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Off the Clock: Robots, Wrestlers, and Other Narrative Devices

This weekend I played Overwatch and I watched Survivor Series. Both have cartoonish violence and over the top characters, but only one of them has good writing.

Welcome to Off the Clock, my weekly column about the stuff I've been doing while out of the office. This weekend, I spent my free time...

...Running Up Walls, Blowing Up Mechs, and Looking At Cute Emotes

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After months of being pretty much unfazed by Blizzard's Overwatch rollout, the game's showing at BlizzCon a few weeks ago finally got my attention. Since then, I've been watching lots of gameplay footage (including our own Unfinished) and trying to figure out what it is that attracts me to the game. After all, it's not like I have a ton of expertise or love for either class-based first-person shooters or Blizzard games. This weekend I finally got to dig into the game for a few hours, and while my experience helped me understand what attracts me to Overwatch, it also made me wonder if I'll actually be able to enjoy the final product when it finally releases in 2016.

More than its competitors--even more than Team Fortress 2--Overwatch prioritizes character, and not only in the basic visual design of its characters (though those are all striking and memorable, too). Each character's personality extends to their special attacks, movement tricks, and other abilities, all of which are splashy and vibrant. Not only does this allow for the recognizability necessary for tactical play, but it also means that major sequences of events play out with the punch of little, didactic stories.

For example: One of my favorite characters is Bastion, a robot who can transform into different modes as the situation requires, chirping happily all the while. At a crucial point in one match, another team member used an ability that revealed an incoming group of enemy players, so I switched into my sentry mode, turning into a shielded turret so that I could tear apart the other team as they streamed through a chokepoint. And then I saw the grappling hook speed above my head, and then Widowmaker zipping towards me, and then I realized that my sentry mode locked me to a 180 degree rotation, and then I was dead. It was like a little informational comic, like something that might get packed in with commercially sold Bastion units. "Remember, your turret can't actually watch its own back!" Lesson learned.

Overwatch uses bright, cartoonish art to communicate a lot of tactical information.
Overwatch uses bright, cartoonish art to communicate a lot of tactical information.

It helps that the world Overwatch matches play out in has just as much personality as the game's characters. My favorite arena starts one team in an arcade filled with machines running mock-sequels to Blizzard games, but each level that I played over the weekend beta was filled with little details blossoming in its corners and corridors. It's indicative of Overwatch's particular heritage: It emerged from the remains of Titan, Blizzard's canceled followup to World of Warcraft. While other shooters only work to establish the barest justification for a death match to pop off, Overwatch feels like a tiny part of a much larger, well considered setting. I'm not saying every shooter needs to do this--Team Fortress 2 leans so far in the other direction as to be charming--but it really helps to make me care about the world.

But there's a weird tension between the game's competitive design--which includes multi-character power combos and MOBA style pairings--and its world building. Overwatch is warm in a way that many competitive games aren't: The characters--even the grotesque ones--are endearing. Even when they're bad ass, they rarely feel like they're trying to be bad ass. It all makes me want to inhabit the world of Overwatch, but right now the only way I can do that is by repeating the same few, uninspired match types over and over. Maybe the full release will switch that up, but even then, I'm worried that I won't be able to dedicate the time I need to keep up with the game's skill curve--and I'm curious to see if the friendly atmosphere will shine through the usual muck of online competitive play. After Hearthstone and Heroes of the Storm, it's clear that Blizzard knows that this is something they need to anticipate, but I don't see the same sorts of safeguards and design decisions in Overwatch that those games had.

...Watching Large Men Fail To Capture My Imagination

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I also put aside the time this weekend to watch WWE's Survivor Series--I know many of you don't like wrestling so I'll be brief: I wish I hadn't put that time aside.

Oh, fine, I'll say a little more. On Twitter I wrote that it was a condensed exhibition of every weakness the WWE currently: A few key injuries and absences (especially that of chief bad guy and former champion Seth Rollins) make what is actually a pretty talented roster seem weaker than it actually is; the company's writers can't set up stakes that anyone cares about or buys into; cross-generational competition is hamstrung by the need to respect established legends; the audience is all a little too knowledgeable to care about anything. But what is more frustrating than all of this is that Survivor Series actually put some of the company's greatest strengths on display, but these weren't enough to save the show. There were fantastic performers in the ring basically all night, but Survivor Series never felt cohesive or vital. With rare exception, solid in-ring performance doesn't make up for months of poor storytelling.

