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Seems Like Sony's About to Announce the Next PlayStation

The company is teasing a big event in New York City on February 20, where it's largely expected to reveal its next major hardware.

Feb. 1 2013

Posted by: Patrick

In This Episode:

PlayStation 4


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@peritus said:

@BPRJCTX said:

@peritus said:

@BPRJCTX said:

@peritus said:

I really hope they clean up the interface and stuff involving the menu's, im done syncing trophies. And if the specs are indeed going to be as similar as the internet has been suggesting then that might actually become the bigger deciding factor for me.

But if xbox live is still going to cost money then it wont matter, then i will go with sony regardless.

Do you actually believe they stiill offer free online play this time around?

C'mon man, the only reason they did that with the PS3, was because their online service was a joke when it started, so the only thing they could do to sell it was, say that it was free.

Now that they have inproved their online service, you better be ready to pay to play online, cos that just won't happen.

Or just get a PC...

Whatever works for you.

I highly doubt they will continue to charge for online play, the wii-u wont.

And i dont think microsoft or sony will want to give them any advantage.

On top of that i cant imagine that running that network is all that expensive, considering most of the actual data comes through the players via matchmaking and nat's and whatnot. If they were actually hosting dedicated servers it'd be different, but ads should cover the costs as it stands.

* oh and i already have a pc, but i cant play halo or uncharted on that now can i? ;)

Quote me on this, there is no way in hell that Microsoft will make online play free.

They will go out of business before they ever do that.

Xbox Live Gold is their biggest stream of revenue.

And the way you talked about it, tells me that you have no clue about how Xbox Live works.

And if something happens, is that they will actually increase the price of Xbox Live Gold.

And regarding Sony, they wish they could have charged for their online service from the start, but they knew they had no chance to succeed with that, and making it free not only allowed them to sell more PS3's to the ppl that don't want to pay to play online on the Xbox, it aso allowed them to slowly build up their online service to where it is now.

And their PSplus service, is just a way to train ppl, to get ppl used to paying for Sony's online service, all these free games they're offering to get ppl to try PSplus, all that will be gonne next gen, and it will just be like XBL Gold, if you want to do anything online you pay for their online service.

They won't be able to charge as much as Microsoft, but that's gonna be their way of bringin' ppl over, like they did this gen with making it free.

And the Wii...

C'mon man, don't be crazy, Sony and Microsoft don't give 2 shits about what Nintendo's doing right now, they looked at Nintendo when they had succcess with the Wii, but Nintendo is not doing so well, right now.

And btw, the only reason the Wii U online service is free, is the same reason why Sony's online service was free this gen.

By all means, educate me on how xbox live works.

You make some valid points. However, i still dont see them charging for online play. With consoles becoming similar to pc's in terms of hardware its easy to assume most games will get more then adequate ports. Wich is one less reason to own a console and instead buy a pc where games are already cheaper to buy and dont cost money to play online. I guess the reason they charge as much as they do right now is to secure licenses to get dlc earlier, its certainly not necessary to maintain the network. Unless you know something i dont, but i just dont see it. As for the Wii-U, dont underestimate a console until its dead. People didnt think the wii would do as well as it did either, despite the decline in the last few years.

Ok, i'll post this article from Kotaku in agreement with you, that online play should be free, but also to show you why it will NOT be free.

"The company reports that it has 40 million Xbox Live subscribers, though it won't say how many are paying Gold members (one Microsoft estimate from two years ago put it at about half that count)."


That is the reason why Microsoft will never make online play free, because they know that most of those Gold accounts, only care about playing online with their friends, and as soon as they make online play free, they will loose more than half of those users, and they will destroy their biggest revenue stream.

They will go out of the console business before they make online play free, and the worst part is, Sony is gonna be right there with them next gen.

I wish ppl would stop paying for gold, but, ppl want to play online with their friends, but all their friends are playing on the 360, so...

It's gonna be hard for Sony to turn the tables.

Let's at least hope Microsoft learns something from Sony, and adds more value to their service.

Oh and btw, PC's are not in direct competition with consoles, and will never be, because playing on the PC, although it got a lot more simplified with Steam (which basically turned the free world of PC gaming into a closed system, aka, a console), will always be more complicated and troublesome than playing on a console, and most ppl are either not smart enough, or just don't care enough to deal with all the problems that come with playing on the PC.

