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Giant Bomb News


The PAX Prime Panel Plan

If you're heading to Seattle this weekend and want to know where you can find us, then I HAVE GOT A POST FOR YOU.

Time is weird. I sort of feel like PAX East just happened. I flew into Boston directly from an event in Rome, so I was already jetlagged all to hell and the entire show felt like some kind of weird blur of loud noises. At some point I sang a song by The Main Drag in front of a room full of people, a move that I, at least, found hilarious. Again, I hadn't slept too much.

We also put on a big ol' panel where we... did what we do. We talked into microphones. Here, relive the Boston glory right here:

A scene from PAX Prime 2011.
A scene from PAX Prime 2011.

Tomorrow we're heading up to Seattle to put on another panel! It's going to be in the PEGASUS THEATRE on FRIDAY at 9:00PM! You should be there! We'll be there! Ryan has a dumb/great idea or two planned! Brad Shoemaker will be there! Vinny "Bust Downs" Caravella will be IN THE BUILDING! Drew Scanlon! It'll be fun.

But that's not all?

I will be appearing on a panel on SATURDAY at 3PM in the SERPENT theatre. It's titled "Stuff Your Criticism, I Want A Review! Part Two." I didn't see the first installment, but I'm hoping that this is the dark middle chapter in the I Want A Review! trilogy.

Patrick will show up on FRIDAY at 11:30AM in the KRAKEN theatre on a panel where Community Managers and PR people are going to bring it with the hands and get into a big fist-fight. My money's on Wes Phillips, but Jeff Green fights dirty so it's sort of a toss-up.

Ryan is crashing the Cards Against Humanity panel on SATURDAY at 9:30PM in UNICORN. Be sure to show up in your utilikilt and claim to know everything about Chicago pizza, Max Temkin loves that.

We will, of course, also be running around the show to see stuff and generally hang around, so if for some reason you can't make it to our panel (you should make it to our panel), we'll be around! Say hi! See you there!

Jeff Gerstmann on Google+