I'm pretty sure that his new pompadour officially means that Xavier Woods is an Overwatch character.
I'm pretty sure that his new pompadour officially means that Xavier Woods is an Overwatch character.

At the end of the night, a resigned looking HHH--who holds both a fictional and real corporate role in the WWE--shook the hand of the new world champion, the "Celtic Warrior" Sheamus. HHH's face communicated that he was settling: He'd lost Seth Rollins to injury, so yeah, sure, Sheamus would have to do. It fit with the HHH character--clever, observant, opportunistic. But it hit a little too close too home: WWE was also settling. It's easy to imagine that the behind the scenes, the company's staff left that night feeling like they put on the best show they could've put together given the circumstances, only to face the fact that their best simply wasn't good enough. No audience was going to leave that show happy. The WWE made sure of that months and months ago.

I also spent some time...

Reading: Speaking of not making audiences happy, Brendan Keogh's "Videogames Without Players" and Mattie Brice's "Kill The Player" both think about what games might look like without our focus on the player's pleasure--and what that focus has lead to in design and aesthetics. Elsewhere, Gita Jackson pays attention to something that many players have ignored: Furniture.

Listening to: Times New Viking's "No Room to Live" and Vince Staples' "Summertime" (No, but really, how the hell did I sleep so hard on Summertime 06????)

After the success of last week's comment's section, I want to turn asking y'all a question into a recurring thing. So, in the spirt of Survivor Series:

Can you think of a game that you don't like despite being able to recognize that its parts are totally solid? Or, said differently: What's a game that you don't like even though on paper you should totally love it?


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Great article Austin

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Great new column, Austin!

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I'd probably say Borderlands. I love the art, the world is super cool, it plays real nice, but I couldn't stick with EITHER 1 or 2 for more than a handful of hours.

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Edited By recroulette

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance and Advance Wars among my all time favorite games, yet I can't get into Fire Emblem. Not the GBA one, not the GameCube one, DEFINITELY not Awakening (even with casual mode). I can understand why people like the series, but I've never been able to play through one.

Survivor Series was so by the numbers I'm staying away from wrestling until January when Lucha Underground comes back and Wrestle Kingdom happens. That show was draining, not horribly bad, just...draining. Can't keep doing it.

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Aus-tin Rocks!

Aus-tin Rocks!

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Great article, Austin.

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Edited By Irothtin

I love older FFs and JRPGs in general but I have little interest in FFVII and FFVIII. Totally into XI, though, which definitely has a more old-school feel? I think it's probably because I got to grow up playing IV-VI (my older cousin gave me his SNES and games when he went off to college, so I was playing them while I already had an N64) and then hear everyone talk about how great VII was while ignoring the past ones. They are, of course, excellent games, but I just can't get into them. Cloud's a shitter.

Also just gonna take this opportunity to mention that FFVI has some of the best quiet, emotional moments I've seen in games. There are so many good ones and for so many different characters. Good times.

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Regarding your audience question (you should come up with a name for it!): I completely failed to get into New Vegas despite previously loving and 100%ing Fallout 3 and being fully aware of how many people love the former much more than the latter. I want to blame it being a lot more freeform in presentation than 3 leading me to feel kind of aimless, but I always keep it up in my mind as something I should really get back to.

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I will say there was one positive after watching Survivor's Series. It got me to cancel my WWE Network subscription. Now I have 10 extra bucks a month to waste on something I might actually enjoy!

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@recspec: Ooh, that's an interesting one. What keeps you from digging it? You're not the first person I've heard make that claim, so I'm curious to see if you can figure out what it is that keeps it from connecting with you.

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Edited By BlazeHedgehog

Team Fortress 2 didn't used to lean in the opposite direction. TF2 used to be pretty tight with its lean narrative, and then Valve started doing crossover stuff and opening its doors to community submissions and all semblance of what time period and tone TF2 was aiming for went completely out the window as you can now equip your sniper with iPod earbuds, futuristic Deus Ex rifles, and Kanye West slotted sunglasses.

Maybe it's just a thing in the circles I run in, but I miss the older, more simple Team Fortress 2, back when it had its sharper focus. That type of focus is something that is drawing me to Overwatch.

