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Hey, Wanna Head Up Development on the Next Metal Gear?

Seems like Konami's preparing for a handful of... openings.

There are a ton of great photos of Kojima.
There are a ton of great photos of Kojima.

You've probably already seen talk about Hideo Kojima this week. Konami not-so-quietly updated some websites and box art to remove things like "A Hideo Kojima Game" from the cover of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, and GameSpot did some source-checking to get some off-the-record confirmation that Kojima and some of the senior staff of his studio, Kojima Productions, have been cut down to contract status and are expected to be completely out of Konami sometime after Phantom Pain ships in September.

I decided to do a little checking of my own, in the form of standing up, walking over to where the GameSpot people sit, and asking "hey, how solid is the source on this?" I got nods and confirmations back, which is enough for me in this specific case.

Of course, maybe Kojima and Konami's particularly worded statement today is all the confirmation you need.

To Customers,

Thank you for your continued patronage of KONAMI products and services.

The latest title in the METAL GEAR series,“METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN” (below, “MGSV: TPP”), will be released as planned starting on Tuesday, September 1st, 2015 in North America, Latin America, and Europe, followed by Japan and Asia on Wednesday, September 2nd. Hideo Kojima will remain involved throughout.

Hideo Kojima stated, "I want to reassure fans that I am 100% involved and will continue working on METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN; I’m determined to make it the greatest game I’ve directed to date. Don’t miss it!"

In addition, KONAMI will continue to develop and distribute top-quality content in the METAL GEAR series following “MGSV: TPP.” We greatly anticipate and deeply appreciate your ongoing support for METAL GEAR.

As the next step in the series, KONAMI has already resolved to develop new “METAL GEAR”.

We will be conducting interviews for main staff to lead the development.

No Caption Provided

So there you have it? Kojima doesn't want you to miss his next/last Metal Gear game and... Konami is looking for "main staff" to run development on future Metal Gear titles. The notion of Konami wanting to continue making games in that revered franchise makes some amount of sense, but the more I think about Konami and its current treatment of video games, the more I question what form a new Metal Gear would take. Would it be a Metal Gear-shaped treadmill, for use in its health clubs? Maybe a pachinko machine that has a picture of a Hind D on it?

A number of things are capable of happening once Kojima and Konami have officially parted ways. Not to just idly speculate, but... let's idly speculate about what we could be looking at down the line.

Someone would probably step up to fund a new game studio with Kojima in the driver's seat. Microsoft could afford this. Maybe Sony could step up? I haven't seen their balance sheet, but as I understand it, the conventional wisdom about Sony, Microsoft, and money has been that Microsoft has enough to throw around to make deals happen and Sony, beleaguered by its other business units, is forced to be a bit more strategic. That's why Sony plays the "hearts and minds" game while Microsoft stomps out there and says "we've got Tomb Raider (for now)." To be fair, Microsoft has gotten a bit cuddlier and less robotic since Spencer took the reins, but you get my point. Anyway, we're getting sidetracked. It's hard to imagine what other third-party publisher would pony up the amount of cash and freedom that someone like Kojima might want to get back into the big game business. But I'm speculating. For all we know, Kojima might want to take 15 people and go make something small. I'd be all for a spiritual successor to Boktai or something. Maybe he'll finally go make a movie, like I said he should back in 1998.


Konami will probably attempt to fill its positions and give Metal Gear another go. But the company's taste for video games has soured quite a lot over the last decade. They're only spending money on the most obvious bets for them--Metal Gear and Pro Evo. The rest is mobile stuff, some of which doesn't seem to be making it out of Japan at all. It's hard to know what sort of budget a "new Metal Gear" might get. As for talent, it'd be interesting to see what sort of game Konami would make without Kojima at least lending a bit of guiding hand to the proceedings. It might be totally fine. Actually, considering the timeline of the franchise and where/when Phantom Pain seems to fall, it feels like we're getting to a point where Metal Gear could use a major change of scenery and characters. I wouldn't be shocked to see a reboot or some kind of game that takes place far after the events of MGS4, using that world as a backdrop for a new Snake clone or something. OK, now I'm just writing crappy fan fiction, I should probably move on.

It's also possible that Metal Gear could fade into the background and vanish, just like so many of Konami's other franchises. Maybe Konami would be up for licensing them out? Maybe they'd just sell off the old IP to someone who wants to actually make a new Contra or something?

Hideo Kojima has always been an interesting figure in the world of video games. And the thought of him out there, making something new, is pretty exciting to me. New hands on Metal Gear doesn't automatically sound like a bad thing, either. But at least we can all agree that the way Konami has approached this move has been the worst way it possibly could have done this. Even if things behind the scenes have become untenable, it's surprising that this hasn't been spun as some kind of celebration. But I guess they still have to worry about selling copies of Phantom Pain, and that probably becomes more difficult if you're already out there talking about how this was the game that broke up the Kojima/Konami relationship.

