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Sony Responds to Criticisms of PlayStation Network's 'Welcome Back' Lineup

If you already own all the PS3 and PSP games on the list, you might be a little peeved.

After promising to earn back some goodwill with the community through a little thing called "free stuff," Sony yesterday detailed its "Welcome Back" plan for the return of PlayStation Network. There are some terrific games being made available at no charge, but if you already own all of them, that's a bummer.

The head of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe's communications division, Nick Caplin, actually responded to a fan who expressed their disappointment over this very issue on the PlayStation Blog.

"I’m really sorry tha [sic] there is nothing there that you want," explained Caplin. "We’ve tried really hard to put together a list of high quality BD [Blu-ray disc] games, rather than simply offering cheaper PSN titles. The average metacritic rating for these games is over 84%, so these are high quality games. Unfortunately with a user base of 77m people, it is really hard to offer something for everyone."

If you've already forgotten what games are in the "Welcome Back" package, I've got you covered.

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Edited By sickVisionz

At some point, Sony internally needs to take a stance that people screw off, sell their PS3 and entire game collection and switch to the Wii or 360 is they really feel so hurt.  They've apologized a bunch of times, they've fixed the issue, they'll likely have to pay tons of money in insurance because of this, they're giving away free services and they're giving away free retail games to people.

If someone is still raging and still feels like Sony hasn't been punished enough or isn't doing enough, they'll never feel that Sony is doing enough.  Sony should just chalk that customer up as a loss (although really these customers will be out buying the latest greatest PS3 when it comes out) and keep things moving.
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Edited By Siepher

I'll be picking up Ratchet & Clank: Quest for Booty which is the European offer. I own the rest of the games already, but I'll probably pick inFamous as the second game so I have a digital copy too.

For my PSP Go it will be Killzone and Modnation. The other games I received just by purchasing the PSP Go.

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Edited By MideonNViscera

Aren't those games old as balls with sequels already out/coming out?

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Edited By SeriouslyNow
@benjaebe said:
They offered what they could. They weren't going to make everyone happy anyway. I don't even have a PSP, but I'll be happy with my inFamous and Little Big Planet.
They offered almost nothing.  All of those PS3 games are extremely old and likely have been played by almost every PS3 owner already who wanted to play them.  They didn't try at all.  What a crock.
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Edited By GS_Dan

People are complaining about this offer? I have most of these and I still think it's great.

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Edited By drumpsycho89

WHAAAAAAAA! how do you get thease titles??? from shops or digital download??? INFAMOUS IS A WIN FOR ME!
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Edited By ParadoxGreen

The choices are much better then what I was expecting, I assumed they would give out copies of flow or flower. I can however see the other side of the argument, that the people most effected by the outage would already have these games, A voucher for a free game in a certain price range would have been a better idea.

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Edited By apoloimagod

Screw it. They knew this would happen. Who has a PS3 and doesn't already own LBP and inFamous? Why not offer the upcoming Uncharted 3? Or the more recent Dragon Age 2? They completely knew this would result in less costs for them, and once again they come across as cheap bastards!

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Edited By cartvader
@Punk1984 said:
The people that say we should have just been credited $20 to our wallet miss the fact that Sony can't legally do that across all territories (since PSN uses a cash value system and not make believe points)
That sounds like a strong argument for having some sort of make.believe money points system.  But I do have to say it is a good thing that they did not do that since there was still a flaw in their password reset web page and i'm sure if accounts got you $20 or equivalent points more accounts would have been hi-jacked to get the freebies.
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Edited By bko
@apoloimagod said:
Screw it. They knew this would happen. Who has a PS3 and doesn't already own LBP and inFamous? Why not offer the upcoming Uncharted 3? Or the more recent Dragon Age 2? They completely knew this would result in less costs for them, and once again they come across as cheap bastards!
 Yeah, they should give away another studio's game or one of their biggest holiday 2011 releases. Sorry Naughty Dog, no paychecks for you! Apoloimagod was inconvenienced for 3 whole weeks so he gets your game for free.