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Absolutely Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. I loved Metroid Prime to death, and while I don't think either sequel matched up (too many characters and too much direct story, took away from the quiet loneliness of the first), I still enjoyed them quite a bit. And I actually had a lot of fun with the motion mechanics of 3. Aiming felt natural and smooth and actually much better than pretty much any FPS I've ever played, and there were lots of little, satisfying things like grappling by thrusting the nunchuck forward and yanking it back. The environments were great as always, interesting puzzles, so on and so forth.

But eventually I was just kinda...over it. The story was certainly not very interesting to me at all, but that's true of most games and it generally doesn't bother me. Maybe the shiny new-ness of Metroid Prime had finally worn off? Other franchises have held my attention for longer, like Zelda, Mass Effect, the Arkham games, etc., but I guess as much as I loved the first Prime I was ready for it be over before too long. To this day I still can't put my finger on it.

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Bethseda RPG's have become that game for me. There is a lot to like inside them but...

The lack of finesse possible in their combat systems combined with the scope of them has turned me off of them, and the impressive outings from other companies in related genres (From Software's rise being the big one) has made it so I don't ever need to go down their roads for games like that.

Overwatch seems like a blast but with my laptop right now I am waiting for console versions, and Summertime is FIRE.

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I know this one hits close to you Austin, but I don't like Invisible Inc. despite being a fan of both stealth games and turn-based tactics stuff. Something about those mechanics plus the roguelike permadeath turned me off super hard after I completed it once. Same for Massive Chalice, which I found to be painfully simple and surprisingly charmless for a Double Fine game.

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Overwatch will probably be one of those things I don't pay much attention to unless my friends get into it. I just can't get into FPS games with randoms anymore, and I used to spend hours and hours with Quake 1, mostly using the original Team Fortress mod.

Also, I havent been a huge follower of WWE in over ten years - used to have a lot of fun in the heyday of The Rock and Steve Austin, we'd get 15 people and pitch in for the PPVs. It's kinda showed me that perhaps pro wrestling is purely a group activity. I didn't give a damn about it until I had a group to watch with.

As far as games I like but shouldn't, i'm going to have to go with Destiny: The Taken King. I love the gunplay, I love MMO elements, but I just can't get into it. As much as I hate WoW general chat I think perhaps Destiny is hamstrung by the lack of matchmaking / chat for non-Strike content for me, I always liked finding a guild/clan - small group to pull from for group stuff instead of having to rely on randoms.

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Edited By Pullarius_Capax

The game that immediately comes to mind is Shadow of Mordor, I could see its quality in controls and design, but I just ended up finding the dynamic nature of the nemesis system frustrating, if I'm on a mission I don't want to have to deal with 2 named orcs stumbling on me and killing me. Also I think compared to other open world games the world was boring, there were no safe spaces.

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Edited By nickhead

Tough homework question, maybe I'll revisit.

Love this new weekly blog though, keep it up! Something about Overwatch has me really intrigued, I'm just waiting for an invite to the beta.

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You've done a great job of teasing out my exact worry about Overwatch--I love, love, love the world and the characters, but I'm not sure I'll enjoy the actual format of the game quite so much. I never had much fun trying to get into the competitive side of TF2 (though I did dig the wave-based mode). So if Overwatch has more cooperative modes in it, cool; if not, that'll be a bummer.

I'm starting to think Fallout 4 might be my answer to the end question. I really love games where you can build yourself a town, but the weird, clunky settlement interface is kind of dragging my enjoyment of it down in Fallout. I'm still pretty early on, so I'm not writing it off just yet, but it's been rough.

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The Wolf Among Us. I liked the Telltale Walking Dead game and I'm really big fan of Fables (the comic) as well as noir fiction, but after I finished the first episode I never wanted to go back. Maybe I'm just burned out on the formula.

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Reading: Speaking of not making audiences happy, Brendan Keogh's "Videogames Without Players" and Mattie Brice's "Kill The Player" both think about what games might look like without our focus on the player's pleasure--and what that focus has lead to in design and aesthetics.

Oh I can tell these are going to be very deep in my wheelwell.

As for the question, oh yes. Alot of games I know very quickly I find not my cup of tea but I sense the craft and the dev team nailing their aims wonderfully.

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Edited By Aldowyn

My biggest problem with Overwatch after playing through the beta is that I can't seem to wrap my ahead around using Q for the ultimate and shift for the mobility ability nearly everybody has, and there's not quite enough consistency in how the abilities are bound. Not every hero has every type of ability, or something. I dunno, it's weird. (It's also weird how you can have multiple of the same character in a 5v5 with 20+ heroes)

Two answers for the QotW: Dishonored and Deus Ex: Human Revolution.

