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Best Games of the 7th Generation

This is a list of the highlight of gaming from the 7th Generation. There are some great games off this list, like Uncharted 1 & 3 are fantastic better than some games on that list but #2 is best. Moreover, Portal 2 is more advanced but the first one was a revelation of design and story!

So here is the list in A-Z order. Assassins Creed 4 isn't better than Wii Sports...or maybe it is, but 'A' comes before 'W'.

List items

  • They nailed this franchise on the first one, and really the concept and story work best in the enclosed space.

  • The most pure form of motion gameplay that is done right. This WAS the Wii phenomenon. Wii woudl have crashed & burned without this game. Wii would not have sold to grandmothers or weird elderly uncles without this game to sell it. But I respect Wii Sports because it was just damn good for motion gaming.

  • Neat mechanics and worth remembering. Really the last time Japan got an action game right without descending into Kabuki No-Theater levels of melodrama and stupidity.

  • The best action, adventure game made in the 7th generation. Proof that an Indiana Jones movie can suck ballz and not even reach the level of a great game in story-telling or characterization.

  • I think Telltale reached their stride with this one. They ensured they woudl have stuff to make for another decade at least with this formula. Also this game is just damn well told and fun to play.

  • A better story and gameplay. The difficulty curve is dumb. The game breaks it own rules at the start -but lets be real- it is an experience.

  • I hate the Elder Scrolls games now. I think Bethesda if full of thieves and incompetent boobs. But they do make expansive worlds. I pick this oen for being the "best they coudl do" at the time, but Skyrim proves Bethesda is full of incompetent software engineers who should never have jobs. TES just makes my blood boil...but this game dfoe do some special things.

  • The idea is what I liked. This shoudl be played, maybe no top of the list to be played if you missed it. The nice thing is if you had PS+ you probably got it for free.

  • This is a smart, gross, offensive, weird, and totally wonderful send up of gaming and RPGs.

  • Before GTA V this was the most successful in conception 'open world' game ever made. I would even say this IS a better game then GTA V. The late game was lame, but it was a gem!

  • Just a neat concept with a smart and funny story. Totally a cult hit that broke out to be a popula hit. A concept you can only make or do as a video game. That's the key: you can play war, you can LARP an RPG; but you can't bend time and space except in a video game...yet.

  • I don't understand its appeal to kids. However, this game has taken over the world and generated a whole new type and form of gaming. They out Lego'd Lego. A billion dollar franchise that might never have a second game.

  • Of all the action RPG-light games made last generation, this one was the best. Great story, great gameplay, fun choices and thing to do. I even light the mining...because I am a sadist.

  • A smart, touching and beautiful game. The culmination of effort from a company that split apart afterward. I loved the spirit of this game, this was a game with real spirit.

  • Jason! I loved this game I think ist is a crime they never made another. As idiosyncratic as it was to control or play, it was one of the most fun mystery games I have ever played.

  • This one was better than #4. More memorable, less game stopping events and missions. Just the perfection of the concept...except for story. The online bit is worthless and those people should be set alight...but nothing is perfect.

  • A beautiful game, and yet non-typical game too. This is either the most relaxing game you will play or the most frustrating depending on your mood.

  • A neat concept from a 'humanly flawed' genius. Proof once again great graphics don't make great games. Phil Fish is a loss to this industry, but aren't prophets are always misunderstood and burned for their 'gifts'.

  • I think the best Far Cry so far. Sure, a bit over the top, and the protagonist is a douche; but also a very interesting blend despite making a whole new antagonist in the second half.

  • The revolutionized the story and gameplay of a console FPS shooters. This game is still teh most grounded and dynamic. The last few games are fun pop-corn games...but the first modern warfare was the best.

  • Sorry, this WAS the best driving game come come out in the last generation. Also, a model for how DLC should come out and at what pricing.

  • I would say "the BEST of the series", more fun and just less annoying then all the others.

  • Its a game....err where was I with this when it was up above? Ah, yes, it was very cool that your weapons and armor were sort of "what's at hand" and not true weapons. A creepy interesting premise decently executed....EA of course they screwed up the series making it shyte.