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Giant Bomb News


The Best StarCraft II Tandem Move So Far

Vortex plus nuke equals one whole army erased from the map.

I've never been particularly good at multiplayer real-time strategy games, nor have I played the original StarCraft since last century. Regardless, I'm thinking way too much about StarCraft II these days, from watching pro-game YouTube replays, to learning terms like "timing push" and "eight pool," to getting myself stomped into the ground repeatedly on the 1v1 ladder (busted down to copper tier since the database reset, ouch). 
But nowhere in all my games played, matches spectated, and strategies researched have I seen something this singularly embarrassing, hilarious, and awesome.  


If you're not up on your StarCraft II, the Protoss player's mothership traps most of the entire opposing army with its vortex move, which apparently has a duration just about as long as the Terran ghost's nuke calldown. Units pop out of the vortex, nuke comes down... goodbye opposing army. Whether this was staged or not, the timing and the visual effect are pretty impressive.
Up to now, I've spent almost no time playing matches with a teammate, but seeing stuff like this sure makes me want to start. Hey... anybody down for some 2v2? 
Anybody else who's in the beta, what kind of ridiculous strategies have you been seeing? What's your favorite faction so far? Tell me about your build orders. Your counters. Discus amongst yourselves. C'mon, feed my need.
Brad Shoemaker on Google+