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And thus it begins..

I am now officially very excited.

Mass Effect, the original, was so damn good that I have not played the DLC yet, refusing to until I get to the highest difficulty. Thats how stubborn and stupid I am. I bought it first day as well.

But anyway, the announcement mentions "intelligent level design," which I hope means. SIDEQUESTS WHICH HAVE THOUGHT IN THEM! You see, as Brad says he did in his post, I love, love, LOVE, Mass Effect, and thought it appropriate to make sure that my love for this game (and its predecessors, by which I mean KOTOR and JE) is big enough for me to actually physically feel pain when Its only "game-y people" who will go and see this at GDC, and not me. Alas, life continues, I have a fanfic on the topic to write, that reminds me...