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Gilder's Games of the Year 2011

Rather self explanatory. Top 10? Let's go top 5!

List items

  • Proof that gamers didn't want the book rewritten, just tweaked the failings of Fallout and Oblivion into the most compelling, time obliterating experience of the year. (I sunk over 350 hours into the game, and still go back and find things I haven't done yet.)

  • If you haven't played this game, you cannot fathom the depth of it's characters, it's incredible music and atmosphere, it's art direction, it's superb narration... It's the best $15 you can spend on a downloadable game this year!

  • Take the fun gameplay and comedy of the first, add a couple of incredible new characters, give the new ones and the existing characters incredible depth and story arcs, shake well, serves 1.

  • Rocksteady brings the heat once again, and Batman takes his place as the incredible, unstoppable force of Gotham's Justice. With deeper combat than the first that encourages you to take your time and pick apart scumbags as they come at you, and improved side stories and detective parts, this game earns it's spot on the list handily.

  • One of my favorite franchises returns from the land of spirits and faeries to remind us all why it's fun to sit down with 3 friends and try to screw them over in trivia.