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March gaming, turning 21.

So, turned 21 today. Nothing special there. I did recieve Final Fantasy XIII though, and while I am only roughly 3 hours in, I really like it so far. The english voices aren't as bad as I thought they would be, and although some make me cringe once in a while, it's generally good and made for a nice positive surprise. I'll probably write something more about it later when I have had the chance to play more.
Also played Battlefield: Bad Company 2 and Assassin's Creed II this month. I owned the first AC but the copy got lost somewhere, so I never got to finish that game. While flawed and repetitive, I really liked it, so I was looking forward to the sequel. Man, that did not dissapoint one bit. Assassin's Creed II is a really great game. There's enough variety in the missions for it to avoid that repetition, the Desmond story goes in a direction I really like and all the good stuff from the first one (combat, free-running and such) feels tightened up. I don't think I'll return to it though, I got my platinum and that felt like enough.
So, Bad Company 2 then. Haven't played a ton of it yet, around 12-13 hours perhaps and half of that time was spent in single player. BC2 might be the first FPS that I actually enjoy a great deal on a console. The story was forgettable, although the squad banter was good and funny. Still have a couple of trophies to get (destroying the m-com stations and demolishing a bunch of houses) but the main draw for me was the multiplayer, and hey, it's pretty good. Now, I've been playing FPS games online on the PC since late 2000, and I've always frowned upon the console counterparts(except for Perfect Dark, that game is sick), never came to terms with the controls really.
This is the first time that I've actually felt good about controlling my dude with a controller, yes it's a similar control scheme to COD/MW2 as far as I can tell, but I never played those on a console. Probably going to play some more on and off but FF XIII is going to take up a lot of time.
Going to have some sort of movie night this weekend with a couple of awesome friends, really looking forward to that. Star Trek, Inglourious Basterds and more will be seen and fun will be had by all. Also, way too long first post, but it'll do.