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Most Infuriating Foes I've Ever Fought

I feel like almost everyone's got those certain bosses and/or enemies that they just can't stand. Or at least, can't stand going up against. "That One Boss", if you will. This is my personal list of the enemies I found the absolute most infuriating to fight in my many years as a gamer. The ones who prompted the most yelling at the TV, and the ones most liable to cause me to flip a bird or two when/if I finally managed to win.

List items

  • Injustice 2, Arcade and Story modes. Even on the lower difficulties his AI is pretty good, and he has access to some ridiculously broken attacks via his Skull Ship's defenses that can shred through your health in no time flat. It usually took me 2-3 tries per character to beat him, sometimes more.

  • Overwatch.

    The first of many Overwatch characters I absolutely despise from a gameplay standpoint and hate ever having to go up against. Not only is shield-bash stun at near-Roadhog levels of infuriating, but whenever she uses her Ultimate, she basically becomes unkillable for all intents and purposes (at least whenever I was crazy enough to try). Honestly, I think I'd prefer it if her Ultimate did just make her temporarily invincible. At least it would be honest.

  • Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories.

    Hook's honestly one of my least favorite major Disney villains, and the fact that he kept me from finishing Chain of Memories definitely contributes to that.

  • Doom 1.

    The sheer number of attacks from even the best weapons it takes to kill him on even the lower difficulties feels just a BIT cheap to me. Especially given that nowadays boss battles who are damage sponges are usually considered poor game design. Well, the Cyberdemon is a blatant that can also kill you in 2-3 hits AT MOST.

  • Lord of the Rings: The Third Age.

    My cousin once opined that he was the toughest boss in the game, tougher than even Sauron. Either way, he sure does take FOREVER to bring down given both his massive health pool and the fact that you probably will lose more than a few times before you manage to get lucky and outlast him.

  • Injustice 2.

    Having gotten Injustice 2 for the computer a few weeks back and having now pumped close to 150 hours into it, I can safely say that I DESPISE Enchantress' "Astral Soul Rip" move. As in, it is in running for my single least favorite move in the entire game. Period. I just hate it that much, especially since the AI can and will spam it shamelessly. I hate it so much, in fact, that I've not only become conditioned to enjoy beating up Enchantress more than anyone else except Grodd, but the few times I play as Enchantress I try to use it as little as possible, and always feel bad when I do use it. Yeah.

  • Mortal Kombat X.

    Don't love the character's design, and she and her brutish companion are annoying as hell to fight most of the time.

  • Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3.

    And yes, I know it makes perfect sense for him to be crazy broken. But then, I never said this list was characters who are UNJUSTLY difficult. Just pains to fight. And Galactus definitely was, especially depending on who you picked for your team.

  • Injustice 2.

    THAT F@#$%/ APE!

    Seriously, I hate this guy in Injustice 2. Even the catharsis of beating the crap out of him over and over is complicated by the fact that his AI is usually REALLY good, even when set to lower difficulties. When set to higher difficulties, he's as disgusting as they come.

  • The Lord of the Rings: Conquest

    OK, so this one is maybe cheating a little in that you don't technically fight the eagles, but they do serve as a hostile obstacle for the forces of evil on certain maps that can kill you if you're not careful. By far the lamest and cheapest example of this is in the last level of the Evil Campaign, where even while playing as SAURON HIMSELF, you can get picked up by a giant eagle and insta-killed. That's right. According to this game, all it really took to stop Sauron potentially was a giant eagle picking him up and flying away. Ugh.

  • Lord of the Rings: The Third Age.

    A fairly annoying boss battle that takes forever, and given that it's Wormtongue of all people, I think it's a bit rubbish that he's as challenging as he is. I could accept this level of boss difficulty for Saruman (but would still find it annoying to beat). But Wormtongue? That's just silly.

  • Mass Effect Trilogy.

    I have a special place of hate in my heart for the Scions specifically, but it must be said that the levels that are just never-ending waves of common Husks are also pretty insufferable, and represented my very least favorite levels in the entire Mass Effect trilogy.

  • Dragon Age: Origins.

    There is no boss, and I do mean no boss, in DAO who I despise more than this one. The SHEER NUMBER OF TIMES I got slaughtered by her and her gang was absolutely infuriating. I think I actually ended up having to load an earlier save and have my party be a bit better prepared when they confronted her, but either way it took me so f----ing many tries to beat this one that I was left in a pretty foul mood. One of DAO's many awful difficulty spikes.

  • Pokemon Stadium 2.

    Her constant swapping of her Pokemon to counter elemental weaknesses is plenty aggravating. Especially when there's only a few Pokemon in that game who counter this strategy, which really limits your options. Pain in the ass.

  • Judge Dredd: Dredd Vs. Death

    Really all of the Dark Judges made for annoyingly over-difficult and frustrating boss battles, but special mention goes to Judge Fear for being so impossible he actively kept me from finishing the game. -__-

  • Marvel Vs. Capcom 2.

    Always found him particularly hard to take down when I played the game in the local arcade as a kid, to the point that whenever he showed up on the enemy team, I knew I was probably screwed.

  • Overwatch.

    Not as annoying as his literal partner-in-crime, but...

    ...still annoying. Those damn grenades...

  • Dragon Age: Origins.

