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Giant Bomb News


The Community Spotlight - 06/20/2015

E3 2015 has come and gone. In the aftermath, we're talking about the hottest games of the show like Final Fantasy VIII, Chameleon Twist, Jak & Daxter, and Backyard Baseball 2003!

Many Thanks to @humanity for This Work of Art!
Many Thanks to @humanity for This Work of Art!

Hello and welcome to the latest edition of the Giant Bomb Community Spotlight. As always, I, @zombiepie, am honored to be your host. With the exception of a one "John Vignocchi," we have all survived an arresting slew of announcements and game demos of E3 2015. This week I will be providing you with a brief summary of any E3 related discussions in case you missed them on top of the standard Community Spotlight format.

First, I would like to thank all of the users that participated in the E3 2015 Community Banner contest. The weekly gallery will showcase the winners, but still check out the thread hosting the contest to see the other wonderful works that users submitted for the competition.

Another big thank you is in store for all of the engineers and video techs that worked tirelessly to keep the live chat and stream running. Yes, there may have been some hiccups but it was a monumental task to have a fully functioning chat with a functioning live stream hosting anywhere between two to five thousand users simultaneously.

Of course, please give a big hearty to @marino for working around the clock to get as many game trailers and teasers from E3 posted on the site. It was not an easy task to sift through all of the trailers and promotional videos and determine which were worth hosting on the site, but he managed to do it. Oh and one more thing, don't forget to tip your moderators.

E3 Conference Discussion Thread

E3 2015 may be over but you should still feel welcome to discuss your final impressions about all of the major press conferences hosted during the event. Which conferences hit it out of the park this year, and which conferences fell flat on their faces? Also feel free to discuss any information pertaining to the companies and their later announcements beyond the press conferences:

Clip(s) of the Week

Alright so we have two important videos about the staff's adventures leading up to and during E3 that you cannot find on the site, and another that features complete nonsense. The first video comes from the Giant Bomb Unarchived YouTube account and it has archived Jeff's, Dan's, and Danny's car ride to Los Angeles onto one convenient nine hour video. Not just that but this archive includes Dan's Periscopes during the car ride as well. Check it out whenever you have a spare nine hours to burn. Speaking of "burning," the second video features Jeff doing a "Hot Pepper Review" of Microsoft's Hololense demo at E3. For those that are wondering Jeff ate a habañero pepper for the purposes of his review. Then finally have Dan competing in a "for funzies" Super Smash Bros. competition hosted by ShowDown. Spoilers: He got his booty kicked.

The Giant Bomb Weekly Gallery

As mentioned earlier the gallery this week is a showcase of the winning E3 2015 Community Banner Contest. We have @zzombie13 to thank for the Bethesda Banner, @pickassoreborn for the Microsoft Banner, @feckhead for the EA Banner, @casty for the Ubisoft Banner, @indiana for the Sony Banner, @gnomeonfire for the Nintendo Banner, @hashy for the PC Gamer Banner, and @gmm for the Square Enix Banner.

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Ask and you shall receive Dan Ryckert (By: AURAHACK)
Ask and you shall receive Dan Ryckert (By: AURAHACK)

Lovable Lists

Wonderful Wikis

  • Persona 4: Dancing All Night - It was the game that graced press badges this year at E3 2015, and thanks to a huge influx of information about the game a new wave of wiki edits have greatly improved our wiki page for Persona 4: Dancing All Night as you can hopefully see now!
  • Earthbound Beginnings - Mother 1 is being translated and released in North America under the title of Earthbound Beginnings. As a result we have renamed the Mother 1 page to Earthbound Beginnings to reflect this. Beyond that check out our AWESOME wiki page for Earthbound Beginnings to discover its iconic sense of wackiness.

Useful User Reviews