Sony isn't the one coming off as greedy here. You are.
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Edited By bko
@GS_Dan said:
People are complaining about this offer? I have most of these and I still think it's great.
Of course they are. 90 percent of Giant Bomb's community consists of Olympic-grade whiners who do nothing but feel sorry for themselves.
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omg wipeout.....i think im gonna just get one

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Edited By Semantix
@Zippedbinders said:

I'm of the opinion that if you actually own every one of the games they're offering, your disposable income is large enough that getting free shit shouldn't be an issue.

 That's a bit of a stretch. Everything on that list apart from Dead Nation is one of the console's more popular titles. I could easily see how someone on a budget had worked through all those games through trades or just through saving up. I afford to game due to managing my money well enough to treat myself to something new now and again and saving more money by buying stuff a little while after its release and pre-owned. Not that I'm condoning anyone spitting their pacifier out over having all five games, that's as childish as generalising that people with 4-5 specific games are all well off.  
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Edited By Ben99

Ha ! ps store . Can't remember the last time I checked in . Even if they offer the most epic SP game I know I won't download it . I bought ps3 mainly for the MP . 

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Edited By Captainlunchbox
@dbz1995 said:
@Doobie_Wop said:
The gamer entitlement mindset is disgusting and I'm losing respect for the social aspect of this hobby every single day

Here it is:
- Sony can't offer Third Party titles because then they would have to compensate that publisher for every title given away, if 40 million people download Outlander, then Sony have to compensate for that 40 million. It'd also take much longer to set up, get contracts signed and make sure everything's running and I'm sure they wanted the 'Welcome Back' package done as fast as possible.

- Sony can't give you credit, if they did then people could take advantage of the system and use their multiple accounts to multiply their rewards, that costs Sony money. It'd also involve Sony specifically noting what game a user is buying and then paying that publisher, if there are 15 publishers to pay, then that's just a headache and it'd end up taking way too much time. It brings up a whole bunch of cross transaction and communications issues and it'd cost them a large sum of money.

- Sony can't give you a wider selection of First Party games, for every game they add, they'd have to figure out any licensing issues, any regional issues, file sizes (not everyone has the bandwidth to download a 15 gig file, Infamous is the largest at 6.9), censorship ratings and probably many other things. A perfect example would be Germany not being able to get Infamous and that's because of their rating system. Sony don't have the time or the resources to waste, especially if they want this package out the door and ready for the store launch.

Two free retail PS3 games, two free retail PSP games, one month of PS+ (two for members), 100+ pieces of free content in Home, a weekend of free selected movie rentals and a years worth of free Identity Theft monitoring. They are giving everyone all this free stuff and people are still bitching, it's the most content filled compensation package in the history of gaming and all that happened was that their free service was down for three weeks and your Facebook info got out.

On top of all that, the games they are giving out are bloody Game of the Year Winners and contenders. If you have them, then fine, too bad for you, but Infamous only sold 2 million units, LBP sold like 4.5 and I'm sure the others are less than that, which means that the other 40 million people that use the service and don't have those games are going to be ecstatic. 

Sony work within boundaries, they can't do whatever they want, not even give out free stuff, so people need to sit back and maybe come to the realisation that the world outside of their computer screen has different guidelines to follow. 

I'm willing to bet that even if Sony came out and said that everything on the store was free for a week, people will still come in complaining that a week isn't long enough to download all the stuff they want.


Note: I swear if any podcasts rag on Sony for this, I'm going to be pissed, they all thought one free PSN game would be enough, but I'm willing to bet they'll find some sort of issue with the package, even if it did exceed everyone's original expectations. This isn't about Sony, this is about gamers weird entitlement issues, happens with nearly every PC game that gets released, new directions franchises are taking, DLC and just about everything else filling up the Neogaf forums.

