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Best of 2010

TornadoCreator: Best of 2010

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  • Quite possibly the best J-RPG released in years, maybe even a decade or so... this is what Final Fantasy should have become. This game is moving is so many ways. Yeah, I know, it's not a 2010 game... but I played it this year so there.

  • How could someone not absolutely love this, it's basically what would happen if you took Gears Of War, put them in transformer style armour, speed it up, then speed it up again for good messure... it's great.

  • Not quite as good as the original but this game is still incredible in every way. This universe is so good it actually rivals the Star Wars universe for most addictive and interesting space based fictional reality for me.

  • Everything that Fallout 3 gave us and more, how can you not love this game... well, I suppose you could just hate fun. Sure it's more of the same, but when was the last time someone said "No, I'd rather not have more fun, let's have somthing else, like boredom or itchiness".

  • People moan that is game rips off God Of War, Shadow Of The Colossus and Prince Of Persia. Explain why this is bad. Three of the greatest games crushed together and thrown into the gorgeously rendered Romanian wilderness. This is concentrated AWESOME!

  • Suprising everyone, just when we thought the franchise was dead, Sonic is back on the Wii with possibly the greatest 3D game he's ever been in. Don't however touch the Nintendo DS game, it's a poor rehash of Sonic Rush that insultingly uses the same name, for some reason though Giant Bomb seem to think as most sites do, that the same name means it's the same game, IT'S FUCKING NOT!

  • Fallout 3's atmosphere with Doom 3's gameplay with a distinctly Russian flavour. This is stylish and fun, well worth much more praise than it's actually got.

  • EVE Online is one of those slow burn games you can loose yourself in. I've lost myself in it again, and the new expansion has helped make everything seem just a little bit more epic.

  • So few games reimagine a franchise and reignite a genre both at the same time. This is simply superb and makes me appreciate the isometric games more and more. A joy to play, honestly.

  • This is a worthy entry in the real time strategy category and worthy of some respect... but it only deserves this place with it's upcomming expansions, the game alone is a little lacking hense 10th place.