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Giant Bomb News


Most Popular Achievements (10/3 - 10/9)

Quite a shocker at the top of the charts this week.

It's Sunday night, and I've just spent almost the entire weekend playing Borderlands while also finishing up Forza 3 and playing a bit of Uncharted 2. They call this "October" in the world of game reviewing. Lots of exciting stuff is here or coming very soon, and it can be hard to make time for all of it. So it's nice that I've already been able to sink 20 hours into Borderlands, which isn't out for another week or so.

The top 10 list for most popular achievement pages is reflecting the season, too, with plenty of unreleased games like Modern Warfare 2, Dragon Age: Origins, and Brutal Legend. You may also notice that there's a PlayStation 3 game at the top of the chart! Cool! More on that later.

Bet you didn't expect to see this up top.
Bet you didn't expect to see this up top.

Top Ten Sets

  1. InFamous (PS3!)
  2. Modern Warfare 2
  3. Unreal Tournament 3
  4. Saw
  5. Halo 3: ODST
  6. Dragon Age: Origins
  7. Risen
  8. Batman: Arkham Asylum
  9. The Beatles: Rock Band
  10. Brutal Legend

I'm pretty sure InFamous and Unreal Tournament 3 are listed above because I linked directly to those pages when we rolled out support for PlayStation 3 trophies on the site. Those pages are still on the site, but we're currently unable to update your PSN accounts. We're doing what we can and hope to restore this feature to the site in the near future. In the meantime, we're still taking your World of Warcraft, Xbox 360, and Steam accounts.

Here are the new sets on the site since the last time we did this. 

You know, I bet this game will end up selling some copies this year. 
You know, I bet this game will end up selling some copies this year. 

New Sets

We also added a slew of PlayStation 3 games while that was up and running.

Lastly, here are your top ten individual achievement pages!

Top Ten Indvidual

  1. Halo 3: ODST - Super Sleuth
  2. Halo 3: ODST - Naughty Naughty
  3. Batman: Arkham Asylum - World's Greatest Detective
  4. Garry's Mod - Secret Phrase
  5. Halo 3: ODST - Be Like Marty
  6. Halo 3: ODST - Audiophile
  7. Halo 3: ODST - Good Samaritan
  8. Halo 3: ODST - Campaign Complete: Legendary
  9. Halo 3: ODST - Vidmaster Challenge: Endure
  10. Halo 3: ODST - Vidmaster Challenge: Deja Vu
Man, that's still a ton of ODST up there. If you remember the graph I showed you last week, you saw that you guys peaked on launch day and there's been a pretty substantial drop-off ever since. So I imagine the popularity of these pages has something to do with their difficulty (plus there's apparently some sort of issue preventing some people from properly unlocking that Super Sleuth one).

I'm pretty sure I mentioned this last week, but in case I didn't, we now have the ability to rename secret achievements in the system. It takes a bit of detective work to get them in properly, but it can be done. I've been doing a few here and there, when I get a free moment. We'll probably have to figure out a way for you guys to contribute to that stuff, though, because it's a bit of a slow process when just one dude is doing it. Stay tuned for that.    
Jeff Gerstmann on Google+