Could I quote this to get it on more pages, since it is an excellent comment? And can I also invite you to places like Eventhubs where you can make sense of more things? Thank you. Can we give Sony a break? They've done their hardest to fix an admittedly stupid and probably inevitable mistake, and whilst we sit on the boulder they're carrying on our chairs we throw rocks at them, complaining how the chairs aren't comfortable enough.
I wouldn't mind seeing some sources of this information.
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Edited By moxy29

I'm forced into a corner really as I own 3 of the 5 titles on offer. I would've preferred some kind of voucher to spend as I see fit on the PSN store. But then I can see the difficulty of offering other people's games for free or at a discount. They all had to be home-grown Sony titles. Who knows, I may actually enjoy a Rachet and Clank game....maybe... 

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Edited By shodan2020
@mazik765 said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't XBox Live go down for a few hours a few years ago and we got a free XBLA game for it? I think for like 3 or 4 weeks of outage and compromised information Sony should probably step it up....
Yeah, and it was a game I had purchased ages ago.. on both free game counts too. I would have preferred a free 800 points too, but I really stopped caring all that much because LIVE WAS BACK! :)
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Edited By chrissedoff
@Koolaids_Back said:
Wow come on people seriously? The fact that they are repaying you at all is crazy!
Isn't PSN free anyway?
(For those that do pay for PSN + or whatever I think you should just get compensation for days missed , anything more sounds selfish.)
These are great games too.
If you own them already then you should have been playing them while PSN was down.
Ever heard of one-player?
Any complaints over FREE stuff doesn't even matter.
psn cost me $299
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At least Caplin responded to the person. Most people would have just deleted the message and moved on. I always liked the way Caplin did stuff.

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Edited By Klei

Why the bitching, seriously? You'd rather them offer random cheap PSN games? They offer full PS3 games, and good ones! Sigh, people won't ever be content.
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Edited By Amatsu

Some of you commenting are the biggest fucking jerk-offs I've ever seen in my life and it's society's misfortune that you ever stumbled your caveman frame over to a keyboard.

Fuck your mother, I'm out.

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Edited By LordAndrew

"They have a high Metacritic rating, so whatever."

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Edited By Rekt_Hed
Yeah sure it sucks if uve already got all of them but thats the way it goes.  TBH I thought their selection was pretty decent and like Chaplin stated it would have been easy to go the psn only route.

At this point I think some peoples view of entitlement is stepping way outa line.  The old saying goes 'if youve give someone a inch they will take a mile' as soon as free games are talked about people expect to be getting Infamous 2 or LA noire.

They didnt have to be doing any of this so stop your bitching.
Even if you got all the games your getting PP for 30 days (or 60 if uve already got PP) so ull get new games anyways and discounts on stuff you havent.
If you dont want PP then PSN is back up so you can play the games you already love online.
And if that doesnt do anything for you then stop fuckin complaining and go and take any game you want out of your local retailer you fuckin pirate. GOD.

After PSN has been down and back up some PS3 users are expecting Sony to ship games directly to them free once a week for the rest of there life because of what happened and its crazy.
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Edited By Atrithau

They could've made Infamous 2 free. 

Bet you that was a game those 77 million people didn't have.
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Edited By Mihos

The entitlement problems with the world these days are insane.  I would be glad if people who are honestly pissed off about this would just not play on PSN.  I think the network would be better off without them.
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Edited By agentboolen

Kind of looks like there offering off all there old games.  I guess some fans were expecting Kill Zone 3 or something new.

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Daveyo520:  No, people are not "so ungrateful"... Sony is again creating another PR nightmare (something they happen to be very good at).  And no, I am not a Nintendo or Xbox fanboy.  I happen to really like the PS3 (except for the fact that my first one got YLOD and now I can't play PS2 games on it).  I own all 3 consoles and to be honest I prefer my PS3 over the others which is why I happen to be pretty peeved that Sony is only offering games that I already own. 

They are basically punishing their best customers by offering older games with a high rating.  There are many people that own all of these games for the very reason that the " average metacritic rating for these games is over 84%."

So yes, instead they should be offering either a PSN code with a value equal to the average of 2 of those games, or how about offering content that has not yet been released?  That way nobody gets left hanging. 
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Edited By sopranosfan

I thought overall it was a pretty good deal  getting at least $30 of free stuff for a month without PSN that I didn't pay for to begin with.  But I do own a 360 as well so it didn't affect me too badly.