I knew Dishonored was going to be popular among my friends literally as soon as I knew what it was, but I myself don't like it as much. Lots has been said elsewhere about the issues with its morality system/choices and how the non-lethal runs just aren't as fun in a lot of ways, but that (combined with lackluster characters) led to me not enjoying it as much as I felt I should. Fun to talk about, though.

DE:HR: Man, a cyberpunk RPG focused on alternate paths to objectives should be RIGHT up my alley. But it's not, and I can't even figure out why. Two or three tries and the furthest I've gotten is to Shanghai. I'll try again before the new one, but still.

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Edited By KentonClay

@recspec said:

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance and Advance Wars among my all time favorite games, yet I can't get into Fire Emblem. Not the GBA one, not the GameCube one, DEFINITELY not Awakening (even with casual mode). I can understand why people like the series, but I've never been able to play through one.

I feel the same way, and I realized that it's the support system that grates on me. On one hand, you want to be as tactically smart as possible, because the game has permadeath. On the other, you want to make your soldiers arbitrarily stand next to each other for plot/character development reasons, because I guess they're too shy to talk to each other off the battlefield.

I get kind of anxious about missing out on story stuff, so it mostly leads to me playing as the world's dumbest general for the sake of my characters relationships, and then save-scumming when the enemies inevitably kill my troops because of it. I find it to be more tedious than tactically interesting.

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@austin_walker: I think it is just a weird moving target. The main reason I wanted to play Fire Emblem was Roy was my main in Melee. Fire Emblem was difficult in ways Advance Wars and FFTA weren't, more trial and error but with a lot less room for error. I remember spending a lot of time with Rebelstar Tactical Command too, which was my first experience with an X-Com like game. As I got older and worked more I had less time for all RPGs in general, so I moved away from those.

Awakening fixed the difficulty problem I had before, and felt like a good place to try again, but once you took away that it didn't feel right. I don't know if it opens up later (I put about 5 hours in), but the maps/missions just felt repetitive and bland compared to earlier games.

For what it's worth, I'm excited for the Fire Emblem x Persona crossover. That's really weird right?

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The game that always jumps to mind that I should love but could never get into was Alan Wake. I love horror, and love "novelist goes to creepy town and weird shit happens to them" stories, but the gameplay of Alan Wake just never grabbed me, even though the mechanics sounded cool on paper. Runner up is Persona 3 (though I'm still interested in trying Persona 4 Golden).

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I'm not the first person to mention it, but Dishonored was definitely a game that I did not like nearly as much as lots of other people do. Normally I'm really into stealthy games, but Dishonored just had a lot of "little" things about the design of the game, and whatnot that added up and I ended up not really caring for it. Stuff like the fact that you can't unequip that stupid sword from generic-silent-protagonist's right hand, despite that thing being basically useless for anything other than melee attacks, which-

I could go on about the things I don't like about that game, but I won't. Good piece of writing, Austin.

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I'll never not enjoy an aritcle by Austin, especially when he's here to echo my WWE misery.

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Edited By AngeTheDude

So weird. HHH and Sheamus are workout buddies and good pals in real life. You think he'd be happier.

Sorry if you've been over this already on the Powerbombcast, @austin_walker, but do you watch New Japan? I know you're down with Lucha Underground but if you like the "wrestling" part of wrestling and nice, logical booking then NJPW would make you a much happier duder.

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I cannot, for the life of me, get into Bloodborne. It should be directly up my alley but I can never get more than a couple hours in before just turning it off in frustration. Also, as was mentioned above, I have the same problem with New Vegas despite adoring Fallout 3 (and 4, now). I don't know what's wrong with me. Send help. Also possibly a sandwich.

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Metal Gear Solid V. The sneaking is pretty good and very accessible, but the whole game is just boring, easy, half-baked, and underwhelming. I should by all rights love a MGS game on the PC in a beautiful engine that lasts dozens of hours, but the whole game is such a bummer.

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Undertale, planning to go back to it but the way it conveys its systems just does not click with me. its likely ill enjoy it now that I get how it works, but that initial turn off was big.

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You asked a question of us, and though you tried to phrase it two different ways, to me it is two completely different questions. Fortunately, I have an answer for both of them for you.

Can you think of a game that you don't like despite despite being able to recognize that its parts are totally solid?

