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2012's Completed Games

Pitifully short, as a crippling MOBA addiction that ran from early 2011 through most of 2012 kept me from really wanting to play anything that wasn't cuthroat, team-based multiplayer.

List items

  • Many, many hours have been lost for Diablo III, with many more to come. The part of me that was always happy to go back and take a run at Dark Falz again for the Nth time in PSO really gets into the character building and rhythmic progression of taking a D3 character from 1-60 and through Inferno. My game of the year.

  • Borderlands 2 was great for the experience of playing it regularly with a couple of good friends. Taken on its own in a lot of respects is really does come down to being more Borderlands(MOREderlands, amirite? Eh? Eh!), but in this case I was just fine with that. It would have been nice to see some great leaps forward in gameplay, advances with the interface or even a better story, but when all was said and done my friends and I finished the game and I was ready to jump into New Game+, and I think that says something. Borderlands 2: Good Game, Great Experience (for me).

  • Worthy of a mention for the sheer amount of time I've put into it in the past two years. When I drop down to playing next to nothing, for some reason this is the game I'm still playing.

  • When I wasn't playing League, it was because I had decided that DOTA 2 was the one true way. That week, at least.

  • I wish I could quit you.

    Pandas are pretty awesome, though.

  • Played through on the Vita. It was fun, maybe a little annoying at parts. I don't see myself going for a platinum trophy, but I enjoyed my time with it.

  • Padding the list out with the sorts of game you can't actually win feels like cheating... but the sorts of games that have no real end are generally my favorite, so in they go. GW2 is great, and might have been my personal GotY if not for some issues that caused it to overheat my system which resulted in me backing off of playing it as much as I'd have liked.

  • AC1 was a pretty interesting, and while I appreciated it I'm not entire sure I can say I *enjoyed* it. I ended up approaching it in a very methodical way. Enter new area, grab all viewpoints, and then systematically finish all activities by type. Because of that, I'd never been in any hurry to get in there and play AC2, despite the overwhelmingly positive reception it received. Ubi's PC DRM stance at the time of release didn't help matters either.

    Wow, did I ever miss out. The story, characters, and mission variety leave the original game far behind. Traversal puzzles are one of my very favorite things in games, and AC2's Assassin tombs were an absolute joy to work through as they highlighted the game's strength in traversal over its comparitively weak combat.

  • Well... that was kind of a chore. Not so bueno.

  • This was my first taste of Alan Wake, and while I might have liked to see a little bit more than the three scenarios repeated three times each, I enjoyed the glimpses of the game's lore. My playthrough left me with questions that I'll no doubt need to play through the original in order to answer, and I'm okay with that. The light-based gameplay was a fun way to spice up the shooting without resorting to the standard military shooter's ADS mechanics. This wasn't mind-blowing, but it was five hours well-spent.