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Debating if I want to buy Darkest Dungeon... game looks great, but $20 is a bit steep.

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Games I have Beaten in 2016.

From January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016 - These are the games I have beaten to completion (unless otherwise noted).

List items

  • January 2, 2016 - Hello Everyone,

    Welcome to the new year. Just to wrap last year, I beat quite a few games, but DID NOT beat Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts. But a lot of people I know are getting divorced and some even have cancer so I am not gonna be a dickhead and pretend like it actually matters.

    But I digress - so today I decided to beat this little gem. But I kid! It's not a gem - it's got style but really it kind of sucks. In a world where Killing Floor 1 and 2 Exist there really is no reason to play this, BUT I DID, so you don't have to ;D

  • Jan 7, 2016 - So I did not beat this game. I have come back to this over and over trying to stick with it, but today I just threw in the towel on this on.

    To put it short, it's not as good as #1. The environments are less interesting and more confusing. I just got tired of it really and I want to start making space and time for games I actually enjoy.

  • January 9th, 2015 - So you might be saying to yourself "But Matt, you beat BS:I way back when, why is it on your list in 2016?"

    Well after the grind and disappointment that was Darksiders 2, and after the steam holiday sale where I purchased this and all its DLC, I thought I would play it through again.

    I even uped the anti and played it on very hard just to give myself a challenge and I have to say, between the tight combat, great characters, and great and disturbing visual this game still delivers on all of those.

    I have yet to play 1999 mode, or the DLC but that will be done in due time.

    Great Game!

  • February 20, 2016 -

    The Good:

    -WWII levels are varied and have interesting design

    -"Droping in" Mechanic makes it so you start each level (and each respawn when you die) by parachuting into it where you want to

    -Level design allows you to take on objectives however you want

    -Aiming allows you to lean around corners and cover

    -There are quite a few weapons, and getting kills with them automatically unlocks upgrades

    -Price is pretty low

    The Bad:

    -Aiming down the sights causes you to stop and aim, takes some getting used to

    -Single Player is only 4 hours long

    -Not a lot of replayability

    -Multiplayer is almost completely dead

    -Story line is very boiler plate, not that interesting

    -Graphics and enemy AI do show their age here

    The Verdict:

    If you want some more WWII shooter action, you can do a lot worst than this. It is not a bad game and on sale it's actually worth the price just to jump and and kill half a day on. I would recommend it when it's on sale since the MP is pretty much dead however.

  • February 23, 2016 - I beat the base game of CoH. It's a great game with a ton of content even with only the base games (and I have the expansions left to go).

    Really fun and well put together and as a person who sucks at RTSs I was to complete the campaign on easy without too many issues.

  • Febraury 27, 2016 -

    Bite Sized Review

    The Good:

    + Really Nice Graphics for an MMO

    + The Interface looks really nice and slick, nice sounds on it too like when you unlock an achievement

    + 2 Weapon System allows you to mix up your character build

    + No classes, anyone can change character roles at anytime

    + The atmosphere of modern day but with ghosts and goblins etc. is great

    + Missions are voiced with cut scenes

    + Mission Variety is great: Combat, Stealth, and Puzzle

    The Bad:

    - Loading times/ how often you see them is a little excessive

    - Que times for PvE Dungeons and PVP is too long, even during weekends when it should be fast

    - Enemies get more health at higher levels, and just become bullet sponges near the end

    - Equipment (except weapons) does not show on character

    - Good/Interesting Vanity Items must be purchased with real money

    - Expansion content is locked behind multiple $15 add-ons

    - Can only make human characters in a universe where there are ghouls, goblins, zombies, and werewolves

    - Base game story line has a weak and uninteresting finish

    - Act of combat and combat animations are stiff and boring

    - Dwindling Player base

    - It is an MMO

    The Verdict:

    I loved this game for a long time and only recently buckled down and beat the base game storyline. I loved the world and atmosphere this game gave off, but at every turn I felt like the game could be so much better if it was a single player RPG instead of an MMO. The combat and animations suffer and the fact that enemies respawn after you've killed them just leaves the game feeling hollow. I truly feel if Funcom were to take this world and make a Vampire the Masquerade style game out of it, it would be amazing.