Dark Souls. The game is generally well put-together. The level design is (mostly) solid, the difficulty curve is great for the first part of the game, though it really tapers off after O&S, and encounters throughout the game are mostly meaningful and test the player in various ways.

Despite all that, I can't say I like the game. The moment-to-moment combat, while functional, feels like a bunch of systems that technically work together but don't really make any sense. The combination of animation priority, lack of any weapon impact in combat, and invincibility frames means that the best way to avoid most enemy attacks is to roll straight into them. On top of that, things like small swords constantly being impeded by environmental geometry, while large weapons just pass right through it is pretty insulting to common sense.

I can recognize that a lot of it is well-designed, but I can't say that I think it's a good game.

Or, said differently: What's a game that you don't like even though on paper you should totally love it?

To me, this is a completely different question. My answer to it is Warhammer 40k: Space Marine. I am a 40k fan from way back. I still have my painted Space Marine army from the '90s, and have bought and enjoyed a good number of 40k (and Warhammer Fantasy) videogames, from Chaos Gate and Dark Omen, to Dawn of War 2.

I wouldn't call it my favorite genre, but I also have some fondness for shooters, and all the pre-release material for Space Marine, and even videos such as the GB quick look all made the game seem like something I would enjoy.

Upon playing it, however, the game is crap. Boring repetitive, unimaginative encounter design, levels that just drag on and on with wave after wave of Space Orks that, beyond a few cute lines of dialog, don't manage to capture the charm of their tabletop counterparts or offer anything even resembling the variability of opposition you might see on your dining-room table. Even worse, it's just orks. There's not even a hint of any of the other 40k factions in the game, leaving it to be nothing but a boring slog of tactics-less grinding through mass after mass of grunts.

What a waste of a license.

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I'm pretty sure I've thought of a better answer to that question relatively recently but I just can't bring it to mind. For now I'll say Divinity Original Sin. Every individual part of that game is something that is normally totally my thing and yet I just can't get into it.

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Syndicate is absolutely that game for me. First person cyberpunk shooter made by the Riddick people? Sign me up! Only the game seemed way more linear an experience than I really wanted in a post DX: Human Revolution world. For whatever reason this game never gelled with me.

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I fell asleep three different times during Survivor Series, although, that's pretty typical of me when I watch a wrestling program that runs for over an hour.

Shadow of Mordor. Okay, maybe "don't like" is too strong, but man, I'm trying to play that game right now and it is just not grabbing me. I purposely put several months of time between it and Arkham Knight because, for me, its never a good idea to play two similar games back to back. I also haven't played an Assassin's Creed game since AC3 at its launch. I either needed more time or Metal Gear Solid V being open world unexpectedly sabotaged Shadow of Mordor. Good game with no problems that, after a mere 5 hours, I'm tempted to drop.

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Don't Starve; love Klei's other games, love survival games, and love the aesthetic but can't get into it.

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Pretty much all of Mario and Zelda. I have nothing bad to say about either franchise, but for whatever reason, I like maybe a handful games between both of their entire catalogs.

  • Wind Waker
  • Super Mario Sunshine
  • the Mario Golf series

And that's about it really. Again, I have nothing bad to say about either franchise. I recognize the vast majority of the games in each are great games, but for whatever reason, none of them besides the few I listed clicked with me.

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The other big one for me is Assassin's Creed and I realized why when my favorite game in that series is still the first one.

I want Assassin's Creed and Hitman to become a single franchise. With the movement and locations of Assassin's Creed and the crowds / people, objectives, tools and discrete levels of a Hitman game.

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Dragon's Dogma is a game I should, on paper, be into, but cannot seem to enjoy for any appreciable length of time.

I mean listen, fantasy roleplaying worlds are my jam, my jelly, and my peanut butter, the game has some pretty snappy combat to it, and I understand the ending is fantastic, but something about it feels just... dead. Like I'm walking around in the corpse of some online game long forgotten to time (which I understand may be a side effect of how the game was originally planned).

I think that aspect, combined with a litany of minor complaints, just makes that game a no-go for me. I've tried to throw myself back into it multiple times, but I never really get there. There are moments in dungeons, or when climbing on the back of giant monsters, when I see the appeal, but... I don't know.

Maybe the sequel will convert me.

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Ooh! I thought of an answer: Super Metroid

I don't even really dislike the game, but as someone who loves both Alien and the open-ended Castlevania games, it seems strange that I'm pretty much just lukewarm on it. Especially since a lot of people put it near the top of their "best games of all time" list.

