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The Weekly Wiki Update - Sunday, March 15th 2015.

Welcome everyone to my tales of working on the Giant Bomb wiki. So it has actually been two weeks since my last "weekly" wiki update, but the thing is I honestly thought I had just done it last week. So other than that I spent the first half of this week barely getting to spend any time at my computer since I was laid up on the couch with pain in every joint in my body. Alright, enough of this boring catch up, on to what I did get a chance to work on.

The Pages

Since the last weekly wiki update I did not do too much, so this should be short. I added overviews and some basic information/clean up on Turbo Prop Racing for the PlayStation and ToeJam & Earl III: Mission to Earth for the Xbox. I got to the Turbo Prop Racing page after I purchased the game, and honestly do not remember how I stumbled on the ToeJam & Earl page, probably something to do with the new game.

After those pages I decided to see if Giant Bomb had pages for some of the games I have been playing on my phone recently. I started out with the game Pocket Mine. I have been playing a fair amount of it so I thought it could use a page. I also went and added a page for Roofdog Games, which is the developer and a page for the Pocket Mine franchise.

Since the sequel to Pocket Mine was recently released I decided Pocket Mine 2 needed a page also. After all those pages were created I added a gameplay section to the first Pocket Mine, and plan on doing the same for the sequel.


Another weekly wiki update is in the can. I wanted to point out The Wiki Discussion Thread that was created by @beachthunder. There has been some good wiki discussions going on over there so if you have any issues, ideas, or whatever pertaining to the wiki that is a good place to go. As always, what kinds of things have all you been doing in this fine wiki of ours?