    By the time I got to this guy, my party was do badly banged up from all the damn Werewolves and the multiple injuries we'd accumulated that being hit with a boss battle as tough as Zathrian really just felt like being kicked while I was down. It didn't take me getting curbstomped that many times before I decided to switch the difficulty to "Easy" and cheese my way through the fight that way. Shameless, I know, but that's just how it was.

  • Spider-Man 3 game.

  • Pokemon Stadium (and to a lesser extent, Leaf Green).

    Water/Ice is a combination with few if any exploitable weaknesses, due to Water cancelling out Ice's weakness to Fire, and Ice cancelling out Water's weakness to Grass. Add to that the fact that her Pokemon tend to be fairly powerful even aside from that, and she's an unpleasantly challenging first opponent in the original Elite 4.

  • Overwatch.

    Do I really need to explain this one? Feel like everyone who has ever played Overwatch knows about this one.

  • Lord of the Rings: The Third Age.

    Each one is SUCH a damage-sponge, plus having some pretty devastating attacks, that fighting them is always a pretty miserable experience. Especially having to fight some RIGHT AFTER a Witch-King boss battle that, while not overly hard (to me anyway), took forever, so I was in no real mood to then fighting another super-tough foe right after. In fact, these things actually kept me from finishing the game.

  • Time Crisis 3.

    My dad summed it up best when they took us down during one playthrough: "those ninjas are impossible".

  • Injustice 2.

    Not in general, but when the AI is set high? DEAR GOD.

  • Star Wars: The Force Unleashed.

    Truth be told, the last time I played TFU, it was a good bit harder than I had remembered, and the Purge Troopers were by far the #1 reason why. Those shoulder cannon blasts of theirs alone are maddening, given how much they can spam them, how damaging they are, and how they also knock you out of the air. Add to that their immunity to telekinesis and decent damage soak, and yeah, they were a pain.

  • Spider-Man (2000 Nintendo/PS1 Game)

    Truth be told, I found more than a couple of the bosses in the 2000 Spider-Man game a bit challenging (though in my defense, I also played the game when I was very young). But "Giant Mysterio" definitely stood out as the most annoying of them all. Spider-Man cracking his fishbowl in the cutscene following his defeat was definitely satisfying.

  • Time Crisis 3.

    Same reason as the Ninjas covered above, as he's the leader of them in that particularly difficult part of the game.

    Damn if this guy doesn't look awesome though, so at least there's that.

  • Batman: Arkham Knight.

    Not Riddler himself, but the race-track challenges he puts you in the Batmobile through. Dear God, was the third one horrendous. As in, it took me OVER 60 TRIES over a period of about two hours to complete it. I mean yeah, Selina's worth it, but even so. Lot of folks bagged about how the batmobile was used in Arkham Knight, but for me, the worst part of it BY FAR was not the much-maligned combat sequences with it, but that third Riddler race track.

    Honestly, just for that alone I think Batman should have broken his "no-kill" rule with Riddler.

  • Overwatch.

    Words can't adequately describe how much I despise this character. I think I'll just say that, if I had the money, I'd commission a series of pictures that was just Roadhog getting killed by each and every other Overwatch character. I just hate him that much.

  • Injustice 2.

    Same as Poison Ivy. Not usually a problem, but on high AI difficulty he becomes an absolute nightmare.

  • Mortal Kombat X.

    Same as Ferra, but worse, since he's the one who does most of the cheap attacks.

  • Lord of the Rings: The Third Age.

    The essential guide (remember when those were a thing?) for this game outright says that the last fight in the Helm's Deep level may be the toughest in the game. And why? Because the Uruk-hai Berserkers here can take a ridiculous number of attacks in a row before your party has a chance to respond, and each one of those attacks does a fair bit of damage. And there's a lot of Berserkers you have to kill. So yeah, it adds up to a pretty miserable experience, and I definitely remember struggling through that last fight.

  • Dragon Age: Origins.

    Their knockdown attacks are awful, and even with my having specifically picked Shale and the Dog (who are each supposed to be resistant to it), I still found fighting through that many werewolves a pretty miserably bruising experience. One of many of DAO's obnoxious difficulty spikes that are my main problem with an otherwise fantastic game.

  • Injustice 2.

    Yet another one who on high difficulties becomes unbearable. Oh God, those shield-throw spams...

  • Halo: Reach.

    Don't know what was more infuriating of a way to die: being one-shot by their main cannon even when it wasn't a direct hit, or the damn tank killing me by ramming. Either way, I learned to deeply despise Wraith tanks in the hours I sunk into Halo: Reach alone, to say nothing for the Halo series as a whole.

  • Dark Messiah: Of Might and Magic.

    Single-handedly ensuring that the crypt level is far and away the worst one in the game, the Zombies are infuriating for several reasons: 1) the sheer number of them, 2) the fact that each one can take a fair bit of punishment, and 3) the fact that EVERY TIME they hit you, you get poisoned. And said poison WILL NOT ABATE until your health is down to a sliver or until you chug an antidote. And since there won't be anywhere near enough of those to keep one healthy through the whole of the level, that means getting one's HP reduced to a sliver and needing to heal over and over and over and over...

    ...yeah. I like Zombies generally, and usually find them fun to fight. But not in this game.