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Here's CD Projekt RED's New Thing, Cyberpunk 2077

You mean only 64 years from now we'll have unstoppable killing robots and flying cars, but we're still using bullet-ass bullets? Weeeeaaaak. Good trailer, though.

Jan. 10 2013

Posted by: Alex

In This Episode:

Cyberpunk 2077


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Edited By Kierkegaard

@Krystal_Sackful said:


Its the same woman (assuming that really is a woman's brain inside that body). That's the point. They take people that have gone berserk, reform them, and use them as cops.

People are robots? And way to understand that plot point. Just thought the same people who made sex trading cards like putting lipstick on ladies. I thought it was a sex bot that was modified to kill. No person just happens to have evil giant blades. Why would the cops "reform" an evil robot? Just destroy it and build a new one...

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Edited By nok

@dr_mantas said:

@mak_wikus said:

@AlexanderSheen said:

@Ghostiet said:

@smiddy said:

Where are these massive hulking boobs people keep talking about?

I watched the trailer again, but I think I must keep missing the scene where a pair of huge bazzongas come straight at me filling the screen with heaving cleavage and erect nipples. Either people are really desperate to make something out of nothing, or they're just more sensitive to having skin on show than I am.

There's a ton of violence on show here. Guns, slow-mo bullets, bullet impacts, MASSIVE ARM BLADES coming out of a woman stained with blood and surrounded by sliced and diced bodies. BUT NONE OF THAT MATTERS! Because people keep getting drawn to the womans body. Am I the only one here who thinks that says something? Of all the things to have a problem with here, the womans body seems to be getting completely blown out of proportion.

I like you and I agree with you.

Same here.

And here.

I agree and actually think there is NO problem with this trailer. The violence, slow motion, music, the beautiful psycho-killer woman, the gruff bad-ass cybercop - it's all stylish as hell, no one can argue with that. Kinda reminds me of Sin City. And I dig that style.

Thank science there are some sane people here. Trailer looks really cool, hope they get to create an amazing world for us to run around in. I really wonder if it will be a crazy big RPG or a shooter or a bit of each but whatever it is I am looking forward to it.

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Edited By TheHumanDove

@Tom_Scherschel said:

If first images of your game involve a classically beautiful woman on her knees and a man pressing a gun into her head go back to the fucking drawing board. Jesus.

You're everything wrong with the world. If that's what you took from the trailer, you're the sexist.

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Edited By mak_wikus

Why do most people assume that the policemen are all men? How can you tell?

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Edited By akira_22

@Sgtpierceface: 64 years.... 64. In the same period of time we've gone from curing polio to mapping the human genome and we are on the cusp of nano tech changing the entire idea of what the universe is and what we as a race are capable of manipulating in it. In another 64 years I can't imagine, that given the option of being a completely normal human or a beautiful augmented killing machine would even be an consideration. As breast enlargement isn't for millions of women today. So yes there is well a proportioned woman in this clip (the cleavage is the result of the top), and yes she is scantily clad. If I spent a lot of money on my body to be a perfectly tuned assassin I doubt I'd want to look like an over weight bus driver with a 5 o'clock shadow.

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Edited By Mirado

@leebmx said:

God I always get myself into these arguments. Look at the trailer and look at the difference between the way the women and the men are clothed and shot and presented. The men are all fully clothed in fact you can see no skin on the soldiers/cops shooting. They are always presented full shot with no pan or close up to any part of their anatomy, whereas the woman is wearing a super skimpy dress and is kneeling in a legs splayed position so you can see up her skirt.

You are missing fundamental underpinnings of the setting in your argument. Cyberpunk worlds are often dystopic, as the case is here. In dystopian societies, the state is a faceless, oppressive entity which rules by fear and force. It's members lack personality by design; they are cogs in the machine of the government or megacoperations. The police is used as a mindless, robotic hammer to pummel anyone or anything that dares to disturb the order of things. Having the cops run around with their faces (or any skin, really) shown would take away from the notion that they are anything other than emotionless, "robotic" humans.

Huh....portraying people as robots, sounds like we can strike up some contrast here if we....hmm, portray robots as human and vulnerable! Which is exactly what they do with the woman in the trailer; even though she has crazy blades sticking out of her arms, every other detail of her design makes her seem more human then the people shooting at her. It has a far higher purpose than titillation; it gives a wealth of information to the setting in a few brief shots. Her dress IS deliberate, but for what purpose? Is she a sex robot? (Which is another common theme in the setting in its own right.) Is she an assassin? The modifications of hidden weaponry on such a design (a very Ghost in the Shell callback) is both horrifying and interesting; did she kill those people out of revenge, madness, or was it a targeted hit? Is she even a full robot, or is there a human brain in there? (Again, a very GitS style choice.) If she is indeed human, why the blades?