Most ppl just want to get home from school or work, and sit on their couch, relax, and and have some fun playing some video games, ppl don't want to sit uncomfortably on an office chair, hunched over a desk, and spend half an hour to get a game to work.

I'll probably get some fire from PC gamers, but c'mon, i play games on pc now and then, i know, let's just be honest guys.

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Edited By peritus

@BPRJCTX said:

@peritus said:

@BPRJCTX said:

@peritus said:

I really hope they clean up the interface and stuff involving the menu's, im done syncing trophies. And if the specs are indeed going to be as similar as the internet has been suggesting then that might actually become the bigger deciding factor for me.

But if xbox live is still going to cost money then it wont matter, then i will go with sony regardless.

Do you actually believe they stiill offer free online play this time around?

C'mon man, the only reason they did that with the PS3, was because their online service was a joke when it started, so the only thing they could do to sell it was, say that it was free.

Now that they have inproved their online service, you better be ready to pay to play online, cos that just won't happen.

Or just get a PC...

Whatever works for you.

I highly doubt they will continue to charge for online play, the wii-u wont.

And i dont think microsoft or sony will want to give them any advantage.

On top of that i cant imagine that running that network is all that expensive, considering most of the actual data comes through the players via matchmaking and nat's and whatnot. If they were actually hosting dedicated servers it'd be different, but ads should cover the costs as it stands.

* oh and i already have a pc, but i cant play halo or uncharted on that now can i? ;)

Quote me on this, there is no way in hell that Microsoft will make online play free.

They will go out of business before they ever do that.

Xbox Live Gold is their biggest stream of revenue.

And the way you talked about it, tells me that you have no clue about how Xbox Live works.

And if something happens, is that they will actually increase the price of Xbox Live Gold.

And regarding Sony, they wish they could have charged for their online service from the start, but they knew they had no chance to succeed with that, and making it free not only allowed them to sell more PS3's to the ppl that don't want to pay to play online on the Xbox, it aso allowed them to slowly build up their online service to where it is now.

And their PSplus service, is just a way to train ppl, to get ppl used to paying for Sony's online service, all these free games they're offering to get ppl to try PSplus, all that will be gonne next gen, and it will just be like XBL Gold, if you want to do anything online you pay for their online service.

They won't be able to charge as much as Microsoft, but that's gonna be their way of bringin' ppl over, like they did this gen with making it free.

And the Wii...

C'mon man, don't be crazy, Sony and Microsoft don't give 2 shits about what Nintendo's doing right now, they looked at Nintendo when they had succcess with the Wii, but Nintendo is not doing so well, right now.

And btw, the only reason the Wii U online service is free, is the same reason why Sony's online service was free this gen.

By all means, educate me on how xbox live works.

You make some valid points. However, i still dont see them charging for online play. With consoles becoming similar to pc's in terms of hardware its easy to assume most games will get more then adequate ports. Wich is one less reason to own a console and instead buy a pc where games are already cheaper to buy and dont cost money to play online. I guess the reason they charge as much as they do right now is to secure licenses to get dlc earlier, its certainly not necessary to maintain the network. Unless you know something i dont, but i just dont see it. As for the Wii-U, dont underestimate a console until its dead. People didnt think the wii would do as well as it did either, despite the decline in the last few years.

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Edited By Live_Free_or_Die

PS4 baby! Can't wait for next gen to start.

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Edited By Tryptophan

With new systems comes the $10 bump in game prices. No thanks. Unless I have a lot of cash just sitting there, or I find my way into writing for a gaming site, I will be fine with waiting.

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@peritus said:

@BPRJCTX said:

@peritus said:

I really hope they clean up the interface and stuff involving the menu's, im done syncing trophies. And if the specs are indeed going to be as similar as the internet has been suggesting then that might actually become the bigger deciding factor for me.

But if xbox live is still going to cost money then it wont matter, then i will go with sony regardless.

Do you actually believe they stiill offer free online play this time around?

C'mon man, the only reason they did that with the PS3, was because their online service was a joke when it started, so the only thing they could do to sell it was, say that it was free.

