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Nine Patricks, Nine Beers, One Spoilercast

Patrick spends an hour answering questions and generally talking nonsense about the surreal DS visual novel 999.

Dec. 23 2012

Posted by: Patrick


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Edited By linkster7

Well Merry Christmas to me!

@MordeaniisChaos so did it need video? I'm going out to shuffle snow for a couple of hours and this would be sweet to listen to while I work.

EDIT: I just finished VLR and my mind is still reeling, playing these two games, one two punch, must really fuck with your lateral thinking.

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Edited By Enns

I had no interest in these games but it was fun listening to the crazy BS in this spoilercast. Maybe I'll go give 'em a shot now.

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Edited By metalliccookies

Oh, thanks for doing this, I was really wanting to hear more about this game (but like most people, i'm not a huge visual novel fan) :D So like your Spooking with Scoops I like to hear about games even if I don't personally like to play :p

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Edited By Redhorn

I need to get off my ass and play 999 before I can listen to this. But still, thanks for doing it Patrick! Looking forward to it.

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Edited By Gaff

@evanbower said:


@cthomer5000 said:

@MordeaniisChaos said:

Is it Halloween? Is Patrick dressing up as his dad? Did this need to be a video?

Do you need to be alive?

Christ, am I some kind of monster for asking if there is any visual stimuli in the freakin video? All I wanted to know was if I could just listen and not need to look at the screen so I didn't miss anything. I've had at least four people bitching at me, dear god this community can be touchy about the oddest things.

It probably doesn't help that you have to say something about the way he's dressed.

I'm guessing not everyone keeps track of what happens in the crew's personal life.

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Edited By amafi

@JackSukeru: Awesome news, thanks for the confirmation. Now I just have to survive the wait without starting VLR.

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Edited By jacksukeru

@Amafi: I'm a European that owns a US 3DS and all of my European and Japanese DS games work fine on it.

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Edited By amafi

I was looking at VLR on the eshop, but didn't pull the trigger. Now I really want to play 999 first, but since it's not available in EU, I just ordered it from videogamesplus for 20 canadian pretend money.

Hopefully it's true that original US DS games work on EU 3DS'.

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Edited By konkrell

After all the stuff you said about this game on the bombcast i am really interested...thank you Sir

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Edited By Nekroskop
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Edited By jesterroyal

: Regarding June's death/life/death as I came to understand it.

*No spoilers for VLR but tons for 999*

I cant speak to how VLR explains it or doesn't but in playing the game with my girlfriend I came to an explanation that at least made sense to me. Firstly its been a while since I played through this. Secondly, They do address the Seven memory/amnesia thing in that Q&A session.

June has the ability to connect through time in paths that "exist" and don't "exist" (as is shown in the game's multiple paths and endings). Basically all paths that might exist. I think its easier to make sense out of it if you say that June never died in our timeline. In this timeline she connected with Jumpy in a future where she survived the first Nonary. the second nonary game. So her ability to connect telepathically across time is what allowed her to survive. At the instance of her connection she was able to survive due to the timeline she hooked into and all that she had to do then was to insure that that timeline played out exactly as it was supposed to. If you noticed, whenever Junpei gets off track in the timeline she gets weak and starts to fade physically. That's at least how it makes the most sense to me is that it is a terribly cyclical sense of logic that gets employed and the reason it is possible is all because of her ability to connect across all possible timelines that could have existed.

1. She survived because she connected to Junpei

2. because she survived she set up the 2nd nonary game

3. this insures that events needed for her to connect to junpei play out

4. Junpei plays through the second nonary game and connects back to June in 1 however time continues to progress after this connection

5. Past this point the timeline continues and is no longer cyclical because all these events happened in the past. And we know they happened in this way. So it doesn't matter.

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Edited By Adrian79

Omg new content!! Don't care what it is ill watch it, feeling deprived lately. Also, hurry up with the GOTY podcasts.

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@PresidentOfJellybeans said:

Not at all interested in 999, but great job on the solo video thing. Well done Patrick.

