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Giant Bomb News


Achievements Most Wanted 7/18 - 7/24

What happens when achievements and analytics collide? Find out inside!

It's Friday! It's achievement time! Before we get into that, what are you doing this weekend? Seriously, comment below, let a player know. Me, I'm going to dig deep into Shatter and the PS3 version of King of Fighters XII, so it's going to be trophy city for me.

No further word on trophy support in our sweet-ass achievement setup, by the way. But there's a lot of other back-end work still happening that'll give you access to all sorts of wild data surrounding the games you play.

OK, enough screwing around. Bring on the lists! Here are the top ten achievement sets, where "sets" is defined as "the index page that lists all achievements in said game!"

Guybrush Uber Alles! 
Guybrush Uber Alles! 

Top Ten Achievement Sets 7/18 - 7/24

  1. The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition
  2. Red Faction: Guerrilla
  3. Ghostbusters: The Video Game
  4. Trine
  5. Prototype
  6. Battlefield 1943
  7. BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger
  8. Plants vs. Zombies
  9. Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10
  10. UFC 2009 Undisputed
People are wildin' out for those Monkey Island achievements, which shot from #6 last week up to the very top. Man, maybe I should get some sick-ass arrow graphics to go with this so it can look like a real chart. You might also notice that Fight Night Round 4 has vanished from the list completely, while Plants vs. Zombies has resurged to get back up into the top ten.

Here are the new sets that our corpse-fueled robots acquired over the past seven days...

Yes, someone finally played this bike game. 
Yes, someone finally played this bike game. 

New Achievement Sets - 7/18 - 7/24

I believe that Watchmen game is only available by buying a disc that contains both that and the first game, which sort of seems like a sham. But considering that first game was kind of bad, I suppose the entire thing is shamulous. Oh, be sure to check out the achievements for 'Splosion Man, too. They're pretty funny.

OK, now on to the top individual achievements. A few notes. First, we still aren't taking secret achievements into account. Hopefully we'll have some movement on that front in the near future, as that'll probably radically reshape this list. Also, I get the feeling that I've been shaping the list myself by posting links to these pages in this weekly list. So this week, no links!
At this point, I'm pretty much rooting against Self-Deception. 
At this point, I'm pretty much rooting against Self-Deception. 

Top Ten Individual Achievements - 7/18 - 7/24

  1. Prototype - Self-Deception
  2. Red Faction: Guerrilla - Revolutionary
  3. Ghostbusters: The Video Game - I Love You When You Rough-House!
  4. Battlefield 1943 - Tour of Duty II
  5. Fable II - The Fowl Player
  6. UFC 2009 Undisputed - That was easy!
  7. John Woo presents Stranglehold - Testikill
  8. Ghostbusters: The Video Game - Ghostbusters Drinking Game
  9. Battlefield 1943 - Best Squad
  10. Ghostbusters: The Video Game - Egon's Guinea Pig
Check back next Friday, when we'll talk about... this. But newer.
Jeff Gerstmann on Google+