Now that they have inproved their online service, you better be ready to pay to play online, cos that just won't happen.

Or just get a PC...

Whatever works for you.

I highly doubt they will continue to charge for online play, the wii-u wont.

And i dont think microsoft or sony will want to give them any advantage.

On top of that i cant imagine that running that network is all that expensive, considering most of the actual data comes through the players via matchmaking and nat's and whatnot. If they were actually hosting dedicated servers it'd be different, but ads should cover the costs as it stands.

* oh and i already have a pc, but i cant play halo or uncharted on that now can i? ;)

Quote me on this, there is no way in hell that Microsoft will make online play free.

They will go out of business before they ever do that.

Xbox Live Gold is their biggest stream of revenue.

And the way you talked about it, tells me that you have no clue about how Xbox Live works.

And if something happens, is that they will actually increase the price of Xbox Live Gold.

And regarding Sony, they wish they could have charged for their online service from the start, but they knew they had no chance to succeed with that, and making it free not only allowed them to sell more PS3's to the ppl that don't want to pay to play online on the Xbox, it aso allowed them to slowly build up their online service to where it is now.

And their PSplus service, is just a way to train ppl, to get ppl used to paying for Sony's online service, all these free games they're offering to get ppl to try PSplus, all that will be gonne next gen, and it will just be like XBL Gold, if you want to do anything online you pay for their online service.

They won't be able to charge as much as Microsoft, but that's gonna be their way of bringin' ppl over, like they did this gen with making it free.

And the Wii...

C'mon man, don't be crazy, Sony and Microsoft don't give 2 shits about what Nintendo's doing right now, they looked at Nintendo when they had succcess with the Wii, but Nintendo is not doing so well, right now.

And btw, the only reason the Wii U online service is free, is the same reason why Sony's online service was free this gen.

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Edited By EatBolt

Much better ad than last time:


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Edited By Hef

@YummyTreeSap said:

@itsVASH said:

New Tomba!?!?

I would shit my ass.

I'd still want it faux-3d though, I don't think I could handle 3d tomba.

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Edited By Kurinkita

i can't wait! :D

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Edited By holybins

@Branthog: I think enough of the Sony first-party developers have been silent for long enough that we can expect some real, albeit limited, demos of things like Uncharted, Gran Turismo, something new from Naughty Dog and/or Sony Santa Monica, etc. Maybe even real-time demos of games already announced, like Star Wars 1313, to show that they are indeed coming to the next Sony console (even though us "gamers" already know that). Also, given that the rumors point to architectures that are way less esoteric than cell, there was most likely less of a learning curve this time.

At least we don't have long to wait...

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Edited By Darson

The Playstation Move 2

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Edited By devilgunman

@BPRJCTX said:

@peritus said:

I really hope they clean up the interface and stuff involving the menu's, im done syncing trophies. And if the specs are indeed going to be as similar as the internet has been suggesting then that might actually become the bigger deciding factor for me.

But if xbox live is still going to cost money then it wont matter, then i will go with sony regardless.

Do you actually believe they stiill offer free online play this time around?

C'mon man, the only reason they did that with the PS3, was because their online service was a joke when it started, so the only thing they could do to sell it was, say that it was free.

Now that they have inproved their online service, you better be ready to pay to play online, cos that just won't happen.

Or just get a PC...

Whatever works for you.

I'm optimistic that Sony will keep their online service model the same for PS4: Free and PS+. However, more and more people will be switching to PS+ because it has so much value to justify the price and that PS+ subscription fee will help Sony keep their free service going.

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Edited By peritus

@BPRJCTX said:

@peritus said:

I really hope they clean up the interface and stuff involving the menu's, im done syncing trophies. And if the specs are indeed going to be as similar as the internet has been suggesting then that might actually become the bigger deciding factor for me.

But if xbox live is still going to cost money then it wont matter, then i will go with sony regardless.

Do you actually believe they stiill offer free online play this time around?

C'mon man, the only reason they did that with the PS3, was because their online service was a joke when it started, so the only thing they could do to sell it was, say that it was free.

Now that they have inproved their online service, you better be ready to pay to play online, cos that just won't happen.

Or just get a PC...

Whatever works for you.