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Edited By recroulette
@Lelcar said:

@patrickklepek:Please do NOT watch the anime prologue to VLR. Not only is the prologue just not very good at all, it also ruins something very important that you'll discover by the end of the game. The prologue is clearly not at all canon, and anyone who played the game to completion will know what i mean. Trust me. VLR is my favourite game of 2012 and i hold it in high regard and that anime prologue does more harm than good, I'm glad that I didnt watch it before playing the game.

I completely disagree. Can't really explain it without spoiling, but yeah, I totally disagree.  
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Edited By benjo_t

Cheers Patrick, here's to more Giant Bomb awesomeness to come. Have a happy holiday.

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Edited By Demos314

I was one of those people that had no idea what the game was about. Finished it once, got a terrible ending and had no idea that it was meant to be played again. I thought that game was dumb, kinda intrigued by the new one on Vita though.

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Edited By evanbower

@cthomer5000 said:

@MordeaniisChaos said:

Is it Halloween? Is Patrick dressing up as his dad? Did this need to be a video?

Do you need to be alive?

Christ, am I some kind of monster for asking if there is any visual stimuli in the freakin video? All I wanted to know was if I could just listen and not need to look at the screen so I didn't miss anything. I've had at least four people bitching at me, dear god this community can be touchy about the oddest things.

It probably doesn't help that you have to say something about the way he's dressed.
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Edited By Lelcar

@patrickklepek:Please do NOT watch the anime prologue to VLR. Not only is the prologue just not very good at all, it also ruins something very important that you'll discover by the end of the game. The prologue is clearly not at all canon, and anyone who played the game to completion will know what i mean. Trust me. VLR is my favourite game of 2012 and i hold it in high regard and that anime prologue does more harm than good, I'm glad that I didnt watch it before playing the game.

Edit - Also, June being alive as an adult and child in 999 is explained in 999. She's alive because technically you have already saved her in the past. Which is why during the timelines when you get the Bad Ends she starts feeling sick and phasing out of existence.

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Edited By GaspoweR


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Edited By Paindamnation

@MordeaniisChaos said:

@SethMode: So because you assumed that I wasn't being literal, I'm at fault? All I did was give context for what I was saying. I didn't consider it "overly sensitive" until I was made out to be a blight on humanity and apparently also lying about the context I gave.

YOU assumed I was being an ass. I spoke very plainly, you put all of that meaning over it, and that's on you duder. I shouldn't have to defend something as benign as what I said, and when I explained I was basically laughing at the fact that scrawny folks like me and Patrick tend to look kind of like someone trying to look older than we really are no matter what, you and your fellow over-reacting over-analyzing buds continued to treat me like some sort of asshole. As if I was somehow attacking Patrick by making a simple observation. Your immediate jump to "he's a dick!" was completely unwarranted, even if I wasn't super specific. I didn't say anything vaguely resembling a threat or insult. I did no jeer or leer or anything of the sort. And even after I explained in more detail that my words were far more innocent than you seemed to think at first, I simply received more over-reactions of the exact same variety you graced me with in your first interaction with my comment.

But you know what? You're clearly right, you clearly should have jumped on my shit, and I should never be allowed to speak my mind in a literal fashion without fear of being interpreted by a bunch of hippy analyst types, or whatever it is you are to convince you such a silly sentence is somehow one of the most inflammatory things you've read on the internet, of all places.

Seriously, reread my original comment, and TELL me you honestly think calling me a douche for saying that is the appropriate and mature thing to do. Go ahead and tell me that that makes you the big mature lad or lass. Go right ahead, and I'll know it's time for me to simply give up my post and retire, because clearly, you crazy.

If you can see that, hey, it's not such a crazy thing to say, and it doesn't have to be interpreted as some asshole, and that maybe your cynical view of internet comments skewed your analysis of my words, then good on ya, and have a good day.

Honestly, had you just left it at the first douche response, I would have been understanding. But come on, be honest with yourself, after that, you really had no place being so up in my shit about what I said.

Kiss and make up. :)

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Edited By Oscar__Explosion

That audio quality is rad!