The difference in closeups is another tool to accentuate the difference in portrayals; those cops are shot as a whole, a mass of bland might, whereas she is shot and focused on as an individual that stands out. You aren't meant to linger on any one cop (or part of any cop besides the gun, the true symbol of power for the oppressive government/megacorp) because individualism is looked down upon in a dystopia, whereas she is meant to stick out in your mind as a unique person, of which the whole dynamic of conflict revolves around in these kind of settings.

The killer robot that is soaked in blood is far more compelling and able to be sympathized with versus the state. That's about as cyberpunk as you can go.

Sure she is a cyborg whatever and has murdered all these people and the trailer is showing us that as well - but why didn't it show us her whirling through the crowd in action, instead it chooses a passive shot which also gives a nice bit of titilation.

Because then you rob the trailer of all the mystery and emotional impact that it is going for. It's not meant to be an action trailer. At the start, you see what you believe is a normal woman; with a close up of just her face, there's no reason to suspect that she is anything other then a regular person. All of a sudden, a bullet enters the frame, and your mind starts working; why is she being shot at? Who is shooting at her? Is the bullet going to connect? And when it does, and the result is a bit of paint being scraped off, it totally flips the scene on its head. If you were to just show the trailer to someone without telling them the title of the game (like if it were a commercial on TV), you never would have seen that coming. And a curious mind would want to know more, would relish the drip-feeding of information that the trailer provides: the shooters are cops and she is a robot, alright, but why is she getting shot at? And then the "passive" shot is a perfect tool; the slow pan switches things from intrigue to horror and then back to intrigue again ("Oh god she's a murderous robot! Look at the bodies and the blades and the....wait, why isn't she charging them? Is she giving up?").

Having her flip through a crowd slicing people up like River Tam makes for a one note moment. It'd change the tone dramatically and minimize the complexity. THAT is a "boring way of presenting things" as you put it. This trailer leaves so many questions, and as such it is far more effective than a fight scene.

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Edited By WaiteyBulger

@Mirado: if I could upvote this comment you would get 10K from me, good stuff

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Edited By dr_mantas
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I feel this is a very well framed shot, and I hope that at least the style and esthetic makes it into the game.

And also that we won't have to wait for this game for 64 years.

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Edited By mak_wikus
@WaiteyBulger said:

@Mirado: if I could upvote this comment you would get 10K from me, good stuff

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Edited By HubrisRanger

@leebmx said:

God I always get myself into these arguments. Look at the trailer and look at the difference between the way the women and the men are clothed and shot and presented. The men are all fully clothed in fact you can see no skin on the soldiers/cops shooting. They are always presented full shot with no pan or close up to any part of their anatomy, whereas the woman is wearing a super skimpy dress and is kneeling in a legs splayed position so you can see up her skirt.

First things first, there are three characters in this entire trailer that aren't dead and have a definite gender: the robot/cyborg woman, the male voice over for the reporter and the police officer near the end. The other police in the trailer are uniformed and shot in a way that their gender is indeterminate. Secondly, you representation of how the only male character is represented is inaccurate. There are details of his face, badge and gun that are all identifiable markers of who he is. Also, the dress the robot is wearing matches the "party" wear of her victims laid out across the street. Several of these victims are dressed androgynously, if not exactly as suggestively as the focus of the trailer. Yes, it is suggestive, but I go back to my original analysis of the juxtaposition of sexual vulnerability versus hidden danger being at the heart of who this mysterious robotic character is.

Sure she is a cyborg whatever and has murdered all these people and the trailer is showing us that as well - but why didn't it show us her whirling through the crowd in action, instead it chooses a passive shot which also gives a nice bit of titilation.

As others have already said, to show the action of her cutting up these victims would be a very different trailer. This is going for a far quieter, more stylish reveal of the world, with each detail being laid out for you to come to your own conclusions about what happened and why exactly. And yes, she is passive, but is still viewed as a danger. It seems like about a dozen or more police are surrounding her, and her expression is such that she means them no danger, despite the fact that we already know what a danger she is. Again, juxtaposition. Subversion. Inverse imagery.@leebmx said:

This is all done on purpose - no shot is an accident - and because CD Projeckt believe they are making this trailer for gamers, which equal men. This is a foolish assumption.