I highly doubt they will continue to charge for online play, the wii-u wont.

And i dont think microsoft or sony will want to give them any advantage.

On top of that i cant imagine that running that network is all that expensive, considering most of the actual data comes through the players via matchmaking and nat's and whatnot. If they were actually hosting dedicated servers it'd be different, but ads should cover the costs as it stands.

* oh and i already have a pc, but i cant play halo or uncharted on that now can i? ;)

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Edited By jsmoke

looking forward to it. im hoping that some of the rumors arent true. and i hope they keep the online service free

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Edited By afrokola

If they're letting Microsoft go first, I guess we should be expecting an announcement any day now...

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Edited By awesomeusername

@DJJoeJoe said:

That would be cool, if Naughty Dog was able to launch that game along side the other game they are doing right now (Last of Us) which is basically the same game but different. Seeing as that game has a release date of May next year though.

ACTUALLY, The Last of Us comes out this May. As in 3 months from now. As in May 2013. As in not a year. As in it's coming out this year. As in poop!

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Edited By Cold_Wolven

I'm setting my expectations low for whatever this announcement is.

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Edited By YummyTreeSap

@itsVASH said:

New Tomba!?!?

I would shit my ass.

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Edited By Do_The_Manta_Ray

Yay, consoles.. More consoles.. More mass-market games that'll slog down gaming's potential. More idiotic "PEW PEW PEWS" with shiny new textures to get us riled and going as opposed to affording some intuitive and original ideas, allowing gaming as a medium and gamers to explore the more abstract aspects of why this hobby fascinates us so. Now that we'd finally gotten to the end of the last generation of consoles and a-plenty of indie titles and crowd-funded games were reaching the larger screens, finally assured that while they can't compete with the yearly shooters, they can offer something so different and refreshing which is exactly what we need and want by now.. Aaaand where's the door?

Who am I kidding; I'll buy it for MGS 5 anyway.

- Rant

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Edited By viking_funeral

The potential for disappointment here is way too strong. Vita Go announcement?

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@peritus said:

I really hope they clean up the interface and stuff involving the menu's, im done syncing trophies. And if the specs are indeed going to be as similar as the internet has been suggesting then that might actually become the bigger deciding factor for me.

But if xbox live is still going to cost money then it wont matter, then i will go with sony regardless.

Do you actually believe they stiill offer free online play this time around?

C'mon man, the only reason they did that with the PS3, was because their online service was a joke when it started, so the only thing they could do to sell it was, say that it was free.

Now that they have inproved their online service, you better be ready to pay to play online, cos that just won't happen.

Or just get a PC...

Whatever works for you.

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Edited By bigstrat2003

@Microshock said:

@bigstrat2003 said:

@quaker95 said:

Do you think they will make a better controller?

Why on earth would they redesign the controller, angering the fans who are perfectly happy with the current controller design? Sounds like there will be changes, but I somehow don't see a redesign coming.

The hate for the controller is so fucking stupid. It's very comfortable and very distinct to the Playstation brand. I use it on my PC and prefer it over the 360 controller.

I personally like it as well (I probably have a slight preference for the 360 controller, but the PS3 one is quite good). But even if I hated it, I would still see no reason for Sony to redesign it. Lots of people like it, so why change it on them?

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Edited By atombrain

Hopefully Sony learned something and will adapt their console to be relevant in the US market with better online integration and have a common sense price point. Because last time at $700 you might as well just buy or do a serious upgrade to a PC.

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Edited By Rongaryen

They're finally announcing that Jumping Flash sequel they've been working on all these years.

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Edited By Bombzinski

Biometric controller for experimeting!

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Edited By PhilESkyline

Any bets Sony takes a play from Apple and announce the PS3S and PSVitaS?

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Edited By ripelivejam

i hope jehuty is truly en tenehteepee this time <_>

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Edited By StoicM

@quaker95: Hopefully their next controller will have proper triggers. Those snap-ons on the DS3 keep popping off.

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Edited By Lind_L_Taylor

@Bombzinski said:

Presenting to you, The AOXO, the dubstep console!

Hell yeah. I'm looking forward to a Dubstep button preset on my nextgen Casio keyboard.

