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    Alan Wake

    Game » consists of 14 releases. Released May 14, 2010

    When famous novelist Alan Wake goes on vacation with his wife Alice, he has no idea that the idyllic town of Bright Falls will soon be the site of a terrible battle between light and dark that could threaten everything, even Wake's own sanity.

    Game Club: Alan Wake Episode Two

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    #1  Edited By ztiworoh

    I finished episode two last night and so, here goes, the second in this series and a place for those playing along at home to discuss events up to season 2. 
    So what did you all think? Did you know that the guy who saved your ass was the kidnapper? How are you liking the combat after this episode? What do you think of Barry Wheeler? And what did you think of the reveal at the end? 
    I have to say I'm really enjoying the feel of the combat, and I love the look of the flare effects. That said, some of the controls are a little clunky, there was a part where you had to get Alan onto a ramp to get over a fence and I just couldn't get him to jump on it for the longest time. The story though, totally has me, and I love all the details you pick up from both the environment and the pages. 
    My favorite was the revelation of the relationship between Rusty and Rose - actually made me sad when I had to take Rusty down. 

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    #2  Edited By Jeust

    I didn't connect that the was the kidnapper at first.  
    I love the combat, though it felt clunky at first, but once i knew what i wanted to do and how to do it, it felt very responsive. Although jumping is a bit hard sometimes, especially with some plataforming the game has.
    Barry Wheeler is a jackass, although he has his role outfitted for him, he is sometimes truly funny. 
    The reveal was nice and unexpected, like the great cliffhanger of a series. 
    One thing that i love about the story is hearing Alan's remarks and opinions, while the story goes. It feel personal, closer and less gamey, like a novel. 
    My favourite part was reading about Stuckey possession by the dark presence and seeing his garage right after. Felt spooky. About Rusty i loved that little detail about the ring, and was sad about his disappointment.  

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    #3  Edited By cornbredx

    Ya I liked episode 2 quite a bit. The beginning however had something I wanted to mention in your other topic but that is in this episode 
    At the beginning of Episode 2 did you guys notice the Max Payne Reference? I think thats even James McCaffrey reading that part.
    I will agree, the controls are a bit weird (and whats with the pole vault jump :P ) but its just different and I think it helps the feel that Alan Wake is no combat pro. I like the dodging and stuff although it took me awhile (and I still suck at it) to be decent at it. 
    Also the open worldy thing people keep bringing up I find of interest. This game is, in a way, open world. While it doesnt particularly let you explore and move from one point to the next without a straight line path, it does let you go off the path in most places to explore. It isnt fully open world, but it has the same explorative feeling of Max Payne. 
    You'll notice I mention Max Payne alot. Well I feel this game has alot of ties to Max Payne (Alan Wake is even famous for writing a book with the same name as a chapter in Max Payne and even seems to actually be a story about Max Payne). The game seems very aware of this and does this constantly, so at least a Max Payne fan like me would definitely notice it, but I think alot of people missed it as I havent heard many mention it yet. 
    Have any of ya'll noticed any other Max Pain references in the game up to this point? There's a few I have noticed so far, but thats the big one I noticed in this chapter that I can recall.
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    #4  Edited By DrPockets000

    I'm really enjoying it. It didn't take me long to figure out that the man who saved you was the kidnapper, and I too was saddened when I read about Rusty.   
    Combat still feels great.  I haven't had any problem with jumping yet.

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    #5  Edited By Rhaknar

    I just finished Episode 4 and I'm loving the game. Let's see, ep 2... I like Barry, hated the fucking kidnapper (man his voice pissed me off). I loved the ending of the ep too. As far as the combat goes, I really like it, the darkness fuckers are really fast so it gets quite tense, and the guns feel really good.
    Oh and the Max Payne reference was awesome.

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    #6  Edited By sublime90

    yeah i also just finished ep 2 earlier and as soon as i heard max payne reading the manuscript i smiled from ear to ear. barry seems a little corny to me like hes totally not qualified to be alans agent. at first i didnt even know the guy who saved you was the kidnapper but it makes total sense, he does want the complete manuscript and in order to get that he needs alan alive! the flares are sweet and the shotgun and rifles are super effective. i really love finding the pages on the ground and the tv parts really add a lot to the story whether its about to happen or giving you more information on what already went down. i liked the cliffhanger to i hope nothing bad happens to rose shes a good girl. im half way done with ep 3 as of right now. keep it coming

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    #7  Edited By stoydell

    I've been trying to complete one episode each night since I got it (on Wednesday), and I just completed Episode 3 tonight. Out of the first three, 2 was probably the most compelling and well-paced. I felt 3 was far too long, but 4 definitely starts off strong. The cliffhangers in each really help the pace and flow of the game. I love the combat, but I feel like the enemies could use a bit more variety (common complaint, I know). I'm looking forward to more threads like this one, as this seems like a game I'd enjoy discussing, and none of my friends have picked it up.

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    #8  Edited By sixghost

    I think you immediately had to assume the guy was the kidnapper. If you were asking if I recognized him from the ferry, I didn't. But how likely is it that someone would be at that exact spot at that exact time if he wasn't the kidnapper?

    I honestly don't mind the combat. I can see why some people might get tired of it, but to be honest, I'm so god damn tense and frantic during most of the combat sequences that I don't think I'll get bored of it. Those motherfuckers are fast as hell sometimes. And god damnit they are so smart when there are 2 or more of them. They always seem to spread out so you can't get a two-fer with the flashlight. Once you start using flares, flare guns, the rifle and shotty, the combat gets crazy. I'm playing on Hard though, so maybe that's factoring into my enjoyment of it.

    I think he's an awesome character. He's easily could have been a walking stereotype, but he seems like a believable character to me. 

    I don't know what to think of the ending (other than the fact that the old lady looks like the Death S-Link from Persona 4). She obviously can control people. My current theory is that Alan must have written the manuscript under her control or something.

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