I will agree that every shot of this trailer is intentionally done; I just disagree with your analysis of their intentions. I also agree that CD Projeckt Red's core target audience is male; I'd be interested to see what the demographics of their actual player base is, but I somehow suspect it is also dominated by male players. If that is the developers "fault" or not is a larger discussion than just this trailer.

Just imagine this trailer with the gender roles reversed for a second - Do you think it would look the same? No. If the cops were women they would all at least have silly crop tops with their midriff showing and probably at the least unsuitable high-heel boots to work in, while the now male cyborg's underwear would never be seen by the camera. Just think of the Hitman trailer which is basically this in reverse.

As others have pointed out, the final moment of the trailer shows the robot dressed in attire, at least from the neck up, identical to the police officer who eventually shot her. And again, the gender of the police at the beginning of the trailer is impossible to determine; to assume they are each male is to project the expectations that you have. Yes, they have no identifiable feminine qualities to the same degree that the subject of the trailer is feminine and the police officer at the end is clearly masculine. But they also are unidentifiable, faceless shooters. They appear less human than the clearly cybernetic target, instead wrapped in armor.

Don't mistake my arguments for ignoring or disregarding your concerns. There is sexuality all over this trailer, and the sight of the sex robot in the store window does get a slight groan out of me every time I watch the trailer. But I also give the developer the benefit of that doubt. The example you give, of the sexy nuns trailer, I think is a greater offender because the juxtaposition of nuns who are both sexy AND dangerous was trite and cheap, and didn't speak at all to the type of tone the game itself was trying to achieve. It was purely meant to be sensational and scandalous. The way this trailer is designed and layered, the fact I can watch it multiple times and notice new details that intrigue me? That's far more crafted and well-planned, and presents a clearer vision of what the developers are trying to achieve. You are free to disagree of course, but I just felt the need to give a more expanded version of my response to the trailer.

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Edited By Dev_--defunct


dismissing everything by saying 'it's a sci fi game' is silly

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Edited By Mercer

@Blackout62 said:

Oh God that logo. I'm to young to even nail down if that's too 90s or too 80s but damn is it dated. It's actually kind of turning me off.

ok youngster it's 1980s as SHIIIIIIIIIIT

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Edited By leebmx

@HubrisRanger : I'll reply so its not a huge quote pillar of words. You make some good points but your reply, and I would say firstly that I don't think this trailer is that bad in the general context of crappy video game sexualisation, its not a video I would want to take a stand over - I think it is poor but there is far worse - however it is problematic.

However, whatever excuse you come up with the fact is that of all the choices in the universe they had for a cyborg killing machine (terminator, animal, alien, man, old woman, transformer, vegetable whatever) they went for sexy young chick in skimpy party clothes whose dress you can see up through a good part of her screen time. That is the choice they made - out of all the others. The choice you have seen in hundreds of other crappy pandering video game trailers.

And why did they make this choice? Because as you say, they think their audience is male and they think this is what men like to see. That choice is not only boring and predictable but it insults the intelligence of lots of male gamers who don't need to be led by their cocks to the checkout.

All I can say is thank god I have played the Witcher and know they can make great games because this trailer does nothing to make me want to explore their new world.

@Mirado See above - You fall into the trap of trying to deny what is in front of your eyes by building this huge complicated back story of justifications and artistic reasoning instead of taking the simplest and most logical answer, which I have outlined above. They could have chosen anyone for the central character (you want vunerable and sympathetic? - how about a child? You can have that one for free) but they went for sexy lady with knickers showing and we all know why. Don't try and pretend that this game stands outside the normal video game trailer tradition and that somehow the artistic choices here justify what we can see.

As stated I am still interested in the game becuase of the Witcher etc but this trailer was forgettable.

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Edited By jonano

I always get really worried for a game when the release date is "when it's done" Duke Nukem and other games have ruined that term Forever. this could be cool and interesting but for fuck sake these CG trailers are stupid show me some fucking gameplay .CG trailers are pointless .

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Edited By ArtisanBreads

@jonano said:

I always get really worried for a game when the release date is "when it's done" Duke Nukem and other games have ruined that term Forever. this could be cool and interesting but for fuck sake these CG trailers are stupid show me some fucking gameplay .CG trailers are pointless .

You can say stupid if you want.

Pointless? Check how many comments this video has right now.

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Edited By m16mojo2

@HubrisRanger: I 100% agree with you. The feelings I received from my first impression were, attraction, fear, confusion, sadness, and curiosity. Sure my eyes were drawn to the skimpy clothing but, the trailer evoked a lot more than that out of me.