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Edited By MormonWarrior

I just BARELY played through all of this and I'm only missing two bad endings! Is there an audio for of this I can download and put on my iPod?

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Edited By ildon

I think Patrick has been getting some (bad) word pronunciation tips from Will Smith.

I'm just teasing. Thanks for the video.

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Edited By SethMode

@MordeaniisChaos: I'm sorry I said you sounded like a dick like 30 posts ago. I am clearly way too serious about this whole interweb business.

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Edited By MordeaniisChaos

@SethMode: So because you assumed that I wasn't being literal, I'm at fault? All I did was give context for what I was saying. I didn't consider it "overly sensitive" until I was made out to be a blight on humanity and apparently also lying about the context I gave.

YOU assumed I was being an ass. I spoke very plainly, you put all of that meaning over it, and that's on you duder. I shouldn't have to defend something as benign as what I said, and when I explained I was basically laughing at the fact that scrawny folks like me and Patrick tend to look kind of like someone trying to look older than we really are no matter what, you and your fellow over-reacting over-analyzing buds continued to treat me like some sort of asshole. As if I was somehow attacking Patrick by making a simple observation. Your immediate jump to "he's a dick!" was completely unwarranted, even if I wasn't super specific. I didn't say anything vaguely resembling a threat or insult. I did no jeer or leer or anything of the sort. And even after I explained in more detail that my words were far more innocent than you seemed to think at first, I simply received more over-reactions of the exact same variety you graced me with in your first interaction with my comment.

But you know what? You're clearly right, you clearly should have jumped on my shit, and I should never be allowed to speak my mind in a literal fashion without fear of being interpreted by a bunch of hippy analyst types, or whatever it is you are to convince you such a silly sentence is somehow one of the most inflammatory things you've read on the internet, of all places.

Seriously, reread my original comment, and TELL me you honestly think calling me a douche for saying that is the appropriate and mature thing to do. Go ahead and tell me that that makes you the big mature lad or lass. Go right ahead, and I'll know it's time for me to simply give up my post and retire, because clearly, you crazy.

If you can see that, hey, it's not such a crazy thing to say, and it doesn't have to be interpreted as some asshole, and that maybe your cynical view of internet comments skewed your analysis of my words, then good on ya, and have a good day.

Honestly, had you just left it at the first douche response, I would have been understanding. But come on, be honest with yourself, after that, you really had no place being so up in my shit about what I said.

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Edited By Pudge

Ah yes, an hour long of rambling about a visual novel into a webcam of someone who is supposedly on vacation, now this is what I pay my Giant Bomb subscription fees for! Keep on blogging Scoops!

THAT is how you be a sarcastic troll on a Patrick video. Lay off the other guy, he has NO IDEA what you guys are talking about.

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Edited By MordeaniisChaos

@cthomer5000: Seriously, I have no idea what you are even talking about. I'm trolling? I think you over-estimate my wit, I was being purely literal. I guess my 'fabulous' side is getting me in trouble again.

But hey, go ahead and believe I'm trying to pull one over on you, and not just, ya know, being forthright and honest. It is the internet, so I guess that is the least believable scenario.

Fuck the haters, it was kind of adorable, and you're all crazy lunatics caught up on I really don't even know what.

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Edited By SethMode

@MordeaniisChaos: I don't know anything about you, I just know that your wording seemed a little like you were being a dick. I think you acting like everyone else is being overly sensitive just because they didn't see what you were going for is a little silly. Either way, an easy fix would be: "Wow, I can see why some people would think that was poorly phrased, but I really didn't mean it that way. Thanks for the additional content!"

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Edited By cthomer5000

@MordeaniisChaos said:

@cthomer5000: He looks like a scrawny kid dressed up as an adult for Halloween I mean nothing but literally that. It gave me an image of a cute kid in a way too big overcoat with a briefcase. How the hell is even the context free version of what I said douchy? I wasn't making fun of him, I was being literal. Hell, if you said that's how I looked at prom, I'd probably laugh. Because I totally did. It's the curse of the scrawny ass motherfuckers of the world like me and Patrick.