Think that game'll show any signs of all this supposed behind-the-scenes turmoil?

Jeff Gerstmann on Google+


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Kojima is GBEast's new hire.

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As someone who's been playing MGS since their formative years and put literally hundreds of hours into every main game and spin-off as well as met Kojima and some of his staff from the old KP report podcast, I would say MGS does mean quite a lot to me, but I've never felt so 'violated' as some people have over things like MGS2 .etc

Not that I'm okay with things like Kojima swapping out Hayter unceremoniously for his hollywoodobsession, or him saying that Big Boss should talk less in order to be a cypher for the player more than a defined character, but I've never been vehemently angry about decisions I don't agree with. Kojima can hardly be said to be stepping down as he wouldn't have voluntarily let this news break before the release of MGSV and wouldn't be dissolving his own company and putting hundreds of his friends and co-workers at risk as a result. For Konami it fits within Japanese business culture for them to be displeased with the level of autonomy Kojima Productions has developed over the years from the mother company, and Kojima's own 'stardom' can be seen as an offense to more old fashioned voices within Konami, his having a position at the board of directors was probably always a point of contention for them given how much Kojima Productions has acted as it's own entity for the last decade.

I do believe the Kojima Productions team are capable of carrying on the spirit of metal gear, if only someone can take charge and show the courage to order things be cut, the biggest reason that Kojima ended up intervening in most of the projects he tried to hand off. If Konami really hires a new team that's separate both from KojiPro/KojiPro LA then I become immediately more skeptical. It's indicative of Konami displaying the single biggest problem with old fashioned Japanese publishing, and the reason that companies like Capcom and Square hemorrhaged their main talent over the last generation as well. Top-down leadership, insecurity, poor communication, and a fundamental misunderstanding of the west coupled with always managing to draw the wrong conclusions from sales data are what make Konami a weak contender in the games market.

That said, I would at least enjoy the idea of Kojima possibly working on more games in the spirit of Boktai or Policenauts again, a smaller scale, unfortunately a smaller team. Or maybe he'll join Platinum like most other spurned Japanese Game Dev all-stars. xD

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Edited By moonwalksa

Kojima almost certainly has the money to start his own studio by now. Obviously not on the extremely high budget level of what MGS has been, but new smaller-scale games by Kojima Productions seems a whole lot more likely to me than him agreeing to get snapped up by Sony or MS, especially since the rights to Metal Gear aren't going with him.

He's always been arguably the most important videogame auteur, so it makes sense for him to branch out into a role that gives him more creative freedom than a company demanding more MGS or MGS-likes. I'd expect to see projects from him of about the same not-quite-high-budget scale as dudes like Swery or Suda51, and that seems like a perfect fit.

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This is just all around an immoral situation in terms of intellectual ownership now that I think about it.

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Everything about this article is perfect, Jeff.

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@daviblight: Del Toro was in it so that he could work on a game with Hideo Kojima.

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Kojima just had to get into that "fracas" over cold food with a junior producer and get fired...

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Edited By DarkbeatDK

All right, I'll do it. Check this out:

  • 2020: Science prodigy Sunny Emmerich invents solar panels 500 times more compact than any previous technology and 5000 times more effective at producing energy. America secures the technology, creating an economic collapse of China and the UAE
  • 2023: America solidifies its position as the #1 super power in the world, sponsoring PMCs to take control of every destabilized region in the world.
  • 2025 - A new Snake Appears: China, having retreated to their secret HQ on the dark side of the moon, successfully develops a new generation of nanomachines that, when interfacing with a special polymer AR suit, can make the subject change appearance. It's field tested on agent Mingzu Ling (Codename Prism Snake) who is to return to Earth an infiltrate the newly established Super America and liberate the design documents for their solar panel technology and make them public domain so everyone can make their own solar panels.
  • Once Prism Snake lands in Old America she discovers that the president is aware of the Chinese base on the moon and is developing a super weapon to launch into space and destroy the base by charging it's solar powered super laser and hitting the dark side of the moon. It's codename is Solar Gear.
  • Snake must travel the world to find and defeat the 5 vice presidents of America: The New Patriots, so she can get the codes to stop the launch of Solar Gear
  • In her travels, Snake finds Sunny who is kept in captivity for wanting to leak the plans for the solar panels on the internet and share them with the world. Snake frees Sunny and they team up to try and stop Super America from policing the world.
  • In the Canadian wilderness, Snake and Sunny finds Ellen Page who is the leader of the Canadian resistance. All three of them fall in love.
  • Turns out that Ellen Page is really a re-programmed Snatcher sent from the future to protect the past, which is why she doesn't age.
  • After defeating The New Patriots, Snake infiltrates the Super White House and discovers that the President of the World is merely a hologram created by a sentient AI comprised of nanomachines and the entire internet.
  • Sunny comes up with an epic internet meme that is infused with a special brand of FoxDie and it goes viral at such a rapid pace that the internet shuts down.
  • Super America is defeated and Ellen Page becomes the new president of Super Canada as it absorbs Old America.
  • With no internet anymore, technology and information is shared via Ham Radio.
  • Snake, Sunny and Ellen Page get married.

