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Giant Bomb News


God of War III, Brütal Legend, and More at Spike TV's Video Game Awards

Expect to see footage of ten upcoming games during Spike's award show later this month.

Yeah, this guy.
Yeah, this guy.
Spike TV put out a press release with a bit of info about what we can expect to see on the network's Video Game Awards show, which airs on Sunday, December 14. The show will be hosted by Jack Black.

With Tenacious D's more recognizable half running thangs, maybe it shouldn't be a huge surprise that Double Fine's Brütal Legend--which has Black in the starring role--will be on display during the show. It'll be one of ten "world premieres." Do you think they've finally figured out who is going to publish that game? Do you think they'll actually announce that as part of the show?

Here's the announced list of stuff that'll be shown:

There will also be some new Gears of War 2 information on the show, which I'm guessing would have to be related to downloadable content. It's not like they could get Cliff Bleszinski up there and just have him shout "THIS JUST IN: CHAINSAWS ARE STILL BAD ASS" and have that be it.

Actually, I'd be into that.

So, if you count whatever the Gears 2 stuff is as one of the ten, that's eight. That leaves two slots open for other games. I am currently in the weird position of having heard what one of them might be while Spike was out here to interview me for an upcoming installment of GameTrailers TV, so I'll refrain from speculating and instead say that I hope the game I heard about makes it onto the show, because I'm very curious to see it.
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