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Edited By Tom_Scherschel

@TheHumanDove: Find me the inverse of that image in a piece of videogame marketing and I'll make a donation to your favorite men's rights group.

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Edited By k9

The updated EA published version of this trailer has that pizazz factor that this version is woefully lacking:

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Edited By Nettacki

@leebmx: Maybe you're not very familiar with the setting of cyberpunk in general. We know there's something deeper than what we see.

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Edited By bybeach

The only thing cheap or worth gettting into a snit about (in my opinion) was "when it is ready'. I truly hate that too. Otherwise, seems to me some ppl. are winding up a lot of hot gas out the rear end about something they really know nothing about. Looks trippy, could be deep, could be shallow. You can be a little exploitive, that is how the real world is. But don't be cheap.

'When it is ready' sucks though and now.

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Edited By thefriend

This was a decent teaser. The ending hat me for every second. I think anyone looking at this and screaming feminism, is just looking at this at face value. These artists are pretty damn talented. Bunch of knuckle-dragers if all you got out of this is some sexist overtones.

Get over this sexist buzzword garbage already. First word problems everywhere.

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Edited By TheChaos

All these people arguing about sexism.

It's a fucking game.

She's not fucking real.

Holy shit, someone wake me up when this whole fiasco has moved on to some other entertainment medium.

I'm sick of this crap everywhere.

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Edited By Mirado


I had a huge block of text typed out, but here's the main problem I have with what you are saying: I don't think having a murderous blood covered lady-robot in a trailer is sexist or objectifying. What part falls under either? The fact that you can see her panties? That's the best you got? If anyone is going "oh, panties!" or drooling over her clothing and ignoring the fact that she's covered in blood, has blades sticking out of her arm and is surrounded by bodies....well, I just don't know what to tell you besides: "That person is fucked up." For me at least, the sex appeal went out the window when I figured out she was a batshit-crazy murderer with Ginsu knives in her arms who was also impervious to bullets.

I usually lump all that into my "turn-offs" column.

I think that alone neuters your sexualization argument, because the sex appeal part of that goes right out the fucking window, but still; they panned down her body because of the shock factor of seeing fucking blades coming out of her arms and the fact that she is covered in blood. Anything beyond that is, as you put it, "a foolish assumption".

I'll be the first one to agree that there has been a lot of gross treatment towards women in this industry. This isn't one of them. Hitman nuns? Sure, terrible. But not because of the nuns; only because the nuns weren't justified. Properly written settings can make anything work within them. You can argue the writing is sexist....but that's another discussion.

As a film buff, I think this is a wonderfully composed trailer that packs a wealth of information into a small amount of time, and most importantly leaves me wanting more. If you do not feel the same, let me be the first to extend my sincerest apologies.

I'll leave with a quote from the developers:

“In 2077 as we imagine it, technology will be so advanced that implants will fit in the tip of a needle, making modification easy. The decision to change will therefore be largely aesthetic and ostensibly harmless. Realskin synthetic skin looks real but is better than real. It’s soft, it has pores that subtly release sweat, but it is so much more. It’s amazing, those who adopt it look like pumped, modified dolls, because they are perfect, or some version of it. When people choose modification, they’re making a statement, they’re expressing a preference.”

“When somebody walks around with a chrome hand, it’s not because there’s some underlying technology that makes their hand look like that. It’s because they think chrome hands look cool. When somebody has a leg with servomotors, it’s because they choose to look extreme (like the best new carbon fiber bike). And their choice is completely based on style, it extends and enriches their style.

In a universe based around stylistic choices, you can't argue against one until you know if it is reasonable in context. Whether she was wearing pants or nothing at all (or was a man), that shot was deliberate. I disagree with your conclusion as to why it was done the way it was, and I doubt we'll see eye to eye.

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Edited By TheManiacsGnome

Have some of you ever been outside holy fucking shit. It's 2077, do you really think clothing wouldn't have gotten to this point? Especially in a party/nightlife setting? Get real.

I'm so tired of people who feel the need to white knight constantly.

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Edited By helios1337

The style of the logo alone has me wanting to buy this game.

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Edited By Nardak

For me it is enough to know that this is CD Projekt RED. This game studio reminds me of an earlier Bioware when it wasnt yet taken over by the marketing department of EA.

Witcher 1 and Witcher 2 have been among the best roleplaying games that I have ever played. They do have some flaws but the storytelling and the choiches that the player has to make are deep and meaningful.

