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Giant Bomb News


Cast Your Votes For Game Of The Year

Get your top 10 list ready!

 Here's what it'll look like when you go to start your list!
 Here's what it'll look like when you go to start your list!
Hey everyone. We're still banging away on our fat list of Game of the Year awards, but I wanted to quickly let you know how you can participate.

For user voting this year, we're going to go by lists. Specifically, there's an automatically generated list option that will appear when you hit the "Add to a list" button on any game page marked "Best of 2009." If you want to get your vote on, create a list of your top 10 games that were released in 2009. Get it together by January 4, and once we get back from our Christmas/New Year's breakthing, we'll compile those results and let you know what the top vote getters were.

Remember the eight steps to greatness!
  1. Hit "Add to a list" on a game page to start your "Best of 2009" list.
  2. Add ten games that were released in 2009 to that list.
  3. Make sure they're ordered properly, with your #1 game at the top.
  4. Sit back.
  5. Check the site starting on December 27 for our own awards.
  6. Relax.
  7. Double-check your list before January 4.
  8. Enjoy.
Jeff Gerstmann on Google+