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    The House in Fata Morgana

    Game » consists of 6 releases. Released Dec 27, 2012

    A mystery themed visual novel developed by Novectacle.

    yyninja's The House in Fata Morgana (PC) review

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    Gothic masterpiece with a lot of strings attached

    The House in Fata Morgana is a gothic Visual Novel by the relatively unknown developer, Novect. The game does not look like a typical VN. The art is Western-looking with muted colors instead of an overly saturated Anime style. The setting spans centuries across different countries instead of a year at a typical Japanese high school. The choices the player makes are solely used to move the plot forward, rather than influencing which “waifu” to end up with. To say the least, The House in Fata Morgana stands out in a crowd of samey looking VNs however the lackluster production values and pacing problems ruin the experience.

    The hand drawn art is impressive from a relatively unknown developer
    The hand drawn art is impressive from a relatively unknown developer

    In The House in Fata Morgana, you play as a person suffering from amnesia who ends up at an abandoned mansion. To your surprise there is a woman called The Maid who happily greets you and calls you her Master. To help recover the player’s memories, The Maid has the ability to bring you to the past and observe the lives of the mansion’s previous occupants. The Maid guides the player to visit four distinct doors. The protagonist starts to notice some common elements in each story: The seemingly ageless Maid always makes an appearance. A beautiful white haired girl woos the male lead. And all the stories end in tragedy. The rest of the game is figuring out the mystery of the mansion, who the protagonist is and what are the true intentions of The Maid.

    For as beautifully well thought out the story is, I found it horribly paced. It does not help that I found the first door agonizingly boring. Despite my remark about how the game does not look like a typical VN, the dialog sure resembles one. The banter between characters is long winded. Conversations can easily last over a dozen minutes with only a sliver of pertinent information. The Beast’s story is especially atrocious, since players will have to click through the same gibberish dialogue over and over. The game’s script could have easily been halved and tell the same tale.

    As descriptive as they are, the conversations are bloated and repetitive
    As descriptive as they are, the conversations are bloated and repetitive

    Fortunately, the music and art help elevate the repetitive script. The soundtrack is astonishingly varied. The music ranges from religious hymns, songs with vocals in Portuguese and light hearted background music. It fits the game to a tee, but I did find the vocal soundtracks a bit distracting. The hand drawn art is impressive. Character portraits are highly detailed and emotive. The few full screen drawings in the game are surprisingly well executed and conveys the characters’ mood and actions without words.

    The House in Fata Morgana from a gameplay perspective is fairly pedestrian. Players click through dialogue until they encounter a choice. Most choices are inconsequential while other choices lead to Bad Endings. The game auto-saves at these critical junctures, so it is easy to reload and pick the right choice should you happen to stumble upon a Bad Ending. There are two choices in the game that are time restricted. The game will end whether you choose to pick an option or let it lapse, however the game never clearly communicates this so it is recommended to review a walkthrough so you know when to expect them. The game does a cool third-wall breaking moment in the fourth door’s story and I highly recommend perusing the message logs while experiencing it.

    The game starts to play tricks on you in the fourth chapter, The White Haired Girl's dialog is only censured in the Message Log
    The game starts to play tricks on you in the fourth chapter, The White Haired Girl's dialog is only censured in the Message Log

    The production quality of The House in Fata Morgana is very basic. There is no voice-over, there are very few character portraits and the generic blurry backgrounds aren’t interesting to look at. It is especially egregious in the latter chapters, where they dump walls and walls of text. At those moments, I wondered why this is even a VN, when it could have been better served as a novella. Yes the game does have beautiful artwork, but for the majority of the game you will be staring at a generic low quality wallpaper background while reading repetitive text.

    The House in Fata Morgana is wildly inconsistent. The game has its brilliant moments especially once you start connecting the dots and seeing how each story is subtly related to one another. It reminds me of the saying, “History doesn’t repeat itself but it often rhymes”. The game also has numerous lows. The story’s pacing is horrible and is worsened by the repetitive script. The poor production values simply cannot justify the retail price of the game compared to more well known VNs like Steins;Gate, they retail on Steam for $24.99 and $29.99 respectively. The House in Fata Morgana is an okay recommendation if you can get it at a deep discount and are looking for a unique story that is different from a typical VN.


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    Thanks for the great review @yyninja! I had my eyes on the game, but felt like the price was ridiculous and the backgrounds seemed sort of bland, so I'll wait on it for now.

    Do you have recommendations for other non-dating focused virtual novels? I really like choice games and being able to influence the story as well as reading (I really like gamebooks and Choose Your Own Adventure type books), but I don't like anime tropes and sexual content (I'm asexual and it brings me right out of it). Dating is okay if it's in moderation and serves the story, but I would prefer if it wasn't the focus. I also really like having truly branching paths (think the Stanley Parable) rather than one clear throughline interspersed with some side endings.

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    Thanks for the comment. Well... I didn't get to mention that House in Fata Morgana does have some romance and some sexual content (no straight nudity though).

    I can recommend these:

    As Dusk Falls - Not anime and no dating elements. Endings can vary but not too drastically. Fun to play with friends/family since you can vote on your decisions.

    428: Shibuya Scramble - Not anime and no dating elements. Only has one ending, other choices lead to a game over. The dialogue gets pretty goofy, I recommend watching the Playdate if you have premium.

    999: 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors - First game in the Nonary series. Anime, but no dating elements. Has several distinct endings, not side endings, but has a true lore ending (recommend reading a walkthrough to get this). There is more "game" to this and you have to solve puzzles.

    Steins;Gate - This game is probably not going to be to your tastes but I'm recommending it nevertheless because it is my favorite VN by a long shot. Very Anime, has romance interests, but is not dating focused. Has minor sexual content in that Anime-like way (think of a character accidentally walking into the bathroom while a girl is taking a shower). Has side endings where each ending has you end up with a girl. The true lore ending is extremely memorable and very sweet.

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    Thank you for the recommendations. Upon looking into it, I don't think my computer could handle As Dusk Falls, 428: Shibuya Scramble is very expensive and is linear and I think 999 is only on handhelds (which I don't own).

    Steins; Gate probably has the best story out of all the games you recommended, and to be honest, it's probably the best one overall as well. However, that anime stuff (specifically the example you gave, but it sounds like the game is peppered with that stuff) makes me feel very uncomfortable and makes me cringe incredibly hard. It's the main reason I feel like I can't watch anime, not because it's embarrassing for the characters, but because I'm embarrassed by the thought the creator could possibly think I find those scenes funny or enjoyable. I'll keep the game in mind, since I've heard a lot of people recommend it, but I don't think I'll buy it when there are so many great games to play. Maybe if I receive it as a gift from someone since I like time travel stories and don't mind that it's romance focused (even though it's not what I'm looking for). I appreciate the recommendations, and understand that we just have different tastes, with mine being very, very niche.

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