Hopefully Cyberpunk will continue that tradition.

Also must comment a bit about this on going sexism discussion. The woman in the trailer seems to me to be more of a homage to the blade runner movie:

Pris is a pleasure android in the blade runner world.

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Edited By Gordo789

@Mirado said:

You are missing fundamental underpinnings of the setting in your argument. Cyberpunk worlds are often dystopic, as the case is here. In dystopian societies, the state is a faceless, oppressive entity which rules by fear and force. It's members lack personality by design; they are cogs in the machine of the government or megacoperations. The police is used as a mindless, robotic hammer to pummel anyone or anything that dares to disturb the order of things. Having the cops run around with their faces (or any skin, really) shown would take away from the notion that they are anything other than emotionless, "robotic" humans.

Huh....portraying people as robots, sounds like we can strike up some contrast here if we....hmm, portray robots as human and vulnerable! Which is exactly what they do with the woman in the trailer; even though she has crazy blades sticking out of her arms, every other detail of her design makes her seem more human then the people shooting at her. It has a far higher purpose than titillation; it gives a wealth of information to the setting in a few brief shots. Her dress IS deliberate, but for what purpose? Is she a sex robot? (Which is another common theme in the setting in its own right.) Is she an assassin? The modifications of hidden weaponry on such a design (a very Ghost in the Shell callback) is both horrifying and interesting; did she kill those people out of revenge, madness, or was it a targeted hit? Is she even a full robot, or is there a human brain in there? (Again, a very GitS style choice.) If she is indeed human, why the blades?

Well said. I didn't realize people were having some kind of sexism argument over this trailer. You can't have those arguments in a vacuum; you need to have context. You've done an outstanding job at explaining the context of this trailer.


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Edited By Level1Slime

@Gordo789 said:

Well said. I didn't realize people were having some kind of sexism argument over this trailer. You can't have those arguments in a vacuum; you need to have context.

What context could I possibly be missing here?! There's a woman shoving her boobs in my face! BOOBS. IN. MY. FACE. There's even two of them!! Even more if you count the fembot in the store window and I'm sure I probably missed something else that was sexist considering how some of these rubes are going on and on about how much is hidden in this trailer, but as soon as this poor creature was paraded out in that gross 5th element costume my brain just completely disregarded anything else and launched into social justice mode so I could be sufficiently indignant to this filthy, shameful pandering. I thought we were past this kind of smut by now, games industry! Videogames are never going to grow as an artform as long as you keep showing me things that I think are icky, like women that are dressed in something even vaguely sexy, regardless of the situation. Tsk tsk tsk.

Look, I know I'm rambling but basically what I'm saying here is that I should really learn to pick my battles better because it would help to not undermine my argument and make it look like inane drivel that should be ignored when something legitimately disgusting that deserves to be reproached and/or mocked happens.

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Edited By RaidenMitsuru

That logo is fantastic and I like the look of these killer whore robot women.

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Edited By penguindust

I have lots of great memories of the pencil & paper RPG Cyperpunk 2013, so I am really hoping this can encapsulate all the elements of the original. I want to resurrect my "Rockergirl" and see what type of revolution I can inspire.

My vision of the Cyberpunk genre was shaped by 80's anime as much as Blade Runner and the works of William Gibson. The soundtrack in my mind is as much synth-rock as it is electronica.

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Edited By Shingro

I'd like to post a small piece of a conversation I had with a friend over this trailer

Friend: So, exactly why were people calling this sexist?

Shingro: well the argument I guess is that it's a woman in a state of undress being menaced by a man with a shotgun


After that me and my friend realized that there were about 2 dozen sexy-moments the camera specifically didn't take (horizontal flyby for buttocks instead of that birds eye view rotation, the pan down torso fades out before it reaches her crotch to instead show her gore spattered arm blades)

The theme of the trailer is *clearly* the juxtaposition between human and non-human, it uses every possible trick and chorus timing to accent that single point. (Besides, I've seen evening dresses that show more on top, and the only shot of her crotch includes the mass of gore and bodies, they're interested in revealing the event not the person)

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Edited By scottygrayskull

Alright, that was a pretty dope teaser. Got some serious style, and I'm happy they didn't do dubstep.

Gotta say though, seems like just a really bad idea to put blades in that lady's arms like that. Someone could lose an eye.

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Can't believe I haven't watched this before, what a slick trailer.

But it's sexist? Ok then.

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Edited By superslidetail

From 2013? What!

"Coming: When It's Ready"