How the fuck is saying that so incredibly horrible that I somehow am now less human than you? Even if I didn't mean it in an endearing way, and was somehow trying to be an ass, how is saying "he looks like a kid trying to look like an adult!" something that marks me as "the reason humanity is doomed" or whatever the fuck?

I guess that's what I get for thinking something was kinda cute. Next time I'll remember to add more cutesy japanese emotes or some shit so I don't get my ass chewed out by a bunch of weirdos on the internet.

You can't even man up. You're the worst kind of troll, and a stain on humanity.

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Edited By MordeaniisChaos

@cthomer5000: He looks like a scrawny kid dressed up as an adult for Halloween I mean nothing but literally that. It gave me an image of a cute kid in a way too big overcoat with a briefcase. How the hell is even the context free version of what I said douchy? I wasn't making fun of him, I was being literal. Hell, if you said that's how I looked at prom, I'd probably laugh. Because I totally did. It's the curse of the scrawny ass motherfuckers of the world like me and Patrick.

How the fuck is saying that so incredibly horrible that I somehow am now less human than you? Even if I didn't mean it in an endearing way, and was somehow trying to be an ass, how is saying "he looks like a kid trying to look like an adult!" something that marks me as "the reason humanity is doomed" or whatever the fuck?

I guess that's what I get for thinking something was kinda cute. Next time I'll remember to add more cutesy japanese emotes or some shit so I don't get my ass chewed out by a bunch of weirdos on the internet.

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Edited By kinggiddra

Patrick please, PLEASE tell Jeff to buy whatever mic you're using. It's so hard to listen to Jeff's videos from home because the audio is so bad. Your mic seems to be pretty good, I only wish I owned a 3DS to play this game.

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Not at all interested in 999, but great job on the solo video thing. Well done Patrick.

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Edited By SethMode

@MordeaniisChaos: It's nice to know that your irrationally angry private messages are being spread around.

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Edited By cthomer5000

@MordeaniisChaos said:

@cthomer5000 said:

@MordeaniisChaos said:

Is it Halloween? Is Patrick dressing up as his dad? Did this need to be a video?

Do you need to be alive?

Christ, am I some kind of monster for asking if there is any visual stimuli in the freakin video? All I wanted to know was if I could just listen and not need to look at the screen so I didn't miss anything. I've had at least four people bitching at me, dear god this community can be touchy about the oddest things.

Really? I'd love to hear the logic behind the "Is Patrick dressing up as his dad?" portion of your post, you sniveling fucking douche-bag. It's posters like you who erode my faith in humanity.

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Edited By katelyngadd

@patrickklepek, good work on the video. I feel like you do a good job of avoiding spoiling VLR while still giving a sense of how you feel about it.

P.S. I don't want to spoil anything, but there's a book you find in VLR that's relevant to the events of 999. Keep an eye out.

Re: Things feeling forced

like Lotus telling you about Ice-9, in retrospect that really is a weakness in the original game's storytelling. I feel like VLR does a much better job avoiding that so it makes me suspect that Uchikoshi made an effort to address that shortcoming from the original game's plot.

Between that and the gameplay and flow improvements (I *love* that VLR never forces you to solve the same puzzle twice - enormous improvement over 999) I am really optimistic that the third game will be another step forward in terms of quality.

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Edited By sungahymn


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Edited By MordeaniisChaos

@cthomer5000 said:

@MordeaniisChaos said:

Is it Halloween? Is Patrick dressing up as his dad? Did this need to be a video?

Do you need to be alive?

Christ, am I some kind of monster for asking if there is any visual stimuli in the freakin video? All I wanted to know was if I could just listen and not need to look at the screen so I didn't miss anything. I've had at least four people bitching at me, dear god this community can be touchy about the oddest things.

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Edited By cthomer5000

@MordeaniisChaos said:

Is it Halloween? Is Patrick dressing up as his dad? Did this need to be a video?

Do you need to be alive?