I call it "Boktai 3"

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I wonder if this will ever be leaked out. It's crazy to think about because Kojima is the only person that knows what the hell is going on at Konami. Also I feel like Kojima, along with Platinum, are some of the only developers in Japan that understand what is happening in the west. This should be an interesting next year or so for them. Also keep writing stuff like this Jeff!

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Hopefully the next one will have more Gameplay and features and less.... well...... Kojima....

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Breaking News: Hideo Kojima is the new cast member of Mega64.

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Metal Gear Revengistence: A Hind D?

As long as TPP gets released and Kojima was in charge, I'm sure I'll like it. As far as where it all goes from here, I'm excited. I'm a fan of Kojima, not Konami. Wherever he goes, whether he makes another game or decides to try directing a movie, I'll be interested to check it out.

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Hopefully the next one will have more Gameplay and features and less.... well...... Kojima....

You can send goats into the stratosphere so they can defend your off shore base against other players in MGS5. Isn't that all the gameplay and features you need?

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@pyrodactyl: Was hopeing for less crazy and less film sequences...

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Can I pre-order this now? or do I have to wait?

What are my options for Collectors edition or DLC pre-order Bonuses?

All right, I'll do it. Check this out:

  • 2020: Science prodigy Sunny Emmerich invents solar panels 500 times more compact than any previous technology and 5000 times more effective at producing energy. America secures the technology, creating an economic collapse of China and the UAE
  • 2023: America solidifies its position as the #1 super power in the world, sponsoring PMCs to take control of every destabilized region in the world.
  • 2025 - A new Snake Appears: China, having retreated to their secret HQ on the dark side of the moon, successfully develops a new generation of nanomachines that, when interfacing with a special polymer AR suit, can make the subject change appearance. It's field tested on agent Mingzu Ling (Codename Prism Snake) who is to return to Earth an infiltrate the newly established Super America and liberate the design documents for their solar panel technology and make them public domain so everyone can make their own solar panels.
  • Once Prism Snake lands in Old America she discovers that the president is aware of the Chinese base on the moon and is developing a super weapon to launch into space and destroy the base by charging it's solar powered super laser and hitting the dark side of the moon. It's codename is Solar Gear.
  • Snake must travel the world to find and defeat the 5 vice presidents of America: The New Patriots, so she can get the codes to stop the launch of Solar Gear
  • In her travels, Snake finds Sunny who is kept in captivity for wanting to leak the plans for the solar panels on the internet and share them with the world. Snake frees Sunny and they team up to try and stop Super America from policing the world.
  • In the Canadian wilderness, Snake and Sunny finds Ellen Page who is the leader of the Canadian resistance. All three of them fall in love.
  • Turns out that Ellen Page is really a re-programmed Snatcher sent from the future to protect the past, which is why she doesn't age.
  • After defeating The New Patriots, Snake infiltrates the Super White House and discovers that the President of the World is merely a hologram created by a sentient AI comprised of nanomachines and the entire internet.
  • Sunny comes up with an epic internet meme that is infused with a special brand of FoxDie and it goes viral at such a rapid pace that the internet shuts down.
  • Super America is defeated and Ellen Page becomes the new president of Super Canada as it absorbs Old America.
  • With no internet anymore, technology and information is shared via Ham Radio.
  • Snake, Sunny and Ellen Page get married.

I call it "Boktai 3"

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100% in favour of Kojima breaking out and trying new things.

100% in favour of MG being about more than just Snake protagonists.

I think now is finally the time for him to "be done with it". Two complete story arcs is a remarkable career.

What I'm saying is, Destiny 3: Moon Eater.

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Edited By DarkbeatDK

@rigas: pre-order now to play as Harley Quinn

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I just hope that Kojima will continue to make games. He's just to awesome to leave the business.

Also if Konami picks up Swery to do the next MGS game I'm in 100%, else we'll have to see.

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I don't know why but I feel working with Kojipro on a game at a personal level would be as weird as the characters in his games. I can just imagine him randomly selecting an intern to enter his office so he can pounce on the unsuspecting fool from a trick shelf and practice some newly thought out CQC technique. After its done, he would probably rush to the creative team and tell them to add this new combat move into the game and citing the unconscious intern (which he has been dragging around like Snake) as being "instrumental"... and thus earning a position on the team. One can say that most of his personal team members are purely comprised of his victims.

His new technique of sending lewd pictures to a reporter did not work (is this true?) however and had to be scrapped. The resulting backlash caused him to quit his job and pursue more darker interest with his trusty Dark Jeebus Del Toro at his side.

PS: Incase you are wondering, the interns are made to sign a confidentiality clause prior to being hired. So they can't talk about anything, period.