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Giant Bomb News


Let The Duke Nukem Forever Asset Leaks Begin

Hell hath no propensity for distributing confidential game artwork like a former employee scorned.

We're less than 48 hours out from the rather shocking revelation that 3D Realms has shuttered and discontinued its seemingly endless work on Duke Nukem Forever, and already some of the company's former employees are sending previously confidential images of the game into the wilds of the Internet. The real money shot comes from artist Tramell Isaac's blog, where he offers several actual screenshots of work-in-progress DNF level designs.

Another artist, Chris Smith, posted a ton of asset renders--and then quickly pulled them down. The fast mouse fingers at Joystiq were able to grab all of his artwork beforehand, though, and have preserved it in their own gallery. Here's a few of the more interesting ones, including one sweet-looking patriotic buggy.

Lastly (for now), Layne Johnson put up a bunch of concept art he's worked on in an effort to secure new employment. (Based on the quality of his stuff, that probably won't take long.) He doesn't make specific distinctions about which images are DNF-related, but I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that anything with boobs and/or that says EDF on it is fair game.

As much as just about everyone in the world has had fun mocking 3DR at one time or another in the last 13 years, it must be somewhat vindicating for these guys to show everyone that they were in fact in there working hard on a game, and not just taking long lunches at strip clubs every day. You know, for research!

Brad Shoemaker on Google+