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N64 titles that should be on XBLA or Virtual Console.

The Nintendo 64 had some pretty good games. These are a few titles that may have fallen through the cracks over the years, and many are hard-to-find used. I think some clever studio should do us all a favor and toss them up on a modern-day download service.

List items

  • I will champion this game in any way I can. Due to compellingly odd rights issues this will probably never again see the light of day, which is a shame since it's one of the best racers of all time. Incredibly long, detailed tracks plus a Goldeneye-style deathmatch mode? Smells like XBLA to me. It's sort of a shame you can only essentially choose one car, but at least you have a variety of colors to choose from!

  • This game is not easy, but given the extreme popularity of third-person shooters it may be due for a re-appreciation. Given that it's been about a decade since the original release I'm surprised we haven't heard anything from Rare regarding this franchise. Hmm.

  • Ideally, this would see a 4J Studios style remake, like Perfect Dark and the Banjo series on XBLA. Clean up the framerate, boost some textures and you're ready to start collecting!

  • This is probably the best modern Tetris game. Why hasn't it been dropped onto Virtual Console or XBLA? I mean, the hours-on-end play sessions could spell danger for screen burn-in. Maybe.

  • Man, remember when Rush was, like, a thing? Maybe it's a racing title that speaks to a very specific generation, (Mountain Dew!), but it's solid. At the right price almost any Rush title would make for a good nostalgia buy.