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Anita Sarkeesian Forced to Cancel Talk Over Shooting Threat

Yet another horrifying incident in a week that, sadly, has been full of them.

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UPDATED: A small tweak made regarding this incident and GamerGate, based on comments made by Sarkeesian.


It hasn't been an encouraging week for, well, anything. The latest is no better, but pretending it didn't happen won't work.

The Standard Examiner reports media critic Anita Sarkessian, long the subject of intense Internet harassment for her video series Tropes vs. Women, was forced to cancel a speech at Utah State University following an anonymous terror threat.

A number of staff members at Utah State University received an email from an individual claiming to be a student. If Sarkeesian went through with her talk, the individual promised "the deadliest school shooting in American history," as he has access to a "semi-automatic rifle, multiple pistols, and a collection of pipe bombs."

The entire email is published below:

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Sarkeesian intended to give her lecture, despite the threat, but was unable to find a suitable compromise with security officials. Utah has an open carry policy, which meant people could theoretically show up to Sarkeesian's lecture with a firearm, despite the known terror threat. Thus, the lecture was cancelled.

Though the above letter does not mention GamerGate, Sarkeesian said other threats did.

This comes in the wake of harassment targeted at other women in the industry recently, including Giant Spacekat's Brianna Wu and Depression Quest designer Zoe Quinn. Earlier this month, Sarkeesian's home address was used to threaten her, and she was forced to leave. Wu and Quinn experienced the same harassment tactics. Whatever legitimate concerns some members of GamerGate had concerning the industry have been drowned by threats of violence.

Overnight, thousands in the industry rallied with a currently-trending hashtag called StopGamerGate2014.

Me? I'm tired. I can't imagine what they feel like. Sarkeesian is just a woman making videos about games. Quinn and Wu are just women making games. The exaggerated, hyperbolic, and violent responses to their work has only emboldened them.

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Edited By NmareBfly

@kidkarolus said:

@nmarebfly said:

@kidkarolus said:

So, I am going to call you out, and I appologize for that but where is there "aspects of the culture [that] are indeed unambiguously misogynistic". Remember, by the dictionary's own definition, misogyny is: 1. hatred, dislike, or mistrust of women. Keep in mind this is all women, so a particular woman who is reviled is not sufficient.

The person who sent the threat that this article is about might be a good example. Like it or not, that person is a part of gaming culture and was encouraged to action by other people who are part of gaming culture. Go to 8chan if you want to see it in action.

No one person gets to define what gaming culture is. It contains plenty of people who are not assholes, but it also contains plenty who are.

That isn't misogyny, no matter how you spin it. If people hate one woman, that is not misogyny; the definition says ambiguously: "women" not "a woman". If you are to say they are equivalent, any harassment of a man is driven by misandry. I think people would be hard pressed to call anyone who has criticized a male a misandrist.

I think the fourth paragraph in the letter shown in the article makes it clear that the person is not speaking just about Anita. For instance, when he says 'Anita Sarkeesian is everything wrong with the feminist woman... bear witness to what feminist lies and poison have done to the men of America' that implies to me that he has problems with rather more women than just her. Are you quibbling about whether or not he hates them? The definition you posted includes 'mistrust' which I think is pretty evident either way.

Also, I'll point out that in the original quote you jumped from defining 'misogynistic' to 'misogyny'. If we're talking about semantics, then here's the definition for that: 'reflecting or exhibiting hatred, dislike, mistrust, or mistreatment of women.'

I believe the letter in the article falls into misogynistic territory pretty unambiguously.

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Edited By kidkarolus

@nmarebfly said:

@kidkarolus said:

@nmarebfly said:

@kidkarolus said:

So, I am going to call you out, and I appologize for that but where is there "aspects of the culture [that] are indeed unambiguously misogynistic". Remember, by the dictionary's own definition, misogyny is: 1. hatred, dislike, or mistrust of women. Keep in mind this is all women, so a particular woman who is reviled is not sufficient.

The person who sent the threat that this article is about might be a good example. Like it or not, that person is a part of gaming culture and was encouraged to action by other people who are part of gaming culture. Go to 8chan if you want to see it in action.

No one person gets to define what gaming culture is. It contains plenty of people who are not assholes, but it also contains plenty who are.

That isn't misogyny, no matter how you spin it. If people hate one woman, that is not misogyny; the definition says ambiguously: "women" not "a woman". If you are to say they are equivalent, any harassment of a man is driven by misandry. I think people would be hard pressed to call anyone who has criticized a male a misandrist.

I think the fourth paragraph in the letter shown in the article makes it clear that the person is not speaking just about Anita. For instance, when he says 'Anita Sarkeesian is everything wrong with the feminist woman... bear witness to what feminist lies and poison have done to the men of America' that implies to me that he has problems with rather more women than just her. Are you quibbling about whether or not he hates them? The definition you posted includes 'mistrust' which I think is pretty evident either way.

Also, I'll point out that in the original quote you jumped from defining 'misogynistic' to 'misogyny'. If we're talking about semantics, then here's the definition for that: 'reflecting or exhibiting hatred, dislike, mistrust, or mistreatment of women.'

I believe the letter in the article falls into misogynistic territory pretty unambigously.

I would say that he is speaking specifically to a group of women, feminists. That means the writer is a bigot, certainly, but not a misogynist. He is intolerant of feminists to be sure, but nothing there suggests he hates, mistrusts, dislikes or mistreats women, just feminist women. Granted, that may be a purely semantic argument, but i think the distinction is important.

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To make it even crazier, the university is ignoring any risks and didn't even mention this to Anita - she learned about the threat through Twitter - as the state has open carry laws.

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@nmarebfly: @kidkarolus: Sorry to jump in your replies guys, I think we can all agree that whoever wrote this doesn't sound like a good person atall, regardless of his beliefs.

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Edited By rorie

Alright, three o'clock. Locking this one up again as I said I would when I unlocked it. Sorry if this gets your rustles jimmied; as I feel like I've said a few times this week, the moderators and myself need some time off from these kinds of things. I have a number of other site duties that I've had to basically completely neglect this week in favor of working with the moderators on these threads for something like 20ish hours so far. Perhaps you feel that they don't need overseeing, and hey, great, but hopefully it's also clear that they tend to attract a very high volume of posts that can turn nasty at the drop of a hat. Perhaps I could let the moderators handle it but I feel it's important for staff to be somewhat involved in high-drama forum threads like this one. That doesn't mean that I take joy in being King Censor Nazi (sometimes I even undelete stuff that they delete!).

Today's comments have gone relatively smoothly, so, thanks for that. If we kick this up again maybe we can try to start talking about what it would really take to find some middle ground on all this, if that's even possible. Right now these threads feel like wind attacking a cloud; a lot of air is moving around but nothing ever seems to come of it. I'm not sure that there's much of a resolution here, at least within the context of these threads, but maybe we'll take the evening to think about it and give the GG topics a break for tonight.

If you post after this post because you still have a window open, I'll likely delete it and send it to you for posting whenever this is unlocked. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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Edited By FinalDasa  Moderator
