
The Giant Beastcast: Episode 237

It's time for listener mail! We're tucked away in San Francisco deliberating important things that pertain to video games but we're still here to answer your questions.

The Giant Bomb East team gathers to talk about the week in video games, their lives, and basically anything that interests them. All from New York City!

Dec. 6 2019

Cast: Vinny, Alex, Dan, JERF, Abby

Posted by: Vinny

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We have some truly classic Old Brands Are Best Dan claiming that Pizza Hut being hugely successful makes them the best anything. I have personally never liked Pizza Hut, and would rank them below all of the other brand options.

I thought that this podcast was a lot of fun!

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There's nothing quite like the comments to make me appreciate that I'm a grown-ass man with a career and a family who can appreciate what GB does without resorting to a complicated financial analysis of whether they are generating enough "content" to justify my premium sub. Holy shit, some of you people...

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Edited By jasperkazai

Not only is Dan committing social crimes by eating peanut butter out of the jar in public, but he's also committing peanut butter crimes by having one of the worst kinds of peanut butter...

Pizza Hut is definitely the worst pizza out of the major pizza chains. Used to go there all the time as a kid, and didn't know better. But my brother still likes Pizza Hut even now, and we would get it on rare occasion as adults. It's a greasy mess. Which usually doesn't bother me with food, but for some reason that pizza makes my stomach turn. Luckily, there are no Pizza Huts in delivery range of me anymore; they've all closed down.

I'd pick Chipotle for erasing a fast food chain. Don't like that food, and hate the "culture" that has sprung up around it.

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@garnsr said:

I wonder if Abby has ever learned more about things that occurred before she was born after hearing about them from her coworkers? Never having heard of the Honeymooners, or "bang, zoom, to the moon" is hard to comprehend. Is the 15 year difference between her and Vinny really enough to never have heard of so many things? Some of the things she hasn't heard of seem like they should have come up before, judging by the group she works with.

The Honeymooners went off the air decades before anyone on the podcast was born. It'd be completely normal if Vinny didn't get the reference either.

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@garnsr said:

I wonder if Abby has ever learned more about things that occurred before she was born after hearing about them from her coworkers? Never having heard of the Honeymooners, or "bang, zoom, to the moon" is hard to comprehend. Is the 15 year difference between her and Vinny really enough to never have heard of so many things? Some of the things she hasn't heard of seem like they should have come up before, judging by the group she works with.

I'm a year older than Abby and I've never heard of either of those things either. I've heard the name Honeymooners before but I couldn't tell you a thing about it.

I think it all depends on what your parents/other older people you were around liked and if they shared any of that stuff with you as a kid. There were other old shows/movies I knew about because of my parents that most people wouldn't, but there are also a lot of things from before my time I don't know about.

As an example, I only know about Johnny Carson sayings because of my grade 5 teacher who used to say them a lot.

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Edited By Onemanarmyy

Look, i get that Dota & League are hard games to get into, but it seems not too hard to get the basic idea of what you're supposed to do in those games and why people might like that.

  • 2 teams, 2 bases, bunch of towers between the bases
  • each team has heroes with abilities that they can use
  • Killing creeps & heroes gives you money & xp, money lets you buy items which make you stronger in various ways, XP levels you up to access stronger abilities
  • Constant pressure from creepwaves means that a team has to allocate it's resources among the 3 lanes. Neglecting a lane means your tower will die.
  • Familiar presentation / Interface from the beloved Warcraft 3 game
  • Mixing of various damage effects a la Diablo / Path of Exile / Warcraft 3
  • Killing towers eventually gets you closer to the opponent's base and closer to victory.
  • Fighting with 10 people firing off all sort of abilities & spells to win teamfights.