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Giant Bomb News


First Ex-Midway Properties Announced For Release By Warner

Spoiler: These are not exactly the classic names you were hoping for.

Sorry, buddy.
Sorry, buddy.
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment issued a press release this morning announcing the first two products that, until recently, would have been coming out with the Midway name on the box.

No, it's not Toobin'. It's not Sinistar. It's not even a new Spy Hunter game using the Wheelman engine. It's Game Party 3 for the Wii and TouchMaster 3 for the DS! 

Game Party 3 continues the minigame collection series that Midway started on the Wii, and it's no surprise that the series will continue, as apparently the previous installments in the franchise sold quite well, proving the whole "put 'Party' in the name if you want it to sell on Wii" thing especially nicely. It'll offer 19 games including "Rootbeer Tapper." That'll probably be some sort of updated version of the original classic, Tapper.

TouchMaster 3 continues the series of DS editions of the long-running TouchMaster arcade series. Those are those touch-screen machines that sit in bars, letting drunk people play solitaire or, if it's a very cool bar, strip poker. Sadly, things like "naked lady photo hunt" or whatever will continue to not be in the DS version of the game. At least that's my assumption by the way the press release uses words like "family fun." Maybe their families are into strip poker, who can say? TouchMaster 3 on the DS will have 20 different minigames including something called "Dice King 2."

So, yeah, not an exceptionally exciting start to WBIE's new position as owners of the old Midway intellectual properties, but they'll probably be solid-selling collections nonetheless... unless people have finally figured out that they don't need to own every Wii game with "Party" in the title.  
Jeff Gerstmann on Google+