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My Top 10 Games of 2015

2015 was a good year for games, nay a great year for games. To be honest this year has been the most I have played games in my entire life. The last time I played this many videogames was 2011 and I couldn't be happier. This is the year I fell back in love with the medium, the year all I wanted to do was play games. I do have some regrets from this year, I was dead set on catching up with the MGS series to be able to play MGS5, that I unfortuantly didn't do ( I only got to MGS2, and I loved it.) I didn't finish Witcher 3 or Bloodborne. I did however listen to every single week of the bombcast and beastcast, I found one of my favorite voices in the industry, Austin Walker, I bought into the new generation of consoles and overall had a great experience with it all. Oh and non videogame stuff, I went to New York, got a raise at my job, and saw a ton of concerts from musicians I love.

Now on to honorable mentions, I played a lot of games this year that weren't from this year. I started the year off with Metal Gear Rising and MGS 2 back to back. Both fantastic games, that I enjoyed very much. I was actually surprised at how much I liked MGS 2 seeing as it has such a divisive following. People who played it at the time seem to really dislike it now. I however loved the fact that it was kind of a middle finger to Metal Gear Solid by Kojima. I played The Last of Us, which might be one of my favorite games I've ever played. I really enjoyed both How Do You Do It? and Freshman year for the way they both told a compelling, short story. Oh and I was obsessed with Hearth Stone and as quickly as I became enraptured by it I completely stopped playing and I honestly done tknow why. Now on to this year.

List items

  • This game blew me away. Everything about it hit hard for me. The characters, music, and story were all amazing. I played it twice through and had as much fun each time. It was inventive different and memorable. A tour de force from a developer I hope we see many, many more games from.

  • I wish I knew how long I've played this, because I played it reguarily all year. It's pure, straight fun that I can't get enough of.

  • I've never beaten a Metroid style game before this one. Man, did I have a blast playing this game. It's so well made, the music, the way it looks and the way it plays are a dream. I can not recommend this game enough.

  • I'm 32 hours in and I can't wait to play more. The changes they made to the formula are significant, and I am in the camp that's not tired with the Bethesda Formula. Also for what it's worth I've only had a couple bugs come up in my time playing.

  • This game was one of the first times my girlfriend and I experienced a game together which was awesome. As a horror fan it hit all the right notes, made mostly good on the David Cage promise and was an overall blast.

  • This game is great. I mostly played it on the phone and after awhile and with the button icons turned off, I got a hang of the control quite well. It looks great, feels great, super satisfying especially once you hit a nice combo(which honestly I can't do too often). Even though I haven't gotten too far in it, it's a joy.

  • I liked this game. I understand the problems most people had, but to me those weren't enough to not enjoy the game. While the story makes almost no sense, it did have some really great moments that kept me coming back. It's not perfect but it's more Hotline Miami and for me thats enough.

  • This is a similiar situation to Bloodborne, while I loved what I played I fell off super hard. For me the combat wasn't quite there, I never felt like I got better at it and was pretty much flailing around. I did however love what I saw of the story, the world and maaaan those sunsets.

  • A super fun tight roguelike. The guns feel varied and unique and it's twitch style is super rewarding.

  • This was a game I was super pumped for, this was going to be it, the first souls style game I was going to beat, and then....I put about 25 hours into it and while I enjoyed my time with it I'm not sure I will go back.