this is happening.

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Not renting Dead Space? BLARG!


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Edited By gearhead

Gears of War is the biggest fucking culprit. No fucking question.
Denis- At least Ubisoft fixed them. Epic did not do so with Gears.

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Edited By Artie

I'm trying to get 1000 achievement points in Mercs 2 as well, since it seems so easy.

But at the same time there are TOO MANY OTHER GAMES COMING OUT!!!

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Edited By War77Machine

Problably the reason behind the glitchy achievements might be the developers fault when they are programming the achievements in to the game.

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Edited By Oni

Dead Space seems the ultimate rental game, I don't think it has a ton of replay value.

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Edited By Xandurson

Well, I know how you feel I'm now trying to get every achievement I can in my games. But, I would choose Dead Space cause it does look fun and I'm not into that genre either. I'd try it though.