Right there next to the Black Metal button preset! 8-}

I think I'm going with the nextgen Xbox & I might build a custom Steam PC Console for

my AV center as well.

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Edited By PhilipDuck

So what's going to happen is a 30 minute presentation on a slim new cheap Vita, then 30 seconds at the end with a Ps4 logo... #fantastic

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Edited By Voysa_Reezun

As far as I'm concerned, the next console I buy will have to have three things: Access to all the third-party mega franchises (Fallout, GTA, Arkham ______), lots of access to games on-disk rather than through download, and the ability to play used games. That's it. Whichever console has those three things, I will buy.

On the other hand, if none of those consoles has those three things, I will gladly just buy a really nice computer to keep upgrading every couple of years, and I'll wait for all the big games to hit five bucks during Steam sales, since that's about how much a game that I technically don't own is worth to me. As a bonus, I get cheaper access to the awesome indie stuff that comes out through Humble Indie Bundles and Steam sales.

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Edited By csl316

They said they would wait until Microsoft revealed the new x-box. Did they change their minds?

Maybe Sony just wanted to psych them out to get them to reveal earlier than planned. All this tactical espionage lately, wouldn't put it past them.
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Edited By brewso

I don't know if I could be less impressed.

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Edited By joelalfaro

Heres what will happen when sony shows "Games" for this thing. Itll mostly be CG. And everyone will swallow the bs. History will repeat itself a third time (ps1 doesnt count).

And I will buy it when it goes down in price like I did ps1, ps2 and ps3, and enjoy the exclusive games only!

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Edited By JackBurt0n

Giant enemy crabs?

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Edited By fugie7

I don't think they would announce the playstation 4 this month. I think it's something else. If they were smart of enough they would announce it at E3 .

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Edited By peritus

I really hope they clean up the interface and stuff involving the menu's, im done syncing trophies. And if the specs are indeed going to be as similar as the internet has been suggesting then that might actually become the bigger deciding factor for me.

But if xbox live is still going to cost money then it wont matter, then i will go with sony regardless.

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Edited By AuthenticM


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Edited By Ganthet2814

I hope if this is about a new console that they make more then they did for the PS3. I also hope that they all work first time as well. I remember work retail when it came out and the four we got in all got returned with in the next week after launch. Also if this isn't about a new console I can see the earth being split by nerd rage.

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Edited By Bombzinski

Presenting to you, The AOXO, the dubstep console!

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Edited By matti00

Kinda lame teaser, but whevs, it about the hardware, not the marketing.

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Edited By KaneRobot

Man, if by some incredible longshot this actually isn't the PS4 announcement, they just set themselves up to disappoint a lot of people.

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Edited By shtinky

Wii U + PC (and perhaps nVidia Shield) is all I need for next gen. PS/MS first party have never interested me.

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Edited By gesi1223

It's going to be an all PS Move console and they're going to call it the PlayStation Verve

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Edited By fots

I hope that they will inetegrate the vita as a sort of wiiU controller. Or at least more cross-play games..

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Edited By SpecDotSign

I think it's gonna be a Gaikai announcement.

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Edited By yorro

@Zohar said:

I had all three systems this gen plus a gaming PC. I think I'll stick with PC/PS4/Wii U this gen. MS first party titles just don't interest me and if they two systems really are as similar hardware-wise as they rumors suggest then I don't need to be worried about PS getting stuck with the crappy port situation. Nintendo first party games + unique cool shit = Wii U, core games plus Sony exclusives = PS4, Elder Scrolls/Fallout, Battlefield/FPS games in general, Steam games = PC. I'm set!

Good plan, might go that way myself (except for the WiiU) - PS4 will have its own party games.

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Edited By Zohar

I had all three systems this gen plus a gaming PC. I think I'll stick with PC/PS4/Wii U this gen. MS first party titles just don't interest me and if they two systems really are as similar hardware-wise as they rumors suggest then I don't need to be worried about PS getting stuck with the crappy port situation. Nintendo first party games + unique cool shit = Wii U, core games plus Sony exclusives = PS4, Elder Scrolls/Fallout, Battlefield/FPS games in general, Steam games = PC. I'm set!

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Announcements for announcements, so this is what life has come to.

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Edited By iceman228433

Finally it looks like things might get interesting.