I guess I just don't really like the setting/atmosphere? It feels very sterile to me and I don't find myself interested in exploring the space the way I am in say, Symphony of the Night.

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Edited By LegalBagel

As someone who watched one wrestling PPV when I was 10 and otherwise had no exposure or interest in it, it has been crazy hearing years of people bemoaning how they keep watching despite it being a generally terrible show in all respects. And that the disappointment seems to carry many flavors. Active hatred, intellectual disappointment and disinterest, professions of continued love combined with tacit admissions of low quality (i.e., Dan).

But otherwise, Twitter and the Internet in general has revealed that a lot of people seem to follow and talk about wrestling on a regular basis for something I did not think was a thing anymore. It's actually amazing how popular it is despite it being a form of entertainment that is largely disdained by popular media.

On your question Austin, the first thing that comes to mind recently is Galak-Z. The action of the game is amazing and challenging, the aesthetic calls to me in a real way, and in general I will go deep into roguelikes for dozens of hours. I was expecting the game to stand alongside Spelunky and Binding of Isaac in terms of games I still play years later and push myself to new challenges or to get better. But a few small design decisions like crash coins or the episode/season structure combined with the lacking run variety to sour me on the whole game pretty quickly.

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I don't like the Souls games despite loving the punishing combat of Monster Hunter and having conquered other steep learning curves like Dota 2.

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Edited By WrathOfGod

I suppose my answer would be Metal Gear Solid 4. But it's complicated. Because 4 was the first Metal Gear I played, and I loved it. It was my favorite game of last generation for a large chunk of time. Even now, on paper, the absurdity of it all, the tying-up of loose ends, the globe spanning trek to fight sounds like exactly what I want from Metal Gear. But as time passed, and as I've been exposed to Thought Influencers such as yourself, Austin, who have led me to consider games (and Actual Things) more seriously than I had been, my opinion on 4 soured. Watching Metal Gear Scanlon 4 sealed its fate to me.

The only memorable environment in the game is exclusively trading on nostalgia. Disappointing compared to MGS3, which for me has bar-none the best environment and atmosphere in the series, but then I've always had a REAL THING for forested areas in video games. See: Kokiri Forest; that tranquil area in Dust: An Elysian Tail; the bioluminescent forest in not-a-game-but-fuck-it Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind that is actually the best environment in all of fiction.

Perhaps the fact that I opened this complaint about a video game with "the environment" says a lot of weird stuff about me. :?

The gameplay shows hints of what I want from a stealth game (and again, what I want from a stealth game is MGS3, because I'm crazy and patient and like tediously fiddling with gear and ammo and camo [I should play Far Cry 2 probably]), but it slowly devolves into a back-half full of setpieces that don't play very well. Turret sequences, that one sequence where you're just playing Mission Impossible for the N64 as Old Snake in Eastern Europe, that Raging Raven fight...ehhhhh? It's fun to play up until roughly the Laughing Octopus fight, though! There was still fertile ground to be ploughed with the gameplay and quasi-faction alliance system of the Middle East section.

The story is...obtuse? Over-ambitious? Strangely plodding for how many twists it ostensibly (!) takes? I dunno. Once more, for my money, the relative simplicity of MGS3's story makes it the best in the series. Same with MGS1's, though it has less emotional weight. And I'm a big marshmallow who loves FEELINGS. So there ya go.

It's strange that the most unhinged of an already stupidly-unhinged series would somehow cross some line for me, some point of "oh just get back to the nebulous CORE of this stupid series already!" exasperation, but 4 totally did, and it's a shame. What was once my favorite game of last gen is now my least favorite game of the Metal Gear series. 2 had many of the same faults, but the gameplay was still rock-solid throughout, and 5 has a few new faults but is bolstered by sheer ambition and malleability. Metal Gear Solid 3 though...that's a looker. Hell of a game. Hell of a series, honestly, regardless of how retroactively disappointing 4 is to me.

Fuck Sheamus.

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Probably the first thing that comes to mind for that second question is Hearthstone. Good production values, engaging progression system, the arena mode, not utter dog shit f2p system (its not good, but at least its not heroes of the storm). The one big weakness is something that cant really be changed, and that's an incompetent balance team, which is so typical of a modern Blizzard. I really liked the game when it was in beta but as narcissistic as it sounds, I dropped it because I could tell the devs weren't up to balancing it well. Pretty much everything I hear about it from friends that play it daily has only reinforced that.