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Edited By zelmes
All the bad ends I always thought occur in alternate timelines that end up collapsing due to the June paradox. The only way that she can ever be in the present is if she is saved in the past, which needs a stable time loop. Else first June falls feverish and would die from that if she wasn't always killed otherwise, then after the bad end screen presumably that timeline ceases to exist. So it is the true timeline because it is the only one that can actually exist.

#9 probably was left the knife by Zero. Ace got the pocketwatch when he dug into Junpei's pocket for the those pieces of paper that Junpei used to rig the vote, remember? And there was an axe left near the captain, which is how Ace killed him. I forget how he got the watch back to Junpei though.
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great video patrick :)

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Edited By SethMode


Unnecessary dick is unnecessary.

This was AWESOME to listen to, if only because listening to you frustratingly call on how great this game is but with no details made me want to play it to the point where I just bought it before Christmas despite the potential that I would receive it from someone. And then I blew through it in about 72 hours. Great game. I think some of your questions are actually answered in the game, but I've have to go back and make sure (it's a little more fresh for me than it is you, but I think #9 is explained by Ace as Ace told him that there was an exception this time, and #9 believed him because, well, he was the CEO of Cradle). Anyway, just thought that this was awesome, and thanks again for turning me toward the game.

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Edited By cthomer5000

I would like to see 'One Man Spoilercast' become a regular feature. It could obviously rotate hosts, but i think a lot of us would really appreciate hearing the 'in the moment' views of someone who has just finished a game. Suggestion for 2013 subscriber content.

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Edited By Jumbs

Haha patrick, that headset is hilarious.

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Edited By Bocam

Blick Winkel says hi

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There's nothing I feel I can say about this without potentially spoiling something in VLR. Great video, can't wait to hear you talk about VLR some more, and have a wonderful holiday!

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Edited By mrfluke

thanks for doing this scoopz man,

still cant believe you linked the spoilers for far cry 3 in your worth reading story, but hell, can anyone really stay mad at these GB dudes? i cant

keep doing what your doing scoopz man and have a merry xmas and a happy new year, may not agree with your "ways" you aggressively shove your opinions into your latest pieces,

but your still an very cool persona om the podcast and on video

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Edited By MordeaniisChaos

@patrickklepek: That was more a pre-watching question because I wanted to just turn this on the sound system while I made dinner. Luckily it seems I didn't miss anything without the video.

Still, you look like a kid in his dad's trench-coat. Dunno why.

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Edited By beard_of_zeus

@SpunkyHePanda said:

Until the loop is complete, June both exists and does not exist. That's why she keeps disappearing. That's how I saw it, anyway.

After playing VLR, I feel like this pretty much HAS to be the explanation of how June works. And it makes sense, given the theories discussed in VLR and some of the plot points.

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Edited By Brackynews

It's a damn fine experience, they did well. Really, really, really wanted to skip puzzles. I was surprised how much time I spent looking up all the spooky paranormal legends that get referenced. There's creative license to fit the game, but they didn't outright invent much. It largely draws from lore or literature.

The bad endings are basically non-sequiturs in my opinion. It's fun to see some of them, but I don't believe they reflect on the true nature of each character.

@Animasta said:

patrick you may say some words weirdly incorrectly (I've never heard someone say coerce like that

Dat Shytown.

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Edited By beard_of_zeus

I'm with you about the weird dirty jokes in both games, they are dumb and out of place and not funny 99% of the time. The only instance I can remember liking is the bit in VLR when you are solving the puzzle in the crew quarters involving the lady poster, and needing a coin to scratch off the silver parts. I found that amusing, and they tied it into a puzzle, which was neat.

Thanks for doing this, by the way! Been a couple years since I played this, but I remember most of the details, and it's cool to hear one of the crew's thoughts on it (and as you said, probably the only person who will play this game).

As for similar recommendations, I think you would enjoy Ghost Trick (I think you played a little bit of that?) and Hotel Dusk. Ghost Trick also weaves a very interesting plot with a great payoff of a batshit crazy ending (that definitely falls into the well-earned category). Hotel Dusk is more grounded, but the characters and writing are top-notch.