There's a couple of easy answers for the first question; minecraft, fifa, forza, but those are more down to personal taste. I'm honestly so tempted to say MGSV:TPP for this, I can see how its really fantastic on so many different levels, from armpits to ai, but I really wanted to play this like MGS3 where I go silenced tranq only for as long as possible, but because of the way the game is designed I need to fulton everyone so I dont have to worry about them getting up, and then need to call in a supply drop to repair my silencer, which really sucks and interrupts the flow of play. I also think that taking over outposts is a huge missed opportunity, you are capturing these soldiers by the dozen, why couldnt I reach some high (scaled appropriately) requirement and put my own soldiers into the different outposts. For a game that caters to so many different approaches its pretty disappointing that the way you want to do it isnt available.

Might come back to that first question as I'm sure I can have a better answer at some stage

Thanks again for these articles Austin, really get me thinking about the games I've played. I've a bunch of new notes to put in my google doc of games played this year

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Final Fantasy games. Every turn based RPG I've played I've loved yet I hate the idea of them. I never played a Final Fantasy because of it yet I know if I did I would love them.

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Hey Austin, I enjoy reading your commentary on WWE. No seriously, I want more of this. Story-wise, this was a terrible PPV and it deserves to be looked under a microscope.

To answer your question though:
Monster Hunter and its ilke

I cannot wrap my mind around those and lord knows I tried.

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Thanks Austin, great article.

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Edited By BladedEdge

Let see. Games I know are suppose to be good but either could not get into or found I heavily disliked.

Bioshock Infinite.

Last of Us.

Metal Gear Solid 5.

Black Flag

All because to me story trumps everything else. And I found the narrative in each of those games to be poor and or aggravating and or completely predictable and unimpressive.

Yes I know I listed Last of Us, I happen to think giving a story-driven experience a solid 2+ hours, and calling all the major twists in said two hours before they happen+gameplay that didn't grab me at all to =a game I don't care to finish. Especially right after forcing myself to complete the first game on that list, Infinite..cause I thought the story was something I had to experience unspoiled. Turns out I thought it was trash.

Ok those are just games I think are bad or didn't like everyone else seemed to like. There is another class of game I recognize as good but don't enjoy. MGS5's gameplay was really good..if you liked that sorta thing. As someone who was into that series purely for the story, and always set the game play to "easiest possible" because of it..yah. No surprise I am not a fan of the one game in the series that has been 90% story 10% gameplay which flips the script. Blackflag I just..couldn't get into. To much sandbox fatigue I now recognize on reflection.

Ok and then there is the entire Dark Souls/BloodBorne franchise. I'll explain it this way. Witcher 3 is my personal GotY. There is however one fight (maybe two) in that game which I spend a good hour, and about a dozen deaths slowly, very slowly going "ok now I've gotten this section of the fight down..ok now this..ok now I just need to execute all the stuff I've learned correctly". And, excuse me but "Screw that".

I recognize that there are people who view the "Beat my head against a wall until it breaks" ,as I disparagingly reference it , as extremely fun. But for me, it was this massive departure in everything else that game offered/what made it great.

So I realize that what BloodBorne say is trying to do is done very well, and that if you enjoy it its going to be a very good game in your eyes. Personally? I think its an absolute frustration inducing controller snapping waste of my time.

As for games I didn't think I'd like but do...sadly no. I'm old enough and well schooled enough to know what appeals to me. The only thing that might fit are games I didn't know about. Contradiction or Her Story say I thought were great games, but unless I'd seen them mentioned on here I wouldn't have known about them.

Oh and yes SS sucked. and I like this new segment, keep it coming!

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I should love Mass Effect, but Bioware's writers could never make me give two shits about anything that went on in that universe, or in any other Bioware game for that matter.

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Edited By thebiglutovsky

Let me start by adding my voice to the crowd praising the column. It's great to have a thoughtful, informed opinion piece on this site. Quicklooks, Reviews, and all of the live stuff are great and the main reason I subscribed in the first place, but your writing provides a refreshing contrast to all of that.

To your question... No matter how often I try to beat my head against it, The Phantom Pain is that game for me. The gameplay is tight and can be gripping for short spans of time, what I've seen of the story seems appropriately bonkers and anime for the series, and an open world MGS game should be everything I want from this, but the whole just isn't greater than the sum of its parts here.